Assistant for Docs: Use AI to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Creations

(post deleted by author)


Why is it a bad thing that people have easier access to learning resources? It’s just pure elitsm. If you can be outcompeted by 5-year-olds with access to AI learning tools then you’re the issue, not them.


I feel your argument is based on entitlement (aka pure elitism ~plainenglish). Roblox’ vision however, is to allow anyone to create without a steep learning curve.

That’s the entire point I love about the platform: not only the resourceful can create their dreams, but everyone has access to that.


in the OP it says it’s rolled out to certain users currently, and that they are working on rolling it out to more people


To those who still don’t have access, the original post states the following:


Also, why does everyone say they don’t have access? Is it like a thing that only a portion of the playerbase has access to, because it’s right here…


Some Key Points to Know here:
→ This kind of suggestions and formatting is not a silver bullet and there is a huge divide between getting good generalistic starting points that can sometimes be very HARD to find or wrap ones head around when starting.

But, if game development could be algorithmically done and fun could be determined by statistics the company Zynga would have been a lot more successful then they where, they went hard believing they could Design games Via metrics and statistics as the only true source of determining engagement and fun. And it did not go well in the long run.

Also understand, that no amount of prompt generation is going to give you perfect performant code for your situation. It is going to give you a generalized implementation. Thats how LLMs work, specifically in the knowledge space. You may be able to lean it based on how you phrase your prompt, but it’s not going to drastically change it.

What this can do is help with situations like “How should I organize” “How to I write a basic stack, que” in lua. Ect ect. But without just become a carbon copy, and not be unique, there will never be a prompt that just generates a complex video game.

LLMs depend on an increadable amount of data to work, and within that it is looking for patterns associations to draw from. The problem with game development is every game is done different. So the LLM is already going to struggle because it will have to work much harder to find the common threads of “Make me a fun RPG.”

Then on top of that, you need tons of examples TAGed as that kind of data. And lets not even begin to start to talk about how even between 2 same games, one may focus their performance resources on input responsiveness ect, while another game focuses on fidelaty of effects and graphics which will change the decision making process.

Am I saying that it will never get to the point that it could do that… no. But the more reasonable way in the long term is at best it will be similar to buying “Survival game Starter pack” in the unity/Epic Store.

TWO final notes.

  1. When you depend on a system like this TOO much you will hit a HARD wall when you want to customize your game/experiance because you lack the information and knowledge to do so. And your reliance on the black box will make bug-tackling incredibly hard.

  2. Never forget, that which is made easy to do, deteriorates that particular thing’s value.

I think this will be a huge help for people getting into coding, trying to learn the ropes and figure things out. As roblox gets more complex and powerful the knowledge gap from start to even the intermediate level of knowledge grows exponentially.


I like the description, but how do I try it myself?


So, AI is good for explaining how to make features no one made on for example a tutorial on golf physics :upside_down_face:


it’s only rolled out to a few people right now and will continue being rolled out to more people, you’re one of the lucky few who’s had it rolled out to them.


You have access due to meeting the eligibility criteria (random percentage or country restrictions). That means that the paragraph doesn’t matter to you.

You, on the other hand, aren’t rolled out yet. It’s only a matter of time before you can use it as well.


Sorry you can’t use it right now! We’re rolling this out slowly, thanks for your patience.


I feel like using the AI to “learn” new things is a very good decision, I just don’t like that the AI is able to generate full scripts in a matter of seconds.


It would be easier, but as I said, it doesn’t take any skill to do this, that’s why I’m kind of sad that everything I’ve learned is kinda useless. While it is a very good update and does not generate 3d models (phew), that’s the one thing I’m slightly sad about.


This is a great update that will help many new and experienced developers! But the main thing is to use this resource for its intended purpose, instead of stupidly inserting code and being happy that it works, you should delve into it and get how it works.


My previous post was a misread so deleted that one to clean things up.

I don’t see why being able to generate full scripts is a problem.

It’ll provide explanation so by using this AI tool, new creators will surely pick up some new knowledge. And that’s the goal, right? Documentation is to educate your users and let them grow.

Equally, do you think we should ban schools? We learned by ages of research and now schools just make information quickly accessible…


Some creators will surely use it to gain knowledge, but there is still that 5 year old that just copy / pastes the code and calls it done. Also, schools teach people stuff, instead of giving them the answer, that’s my point. I’m not saying using the AI to learn things is bad, I’m saying using it to copy / paste full scripts is bad.


It’s a market play, agreed that people might not learn something from it because of some misinformation AIs can give while in that version, but maybe in the future things might get better.
I am really sure in the future full games might just get generated by AIs, without a shadow of a doubt, although, pretty sure the the main reason for losing money in the future will be due to Artificial Intelligence and its limits on this platform.
It is to be expected that ROBLOX may lose popularity in the future, but in short, it is all a marketing ploy. A benefit for people in this is that they will be able to make their “dream games”, where for now, it may not be possible, but a clear description is enough, but nothing is impossible. Remember, “ROBLOX: Powering Imagination”.


Let me just say if you try to copy and paste a script in there and run it, it might not always work. So you’ll still have to learn how to fix it :slight_smile:

Also, this is a great prompt for learning:

Can you explain a script to me? Reply and I’ll share it.


I would like to say that AI isn’t going to be an issue. AI has very limited understanding of game design or creativity. You might be able to make games more easily with AI, but if your game is bad, AI isn’t going to make it better. AI is a tool, it’s not a button to make a well polished game for you.

You can somewhat compare this to the free model game kits that exist out there. That doesn’t really do anything. What game made using a kit was actually good? My point is that if you want your game to stand out and have any sort of quality to it, you have to actually put in the work and have the skills required to bring it to fruition.

Plus this post is about learning. If you have no idea how you might go about something, it’s nice to have a way to get a quick answer. The developer forum and browser search were the methods of gathering information before, and they’ll still be useful for more complex things, but getting a quick answer is often what a lot of newer developers will need.

(Plus it reduces the amount of people making threads about things that were already answered multiple times in the past, but they didn’t bother to search before posting.)

TD;DR: AI isn’t going to make any difference in the grand scheme of things. Making a good game requires manual effort and skill.