Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

I’m pretty sure it’s both. Performance-wise, 100% rust. But for extended-features, rust provides a lot of by-default crates and there are crates made by developers too. Another big reason, is probably because of argon now being supported on cli. For cli, rust is a huge upgrade!

Well, here is why:

  • Way better performance, in some cases comparable to C even tho Rust is memory safe
  • More robust, easy to scale and maintain codebase
  • Integration with LPGhatguy’s rbx-dom, which allows you to interact with Roblox binaries and XML files (.rbxm .rbxmx .rbxl, .rbxlx)
  • Good cross-platform compatibility
  • Easy to integrate with any text editor as its now standalone executable
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Do you have a timeline on when this will be completed and released?

I already asked him here. Hopefully we get it this month.

Thank you man It helps me a lot

Hey i try to use scripts with chidlren using .source.lua or .source.luau with a folder, but why on roblox studio it doesn’t become script with children

I’m having this weird issue I’ve never had before. So, I’ve got these ModuleScripts set up in a hierarchy. But every time I try to save my changes in VS Code, they just don’t show up in Studio. And to top it off, I keep getting this warning:

Here’s how my ModuleScript setup looks; the ones under ‘Offsets’ stay the same no matter what changes I make in VS Code.


AFAIK, argon-legacy did fix this problem and it shouldn’t be happening. The fhU stands for file handler update function, not being able to apply the props.

Since your object is nil, can you try porting to roblox and then try updating?

It turns out it’s because both the Folder and ModuleScript shared the same name. Each time I exported them from Studio to VS Code, the original name does appear, but with a bunch of gibberish at the end of it.
I’m not really sure why this is happening to me at all, since Argon always worked with different instance types with the same name without any issues.

The issue isn’t on the machine-end, rather on the roblox end. The roblox plugin (AFAIK) does not do a very good job in checking instance types and data names at the same time. I might be wrong but I remember coming across this issue a while back.

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From the first looks of Argon CLI, I’m loving it so far! Haven’t tested it yet, but hoping it will be amazing! Thanks a lot @Dervex!



Haven’t had the time to test out the syncing but, the plugin wasn’t updated? Or is there a local plugin command because I can’t find it.

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You can get it from here:

Actually I will be implementing plugin subcommand today.

I will update plugin once I release Argon officially, which will happen probably in ~1-2 weeks because I still have to add some basic tests and write website.

Also I would love to continue talk about Argon 2 here:

(For anyone with GitHub)


Hello everyone!

Argon 2 official release is closer and closer!

CLI and Roblox plugin are mostly ready! Right now I’m finishing up Visual Studio Code extension and writing docs.

I’am here to show you cool new stuff! is live!

At least the front page :stuck_out_tongue:

New VS Code extension menu:


Brand new CLI:

Get the latest pre-release here

New Roblox Studio plugin:

Get the latest pre-release here

Check out argon-rbx organization on GitHub to explore more news


This is… incredible! Love the new wiki page and all! It took a while but it was really worth waiting! Congratulations!

[yeah, i remember I have my advanced project post too, gotta update that :]

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Just a question, are the sync/port buttons coming to Argon 2? I don’t like to setup every single directory myself and It’s the only reason I use Argon at all.

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No… but yes?

See, Argon 2 works way different under the hood compared to the legacy version. On every initial connect all the changes are synced from the local filesystem to make sure that everything is always the same and up to date.

However, you will be able to select the initial sync priority, Server or Client:

  • Server - all changes made in Roblox Studio will be overwritten by changes made locally (Upon manual approval)
  • Client - all changes made locally will be overwritten by changes from Roblox Studio (Upon manual approval)

So yeah. The setup will still be as easy as before but will be controlled differently.


What makes this better than Rojo? as far as I know nothing is different

  • studio command
  • exec command
  • debug command
  • Customizable in every way possible (via global config and command flags)
  • Automatic installer and updater
  • More performant than Rojo on macOS
  • Built-in support for roblox-ts and wally
  • Custom project templates
  • Support for automated formatting and linting
  • Better two-way sync (WIP)
  • Uses more modern libraries
  • Cleaner meta files
  • More feature rich VS Code extension
  • Still easier than Rojo for beginners

and many many more!


Can you add an option that changes what .source.lua files should be called? Since Roblox LSP only supports init.lua files for packages that have more than one module.