Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Awesome! This is great news and I am glad to hear that Roblox-TS will be officially supported. It’s truly a gamechanger and while Rojo has been useful I am tired of people acting like it is the best of the best and can’t be improved on anymore, lol.

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It seems like a pretty amazing future for the plugin! I’ve been using rojo for the past few days until the problem got fixed. Glad it’s working now.

Q: Will there be a feature in Argon 2 like the rojo build command in rojo where the command builds the roblox place file?

Please upgrade these icons to the new Roblox Studio icons (if vanilla is not possible) :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I don’t think it’s possible, please check out my reply to an issue you contributed to on GitHub.

I will do my best to implement this feature too!

I’ve a checked a bit on how it’s done. Unfortunately, there’s no simple way of doing it other than using computer language, bytes and stuff. It does look like the only way of doing it. Obviously, good luck on it though!

Well there is already a Rust library for that.

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rbx-dom huh? Cheeky-

Well, that’s pretty good. Just to implement the things right? Gl on that then!

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I’m curious…

If you’re already planning on implementing a CLI in Rust, maintaining compatibility with Rojo projects, and using rbx-dom (which represents about 60% of the code written for Rojo), why not just contribute to Rojo instead? Rojo is in need of talented and passionate contributors, and we’re very interested in making Rojo more approachable to new users as well as supporting more advanced use cases.

Well, there is still too many things I want to do differently to contribute to Rojo.

I still prefer Argon’s project structure so compatibility with Rojo projects will be optional as it is now.

The only thing I actually need is “Rust table to .rbxl compiler”. So if I it actually requries me to use 60% of the Rojo’s codebase, obviously I’m not going to use that and maybe I will write my own compiler. I haven’t dig into rbx-dom source code yet so I don’t promise anything.

Also keep in mind that this feature is not a high priority, so definitely it won’t be available with the initial release of Argon 2.

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I still prefer Argon’s project structure so compatibility with Rojo projects will be optional as it is now.

Compat is not quite “optional.” Argon either is compatible, or else it isn’t - half measures don’t work here!

The only thing I actually need is “Rust table to .rbxl compiler” […] obviously I’m not going to use that and maybe I will write my own compiler

Yes, this is what rbx-dom provides. When I say “60% of the code written for Rojo,” I mean that rbx-dom, as a library, makes up a significant part of the effort put into Rojo. Taking it on as a dependency doesn’t mean that you’ll inherit everything about Rojo’s codebase - it only means you’ll save yourself a whole lot of difficulty in correctly dealing with Roblox’s formats. This is a Good Thing! You shouldn’t take this as a slight, or feel like you need to implement your own. There is strength in numbers, and our work is done better together.

I am encouraging you to reflect on whether the duplication of effort is worth it. If you don’t like certain things about Rojo, then I’d love to hear exactly what, and perhaps we can come up with some ways to make it better, or at least improve the compatibility story. I’m very worried about a split ecosystem, where some are using Argon, some Lync, some Luau File Sync [?], and some Rojo… all mutually incompatible with each other, various tools supporting some but not others, with users getting the short end of the stick.

What’s that about standards, again? :smile:

Basically suggesting something like the SI unit system, right? A universal unit system. Of course, that helps; but it doesn’t reduce much “complexity” from rojo, does it?

By complexity, I mean one of the many factors that normal developers do not understand clearly. Again, rojo updates like every once in a while making it harder for developers to continue to work on their game with on-going bugs. Of course, people can download the repo whenever the bug is fixed in a commit, but I’m not the one here to talk.

Though, I do like the idea of just 1 extension making it easier for people!

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Very good plugin, but “Port To Roblox” is broken so it doesn’t port anything. I can’t use Wally because of this.

Ily for making this, it’s a much better plugin compared to Rojo. Just lacks things like TypeScript support, etc. that you are currently working on. I’m also wondering if it can generate a sourcemap.json file as my current Luau LSP extension keeps asking me for it

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Argon 2’s project structure is superior IMO. I’ve been working with a small team and using a GitHub repository with actions that run fetch and sync between the repository and ROBLOX whenever anyone connects to Argon so it’s been incredible in boosting our productivity and making sure that version control is airtight.

I’m wondering about Typescript integration and how that will work with it since we originally ditched it because it seemed tedious to make our entire codebase backwards-compatible initially, since there seemed to be no native way to auto-translate it in rbx-ts.

Curious to hear more especially regarding release date.


It’s true that Argon 2’s project structure is much more secured since it uses the rust programming language. But as for the rbx-ts, I think the only way Argon might have that language translation feature is only if they copy-paste from rbx-dom (I’m pretty sure it’s situated in here). But other than that, I think pretty much other than that, the extension’s good to go!

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Hey, so just few things:

  • Yes roblox-ts will be supported in Argon 2.
  • I just updated main post with the new repo and logo.
  • Argon has now it’s own separate organization: Argon · GitHub

Hi, I’m really liking this as part of my workflow so far.

Does/will Argon support Tags, currently when I use the “Port to VS Code” all my objects lose there “Tags” properties.

Am I missing something?


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Finally I will be able to work in peace. This is nuts. Amazing stuff, amazing logo, amazing everything for this project!

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Any news about Argon 2, @Dervex?

As you can see, I’m actively working on it.