Article Feedback

I am asking for feedback, but I’m unsure if this goes here since I saw Coolsbloxian posting for feedback on portfolio in creations feedback

I am needing feedback on my first article which is about Price Complaints (the issue which 99% of plugin developers face)

if ur lazy to open the link then here it is

This issue is ongoing for several years, So many people complaining about the price, There are multiple reasons as to the price of the plugin, which includes:

  • DevEx; Their DevEx rates are too low and Plugin Developers put a lot of robux to gather that.
  • Hard Work; They worked hard on the plugin, which they set the price to what they deserve.

The Robux rates is too low for plugins, 70% of the price goes to the creator, while the other 30% goes to Roblox, Roblox is working on solving this issue, which can make the plugin pricing more fair, Let’s take a look at iGottic, He put hard work on his plugin and sold it for 15$, He got mass complaints in X and the DevForums, and Someone was making false claims about getting scammed by it’s steep price and such, Saying that getting scammed for having a steep price is like saying that buying an iPhone for 15,000 AED can scam you, IT ISN’T, Scam actually means Fraud, Steep Price ≠ Fraud

I only sell plugins for free for the exact reason, I want to make some paid but is worried about these price complaints, So many developers are being “entitled to a free plugin” and end up “being a Karen”

Zack Ovits, also known as boatbomber, made a great topic about it, I and others agreed with that, I agree myself because I saw some complaints on the DevForums, which is why I refused to make my plugins cost robux, If you can’t see that topic because you’re not logged in to the DevForums, then This says that People work hard on making plugins, People are used to having free items, and anything that isn’t free is horrible, Plugin Developers were harassed, recieved death threats, got some crap out of them. You only have three options when you want to remove these complaints, and these are:

  • Make It Free; This isn’t a viable solution as you won’t earn anything
  • Lower The Price; This isn’t viable either as the minimum is 100 Robux
  • Ignore the Complaints; I am sure it’s the best option right now

Right now, Ignoring these complaints is probably the best choice right now, but some people struggled to do so, like how I struggle to ignore some stupid kids in my class who annoy me.

What really matters for the price is the amount of effort and work you put in the plugin, Some people would raise the price higher for DevEx which causes more problems

How do you rate it
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0 voters

  • This is a great article :star_struck:
  • This needs some improvements :thinking:
  • This is the worst article :face_vomiting:

0 voters

You can add some improvements in the replies soo yep

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I think the points made in the article are pretty well made, you use a good amount of statistics, examples, resolutions & results too (this is coming from someone who doesn’t know much about DevEx pricing & plugin pricing). :+1: :smiley:

The only issues I have are with the wording/formation of the sentences, some of them are a little confusing to read, but I can still understand the overall argument.

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Yeah, I’m a bit confused about capitalisation here, don’t think it should be there in some places.

I did link the OP to something I’ve wrote down in the past for inspiration, and they miss the point that DevEx fees are 65%, which results in a 24.5% cut at the moment.

Would also be helpful if they did talk about the changes Elttob campaigned for.

Also has some punctuation issues too

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I will include it :slight_smile:

Looks fine to me

The article looks good, minus the spelling errors

Im wondering about the devex part, you mentioned a lot about the plugins, but left the devex part out

Apologies for the late response, but I have never devexed [also the fact that you can’t even devex using AED]

I like how a guy that made a portfolio feedback topic in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback said that it looks fine

“oH iTS a MAsTerpIeCe”

It could use some improvements. I dont know if this is a feature, but you can put some pictures. Also, use grammarly if you cant fix the errors yourself.

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Yes, but I have not saved any pictures which correlates to what the article is talking about, also I will do some big changes, but first I will change Inconcinnity to a Pink Girl game :stuck_out_tongue:

definitely agree with this one

I usually can fix errors.

my reaction to this text:
