As a Roblox developer, it is currently difficult to quickly upload instances to your group’s inventory when in a group game because the asset configuration menu defaults to the user as the creator. Allowing for a setting so I don’t have to scroll to my group would and rather default to the group the game is owned by would make this easier.
There also exists a bug that lists every group that I’m a member of despite not having the proper permissions in them that was reported in August and still has not yet been fixed.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my game / my development experience because it would allow me to quickly upload the instances I need to use with AssetService or workarounds with HumanoidDescriptions. I cannot use the existing images I’ve uploaded in the past to replace clothing with the current way that HumanoidDescriptions operate and most opt to reupload them as Shirt/Pants instances, respectively.