Asset searching is bad

If you search for a word, the results will be anything that contains that word. If you search two words, the results will be the same and also everything that contains the second word. More specific search queries give more results instead of less. It should be a filter, not a combination.


Why are searches filtered in the first place? No one else is gonna see it but the user that searched it.


This is not the point of the feature request, please read a bit more carefully.

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this is why.

Hey guys, just a quick reminder that this thread is about the search results when searching for assets being inaccurate, not censored. Please discuss accordingly!

On topic:I have to agree that I think it’s unintuitive for search results to get less specific with each separate word. It’s strange to me that the search seems to return results for word1 OR word2 instead of word1 AND word2.

Perhaps this feature request will result in the search feature’s functionality being looked into.


not rlly a feature request more of a complaint lol.

I think features like key words, and things to ignore for an advanced search option would be neato


Yeah, if anything this is a bug report.

iirc Roblox are well aware that their search is junk - I believe it’s run on an external system, but they said at RDC that they are working on creating a much improved version soon™

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Obligatory linking to multiple posts about the issue:


Toolbox Search Update (Search in general)
Audio: "sound effect" and "music" categories

It’s something we have been asking for ages. In the past, I recall Roblox having an advanced search feature in which you could use filters and words on the search boxes to find more easily what you were looking for, but for some reason it was removed and search turned into what it is now.

Also, on a side note, if you try to search for something that doesn’t pass the filter on the search box, the text doesn’t get filtered and it doesn’t show any results (bad feedback).

Definitely, a search overhaul needs to happen.


Oh man! Places are much harder to browse.
There is no “relevance” option or anything else.