Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

seems like a good tool!
by the way, does this support RunContext?

i would use react-lua instead, I don’t think Roact is maintained


I would like to ask about Argon’s open source status, is it possible to fork and continue development on this project, since I absolutely love it and it’s been my daily driver for anything ROBLOX related.

Absolutely love the work you’ve done, thank you!


Of course, here is the repo, though I don’t recommend working on this obsolete code as in the following months I’m going to release complete rewrite of this plugin.


So one thing I was thinking, when you use argon in a place it should create a configuration file somewhere, maybe storage, called argonconfig or something. This way we can save the port that place is connecting to and some other things, as it’s annoying to have to change the port each time.

I have a problem with it. When i start it and code it syncs perfectly but after i went into play mode a few times it disconnects and tells me that the number of requests exceed limit

Late reply, but this is not a very good mindset to have. You can make good/intuitive/responsive UI with templates too; same as you can make horrible/unintuitive/unresponsive UI with declarative.

The way you make things doesn’t (and shouldn’t!) matter, since most end users won’t care how it’s built.

UI frameworks also add an unnecessary learning curve and complexity, they take quite the time to learn and often cause more issues than they solve.


Hello everyone,

I just faced an issue with the Argon plugin for Visual Studio Code. It was not able to connect to Roblox Studio anymore. I received the following error message:

Argon: You are using unsupported VSC version, some of the features may not work!

Environment Details:

  • VS Code Version: 1.82
  • Argon Plugin Version: 1.2.5


I managed to resolve the issue by rolling back my version of VS Code from 1.82 to 1.81.1.


thx i was thinking why it was occuring

i have a similar error atm, version 1.82.0 x64


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@Dervex needs to see this and fix it

though everyone have been getting the issue

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First of all, you shouldn’t pirate Windows. Second of all, the error wants you to revert the version.

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Thanks for the feedback from everyone! I’m working on the fixes for all of these issues so you can expect the update this week. Please remember this is going to be final version of Argon - 1.3.

But don’t worry I started working on Argon 2 as promised completely rewritten in Rust!


Will Argon 2 be the next update or will it be in another update?

I love this, this is made coding on Roblox so much nicer. I did have to downgrade VS code to 1.81 for the extension to work though.

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No, right now I’m working on Argon 1.3. Version 2 will be released probably in November or December.



Hey so I recently switched to Roblox-TS and had to use Rojo instead, in particular because with Rojo when I CTRL + S the /src, and it compiles into /out, I had to manually press the sync into game button. Would be neat if there is a way to make it behave like Rojo where CTRL + S syncs regardless

Not activating windows is pirating now? Weird.

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Argon 1.3.0


  • Updated C++ codebase to work with Electron 25.8.0 (fixes annoying popup for Windows users and brings back debugging capabilities)

  • Merged changes by @Oetzi_CS in #13 (fixes errors when porting place from VSC to Roblox)

  • Improved Roblox-specific type casting


Yeah Roblox-TS is going to be supported in Argon 2 for sure as I started to use it recently!

With the release of second version I plan to make Argon attractive for advanced users as well. So it’s going to support literally every library that works with Rojo. I will also make use of file configs with even more customizability than Rojo. I also plan to add things such as built-in lua minifier that you will be able to use in release version of the game. And finally you will be able to use Argon with any editor as it’s new core is CLI.

In other words Argon 2 will be Rojo’s competitor, but all these “pro” features will be completely optional so intermediate users will still find Argon very easy.


omg omg omg omg this is insane brooo thx

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