Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Oh that makes sense now. It won’t sync changes from the new window because Argon uses VSC’s file system to listen for file changes, which listens for changes only from window where Argon was started. In the next update I will port existing code to node.js’ file system which listens for every file change.

This is weird. Hopefully this issue will be gone once I port current file system to node.js.

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So far I still experience this issue.

Also, I would recommend renaming Argon > Run to Argon > Start, because I often accidentially run studio instead of starting Argon.

Unfortunately using node.js’ file system isn’t an option as it’s lacking some of the important features. Thus fixing this issue requires using some external library which basically means that I’d have to rewrite large piece of code.

I decided that I won’t fix this issue as it’s very niche. Only solution for that will be using Argon CLI that I will release some day.

I’m not sure what do you mean bc Run Argon is completely different from Launch Roblox Studio.

Hi, I installed Argon in Visual Studio Code on my mac, but when I try to run it, it gives me this error.

In the Runtime Status, it says the extension is not activated yet.

I tried to re-install it without success. Rojo/other extensions work fine on Visual Studio Code.

Are you running Argon on a restricted VSCode window?

Edit: Just noticed that the commands won’t even show up in restricted mode.

Tried reproducing your issue, but failed. Maybe send a video?

Unfortunately Argon is currently Windows only. I will work on macOS support in the next month once I get hands on my new macbook.

Alright, that explains it. Looking forward to that update! :wink:

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To this day, still, no bugs at all. And yes, the picture below is not inspected.

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A huge problem I found: does not sync two or more scripts or parts with the same name. Its often very easy to have many parts named Part in the same directory, or not so often many scripts named Script in the same directory. Argon only synced one of them.

Im using old VS Version please make support Argon to VS version 1.70.3

Unfortunately I have bad news for you. It’s not something I can fix.

That’s simply because you can’t have multiple files or folders with the same name regardless if you are on Windows macOS or Linux.

Sure, I will change that in the next update.

For now to make Argon work with VSC 1.70 or higher do this:

  1. If you are on Windows go to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\dervex.argon-1.1.0\package.json.

  2. Change this:

	"engines": {
		"vscode": "^1.74.0"
  1. To this:
	"engines": {
		"vscode": "^1.70.0"

According to Dervex, it’s not something he can fix, neither can VSCode developers. You can’t create folders or files with the same name under the same directory on any computer.

Is creating some kind of code for duplicating names such as Part Part%2 Part%3 or something like that a good way to fix that. So when porting to Roblox it would spawn 3 instances with name Part. Idk just an idea.

Yep, that’s actually pretty good idea!

I will add this feature in the next major update.

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How would that work with porting back to Roblox-

Anyways, I’ve an idea. Not much, but it’s just for fun. Show how much you’ve developed using Argon? At least you can see how long you’ve been developing using this plugin. Again, just an idea.

It would simply remove “%” suffix. from the instance name.

How do I port my game That was already made in Roblox Studio To VSC with Argon?
I followed this. and it doesn’t seem to do anything? When i click the button

Okay Well I fixed it by setting Class Filtering In the Studio plugin to ignore

This plugin looks really useful! If you could get around to making a MacOS version, that would be awesome!