Oh wow, a lot happened while I was asleep. I’m going to address everything in this post.
This is likely VS Code glitch. Try removing old Argon versions from the %userprofile%/.vscode/extensions directory. Please let me know if it solves the problem for you!
Thank you! Today I will correct all these typos.
That’s not how you use the CLI. Argon exists immediately because it simply finishes execution as you did not provide any command and this is expected behavior. Also, you don’t see any prompts because installation probably got already performed by the VS Code extension. If you want to use Argon CLI run:
argon <command>
in your terminal.
Tested on Windows, macOS and Linux with ARM and x64 CPU architectures. I suggest reading documentation next time .
Same situation. Try removing old Argon versions from the %userprofile%/.vscode/extensions directory.
I literally did nothing. As I said it’s likely VS Code’s fault. Glad it works now!
No, everything is here. You can port the game from Roblox Studio with no problems. Look:
Setting Initial Sync Priority to client then attempting to connect gives error “Unknown HTTP error: Payload Too Large”, seems to work fine with the setting set to server however the the version on studio (which I assume is the client) has the more up to date version
I get this is personal preference but, I don’t know why people like text editors so much like Rojo. I’ve only ever used roblox’s default text editor and I honestly prefer it over these custom ones, also I prefer default light theme roblox studio text editor (Don’t hate on me, I still use discord on dark theme i’m not that weird). But I can see you put work into this so well done, just not for me. Or any other text editors for that matter.
A small suggestion as well. I think it’s better to be able to choose which ones you can stop without stopping all. Basically you can select multiple to be stopped but not all without going back and forth stopping each one. Also, IMO, it should show the host and the port where the projected is being served.
i seem to also have a problem. i did try the fixes from above but no luck. not sure what im supposed to do. i removed old versions in the .vscode/extensions directory but still same problem
That’s not how you design a CLI. You’re supposed to let the user interact with the CLI host as a terminal even if the user does not run the executable with any params, allowing them to run any commands related to your application from inside the shell. (hence the name CLI to begin with)
Also, the installation was unsuccessful as I checked PATH and the “argon” registry was not added.
Nonetheless, my initial VSC extension issue was resolved upon opening the application today, despite not having any older versions of Argon on my VSC extension folder.