With the recent release of Configure Assets in Studio we were given a “Ownership” category. All of my groups and not just those that I have the “Create group items” permissions appear in the dropdown.
Trying to publish any asset to a group I don’t have the permissions for shows me what intends to be a “Submission Failed HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)” message but appears jumbled as well.
Ideally this menu wouldn’t display groups that I don’t have the “Create group items” permission in the dropdown. Currently it shows every group I’m in which leads to a bad user experience when publishing, as I can’t publish to the majority of my groups.
The bug happens 100% of the time, first encountered with Studio version 0.397.0.329146.
How is this still not fixed? It’s October now and it’s become very tedious to have to scroll through 30 some odd groups to get to the group that I own every time I want to upload.
Yeah it’s annoying, i had to leave many groups so i could i find the correct group easier.
I don’t know if it was supposed to be fixed, since the only diffirent i see is that “Ownership” is now named “Creator”.
This issue also happens when you want to “Overwrite an existing asset”.