Default Properties Editor // Override any default property of any instance!

Default Properties Editor

How many times have you been frustrated by how Roblox sets terrible default properties? Why aren’t parts anchored, why do particles have an awful starting textire, and why do frames still have a border size pixel of one?

A new solution is here! Default Properties Manager is a fantastic way to set anything to anything in Studio. As long as something can be constructed by you, you can change the defaults. You have the power!


This is a very simple plugin that gets straight to the point. Take a look at the video below to see it in action.

Grab It Now

:link: You can grab the plugin on the Roblox Creator Store

If you want to support me further, feel free to subscribe to my Patreon page for just $1 a month!

Thanks for the read :sparkling_heart:

Update (as of 4/9/2024)


I don’t have aPatreon account so I can’t sss but anyways, so this has to be paid?
How much?

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The Patreon is $14.35 a month, but you do not need to stay subscribed to keep access to the plugin!

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I feel like 15$ for this it’s too much

And you should simply post the plug-in link here from the toolbox

I feel like this should be a maximum of 5$, as yes, it’s a lot of work, but it basically changes the basic properties, which isn’t a problem for which I would pay 15$ for

Even though good job!
I’m still stuttered by how good this Community is


$15 is a very, very cheap price considering the time I put into it, as well as the value of the plugin. Additionally, my Patreon remains at that price, so paying for this allows you to get access to everything else.

This mindset is common among the Roblox community because of the way the platform has ruined the cost of work. A plugin of a similar level of quality in any other engine would cost dozens or even hundreds of dollars!

I do not believe $15 is too expensive when compared to the amount of friction it removes from development.

Thanks! I appreciate it.


Honestly, It looks like a decent plugin but for $14.35 I personally don’t think it is worth it. This is because there are vastly better and more complicated plugins that are cheap if not completely free. I think the best approach to handle a plugin like this is to release a free lite version that can only handle a limited amount of classes and features. Furthermore, your point about this being a cheap price does not hold up considering what I just mentioned how there are more complicated plugins for vastly cheaper. It’s important to separate Roblox from other platforms in some important ways as every case is different.


Roblox plugins are cheaper because the market on the development side has been misled. boatbomber made an excellent post about how the plugin marketplace is terrible for developers such as myself.

I do not compare my price to prices on the Roblox toolbox simply because that is an extremely poor metric. Many plugin developers such as Eltobb are moving to outside platforms to sell plugins.

The plugin took about 25 hours over the course of a month to make. With my programming rate of $45 an hour (which is industry standard, by the way) I should, in theory, make $1,125 to break even. In other words, I’m charging 1.3% of my normal price.

“Separating Roblox from other platforms” is an absolutely terrible approach as it does nothing but reinforce the terrible and toxic plugin marketplace.


I understand your point that the market has been misled. But it is important to understand that the plugin in question is a very simple and easy-to-create plugin. As a Unity developer myself, I can attest that there are more advanced plugins out there on the Unity marketplace that are cheaper and more worth it in general. With your logic, a game such as call of duty or GTA V should be thousands of dollars.

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Not really, hence why it hasn’t been made yet.

Also no. Call of Duty makes billions of dollars from sales and microtransactions on a mass scale.

What do you mean not easy I have done the same thing as a custom plugin the only difference is that it doesn’t have a front end but I could add a front end pretty easily.
In general, just take away from this reply is that if you want your plugin to be successful release a lite version at least because nobody is gonna pay $15 for a simple plugin such as yours.

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That’s not how game developing works? If you don’t have experience in pricing then don’t reply with false info. As @iGottic said, that’s why micro transactions exist.


I really like the look of this plugin! It is flawless. Great job!
And the use of it? Well, I’ve adapted to accepting the fact that most objects are not configured the way I want them by default. Such as Frames having a BorderSizePixel of 1, and that they use Offset originally. I can see this being useful to a lot of people though.

I think it deserves to be paid, a lot of people could frequent this plugin and find use in it.

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The front end is what makes the process difficult, hence why it hasn’t been made. I’m not releasing a cheaper version to be “successful” because, in reality, it’s no success financially.

The reason why your plugin should be free or have a free version is that there are tons of developers out there such as me that are not financially motivated that could make a better plugin. In general I’m not saying that the plugin should be free but right now as it stands the price is steep for what it provides.

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It’s not at all steep (especially because paying for it gets access to everything else on my patreon). The price is final.

I should not even have to fight for a measly $15 price tag. Your entitlement does not change the fact I have to pay rent and other bills. The fact that this backlash exists is a complete slap in the face.


Well, it’s not even entitlement it’s that it just straight up isn’t a fantastic deal.

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I’m not going to go in circles here. Feel free to refer to any of the replies I made because it covers every base.

I do want to mention one last thing: the money you save in the long run from this outweighs the price.

For example, lets say I would previously spend 240 hours on a project (20 hours a week for 3 months). If this plugin cuts off 1% of the time, and I assume my rate of $45 an hour, I am saving $1070. Just something to think about.

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It’s a good deal if you consider that the skill needed to program a useful plugin is worth more than 15 dollars.

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Then don’t buy it. Nobody cares about your view on this matter.


i saw this plugin on twitter and it was very unique, great job paying off that hard work to make a useful plugin that people can save time on!

the fact that this plugin is a first, it should be paid, $15 USD/month is fair, just make sure to handle your monthly budget wisely

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