Assistance fixing R15 Rig Model with conflicting Motor6Ds

Hi, so, while rigging an R15 character, me and a co-creator ran into an issue that made it impossible to set up correctly and use in-game.

When connecting the HumanoidRootPart to the character, it is connected to the LowerTorso. This makes the “Root” joint, the joint between the HumanoidRootPart and the LowerTorso, have the properties of “Part0: HumanoidRootPart, Part1: LowerTorso”. From what we’ve read, you always want HumanoidRootPart to be Part0.

But then, since this is an R15 rig, you have an UpperTorso. Making the Waist joint that connects the UpperTorso and the LowerTorso results in a Motor6D joint with the properties “Part0: UpperTorso, Part1: LowerTorso”.

As you can see, both the Root and Waist joint share the same Part1, making Roblox bug out whenever you try to animate the rig. (Error attached).

When trying to open it in Moon Animator, only the lower half of the body is recognized. (Picture attached).

Setting it as the StarterCharacter and moving around results in everything seeming fairly normal.

(Video attached).

Our attempts at fixing it have resulted in the animator working correctly because there’s no conflicting Motor6Ds, but it doesn’t move correctly when you set it as StarterCharacter.

(Video attached)

For instance, it will appear like the LowerTorso is locked in place while everything else is moving, or if connecting the HumanoidRootPart to the UpperTorso it will look like the entire torso is locked in place.

(Video attached)

Here’s a model of the rig so you can see for yourself. Any help or potential fixes would be appreciated: I would just like to know if we’ve done anything wrong thus far or if this is a bug that needs to be fixed.

Thank you.
Rig.rbxm (77.2 KB)


Potentially solved, original issue hasn’t been fully addressed but it’s more or less been mitigated. If anyone has any additional info or insight it would be appreciated to prevent a headache like this from happening in the future. Thanks.

mmm it looks like your humanoidRootPart is… an actual part? Or you have 3 torsos… whats the one in the middle for?

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There’s only two torsos, the upper and the lower torso; what I think you’re referring to is the way the mesh for the upper torso looks but I can assure you it’s all one singular mesh. I’m not sure what problems would arise if the HumanoidRootPart was an actual Part but I’d like to know since I would prefer to squash this once and for all.

Is your rig hierarchy set up right?

Swap this
LowerTorso: 0 UpperTorso: 1

(moderately helpful diagram)

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We did try a fix involving doing exactly this, it still suffers the exact same problems except it’s minimized to some degree. Considering I don’t think many other people would want to respond to this same topic I’ll mark it as solved for now, thanks for at least trying to help out.

maybe if your comfortable uploading the file of the rig? I could maybe mess with it and see if i can figure it out. You dont have to tho!

It’s attached to the main post itself but please don’t feel obligated to help, we’ve come to something that’s good enough for the project. Thanks for helping regardless!

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Fixed it

FixedRig.rbxm (77.9 KB)

try it and see if this is what you wanted

I’m sorry for the incredibly late response! Thank you for trying, but unfortunately this has the same issue we were facing earlier. We’ve come to the point where it’s negligible in the rig, but I again thank you for taking time out of your day to at least try to re-rig it.

Since it’s closer than the original rig was to functioning, I’ll mark this post as solved for anyone coming here to try and compare their rigging to a more or less proper one. Hard to tell why animations keep bugging out in these attempts… but nevertheless thank you for trying, again.

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that’s incredibly odd… cos It worked just fine when I tested it… is it still broken on a new baseplate?
In anycase~ All I did was re rig the torso~

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Yea, on a new baseplate it still did the weird wobble in the animations. Again, no big deal about the lingering problem, your help is appreciated.

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