Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development


I was thinking of maybe making my own custom plugin for handling projects linked with github repositories and it’d use argon to connect to ports and such.

Again, that’s just my example of doing it. It might be used for other cases as well.

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This seems to happen even when you press the play button in studio, and by that explanation I assume you mean when you playtest through the “Debug” option in Argon’s VSCode menu?

Seems to only happen at random as you can see

Oh I completely misunderstood you. In this case it’s definitely a bug which I’m going to fix in the next update.

With old Argon, I remember only code mode still syncing folders, albeit with no other instances synced unless they have code, if it doesn’t lag too much or is a problem in another way, could this be added or is there a better way to get good autocomplete

I’m not sure what you mean because with only code mode enabled Argon will only sync scripts and instances that contain child scripts.

Do you have Luau LSP Roblox plugin installed?

I just tested things up and it appears to be Roblox Studio bug that affects all plugins:

This issue has already been reported here.

Switched from syncing the whole place to only code mode, previous question is irrelevant- also, even with the companion studio plugin Luau LSP seems to still… lack…?

I think this has to do with the faster play solo feature, though I’m not quite sure.

I did however find a quick fix, disable loading user plugins during test mode:

FileStudio Settings...Load User Plugins in Test Mode


Could you send some examples? I have no problems with LSP.

I have an example; when requiring from a module script in visual studio, normally everything is fine and I get good type safety and intellisense;

However, when requiring from a module that has children, the format is ruined as the actual script is a .src.lua:

I don’t know if this is a fix that you’d be able to do in Argon though, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

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Thanks! Just to be 100% sure, do you run Argon with Generate sourcemap option enabled?

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Yes, I do :slight_smile: (extra characters needed)

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Okay, that’s weird then. Could you send me your sourcemap.json file so that I can see what’s wrong with it?

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It turns out that @skillednames was using Roblox LSP so that’s why the .src files weren’t working. Please verify that as well.


Luau LSP: autofill?
Screenshot 2024-05-19 093111
Roblox LSP: autofill seems to suggest words, and suggests stuff using the object icon after I’ve done it once
Screenshot 2024-05-19 093138
Side note, what’s the purpose of the Luau LSP Studio plugin in terms of functionality anyway? Roblox LSP also has one that I’ve never used-

Luau LSP:

(context: variable targetStatusBar is a string passed from a function, status table is table with more tables in it)
Roblox LSP:

Also, I don’t really use metatables that much and performance doesn’t seem to affect much with both, though by approximately how much is it faster since it’d be good to know if Roblox LSP ever slows down?

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It shows you literally every instance that is present in the game.

There are no specific numbers but the fact that Roblox LSP is written in Lua and Luau LSP is written in C++ should be enough. It also uses significantly less memory and does not cache the workspace, which is good. Additionally, on Apple silicon Macs the experience is terrible (see this issue).

Another extremely big flaw of Roblox LSP is that it is no longer maintained. It completely lacks buffer library, some bit32 functions and it has no support for the floor division operator (//). The list of missing or broken features is way longer, just see the issues page.


How did I not notice the studio plugin giving all that instance information, and so that was why my M1 laptop was performing really bad…
I’ve switched, just want to know about Roblox LSP having better(?) autofill

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What Node.js version exactly has support for Argon then as I am experiencing the same issue.



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AFAIK, Argon no longer uses node or npm since it has switched over to the Rust programming language in v2.

This might probably be the fix to your problem

Also hey, this is the 800th reply!

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I’ve been having trouble trying to sync from an existing game and was wondering if it’s intentionally calling Http Bad Request for my game with a lot of modules. How much is considered a large place file in Argon?

Here’s a video of the bad request occurring.

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