Archiving unwanted group clothing made by others

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to delete unwanted group items, such as t-shirts posted by group moderators that you don’t like.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to find and improve some more high-quality shirts on Roblox that I posted. It is hard to find a certain shirt you want to edit if there are a lot of other shirts with similar names that you don’t need. I think this feature would help players find the shirts they want to edit and be able to post higher quality shirts quicker, please make a way to archive old shirts even if you didn’t make them.


This bug makes it so group owners can’t delete other people’s group shirt, this gets to be very annoying, this bug was always there for me and I could never delete group shirts if I didn’t want them there.

I am trying to delete the shirt from the configure shirt tab, I can’t delete anything or put it offsale/change prices even though I own the group. I can change the name and description and open and close comments, but I can’t do anything such as putting the shirt offsale. I can only do that for things made by me, even though I own the group and should be able to at least put these items offsale.

To reproduce this bug you must have a group, give an alt access to creating shirts, have them make a t-shirt with anything on it, now try putting this shirt offsale on the group owner account.

This has been happening for a long time and I really want this to get fixed sometime soon.

Related topic: Archiving unwanted group clothing made by others