Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Yep, macOS version will be available in the next month as I got my new MacBook like 2 days ago and also I don’t have much time recently.


Argon has been pretty glitchy for me for the past few days. It sometimes saves the files, sometimes doesn’t. I’ve to delete my scripts from roblox studio and port it back to get the changes on studio (sometimes). Argon doesn’t detect any code changing inside of a wally package.

If this is related to two-way sync it’s possible bc two-way sync doesn’t work great with custom paths. I will fix that once I release macOS update (probably next week).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

It’s alright. I don’t really mind. It still works, just a little disturbing.

So how exactly do I connect to multiple separate studio sessions at a time?

I tried changing the port in extensions settings and it changed it for both vs code instances.

But what exactly are you trying to do?

If you are trying to connect multiple clients (Roblox Studios) to one server (VSC), that’s not possible. I made it work that way to avoid confusion but if you need that functionality I can add this as a special option.

If you are trying to connect multiple clients to multiple servers just change every server’s port inside vsc workspace settings.

Still think that would not work on the VSCode-sided in a normal way. You might need to create a new profile for VSCode for it to work and change the plugin’s port to something else.

If he is trying to connect multiple clients to multiple servers, method I provided works perfectly fine and this is the fastest and most convenient way to go.

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multiple clients to multiple servers. Wasn’t aware there was separate workspace settings. Thanks!

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Is Argon doing good? I literally have to delete my stuff from roblox studio and then port them back to sync the changes. (I have all the settings in the plugin turned off).

Yeah, everything works fine, I’m literally using Argon rn (working on macOS update). Please make sure that you are running latest version of both plugin and extension.

Argon 1.2.0 - macOS, two-way sync & more update!


  • Added full support for macOS
  • Added support for multiple instances with the same name inside the same directory
  • Fixed custom dirs behavior when using root path
  • Fixed instance attributes not being removed
  • Fixed and improved two-way sync

Important note for every macOS user!

You will be prompted to allow Visual Studio Code to execute terminal commands and manage your computer’s input. It is required to make certain Argon features work properly (snippet execution, starting playtest directly from VSC and open in editor function).

macOS support:

Duplicated instances support:

Improved two-way sync:

@NotFaykingBtw, @rick2809, @OneEDM sorry you had to wait so long for this update but here you go, macOS support is finally here!


And that’s what I call Argonic, amazing job on this!


Thank you! I’ll check this out when I get home!

Well did you at least try Argon? Because if not isn’t giving such opinion based only on 2 random screenshots unfair?

The only way to remove buttons from the current UI is to literally remove Argon features.



(post deleted by author)

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There is no way that declarative UI will have better code. That’s because creating every UI object from scratch with code will be already more complex. I know that Roact exists, but I don’t like it and I don’t want to use it for such a simple UI. Another thing is that declarative UI has nothing to do with UI responsiveness.

In many cases I use if and elseif statements to resemble switch, case style.

Yeah, I know but that’s how some of the Rojo’s modules look.

Well if this is how you see this, that’s okay. But I think that it is just a regular reply. I won’t be silent while I disagree with you.

I really don’t understand you. I’m open to feedback from everybody. Literally 99% of the bugs I fixed were found by others and half of the features are user suggestions. Just look at this changelog where everyone is credited.

I’m aware of this and maybe that is why I’m replying to everyone.

Actually I think it is. It provides all of the features that Rojo does, in addition to lots of other useful features. If you think that Argon is that bad simply don’t use it. I already said that multiple times Argon is an alternative for Rojo not its replacement!


@Dervex made this plugin taking his time and yes, I would say that it isn’t 100% efficient in all cases, but it works. There are people who just don’t care about efficiency but only want stuff to work, where there are other people who want a perfect plugin that has absolutely no issues. It’s not possible. The developer would just have to keep the plugin up to date to reduce the number of bugs and glitches coming up, but you can’t remove all bugs.

@iGottic, I am going to agree with you that Rojo has a few features that Argon doesn’t, but Argon also has features that Rojo doesn’t, in fact, very useful features. The developer is trying to make this plugin better than before [every update]. Everybody has the rights to give opinions to something, but it isn’t right to create rude statements towards a person who’s at least trying.

You just can’t judge a developer without taking a look at his past works.

Now, let’s please end this “argument” here. Thank you.


Could you give an example of such a feature?


  • Better two-way sync
  • snippet, code executor
  • built-in porting tools
  • option to start playtest in any mode directly from VSC (works as a VSC debugger)
  • option to autolaunch Roblox Studio
  • WORKING open externally option
  • integrated file icon theme
  • more filtering options
  • and in general more automated