So does this mean there could be a “argon -p [studio/local]” command? -p means port. I feel like this would automatically make it better than rojo since you can do everything rojo does, and allow for games that are structured differently to still work just like the legacy version without needing a weird converting tool.
have you updated the wiki? Since the last time I saw everything is WIP
It’s still in a work in progress.
No. As I said the “porting” happens every time you connect to the server.
You will be able to simply change the initial sync priority (destination) in the plugin settings which will ultimately work exactly the same as the legacy porting.
Is this possible now or a promised feature?
Right now you can only “port” from server to client. I’m working on two-way sync right now so when I’m done it will be possible to “port” in both directions.
The hype is real!!!
I loved new interface, I’m very excited to update my Argon. Thanks for continuing to maintain Argon, you’re doing a amazing job.
Hi I have noticed a replication issue with the plugin when it comes to the listening to folder and file changes in vscode and replicating their creations in roblox studio.
The issue lies where if a file is created programmatically by a developer through the command line for instance, it would only be created on vscode in the developer’s local environment but not in the studio data model.
The correct behavior is achieved when creating files or folders in vscode using the context action menus or vscode keyboard shortcuts which do replicate creations in roblox studio as expected.
The indented behavior is for the plugin in vscode to listen to file dispatch events for creation anywhere on the source tree and accordingly raise a replication event to roblox studio.
Attached is an image of the roblox studio output for reference. The error on studio relates to the file deletion subroutine.
Unable to use Argon VSC extension in it’s entirety due to an error message that reads “Command ‘argon.openMenu’ not found”:
Also, Argon VSC extension page, GitHub organization page and github repo page all show a “Get Stared” misspelled text:
Also, installing Argon CLI simply unexpectedly closes the terminal, being unsuccessful at installing it.
I’ve tried running the executable with and without administrator privileges.
I suggest more preparation and testing before releasing a product that could potentially fail on certain users’ end, such as my case.
This was quite worth the wait! Really happy that argon 2 has finally released. Obviously, when released you will see many others reporting bugs but that’s always expected.
Thank you Dervex for another huge contribution
It’s happen to me too!
So do I need to install an older version of the roblox plugin because I cannot port my code over from studio anymore which was the only reason why I used argon.
If you install an older version, then it won’t support the current one since the new versions are completely updated
The currently supported version does not have the one feature that even made argon viable over rojo (porting from studio).
Seems to be fixed now, thanks for the quick hotfix!
I’m pretty sure the plugin is missing something…