Assistant for Docs: Use AI to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Creations

garbage games like “hot neko hangout” usually end up on front page

It wouldnt surprise me if some random AI generated game would also end up on front page

edit: fixed spelling mistake


That is really helpful. Thank you for this wonderful update. It will make it possible for people who are not good at everything to do a lot. will there be a way to give individual scripts to the AI to learn directly? And will the AI be able to animate at some point?


And it does not depend on the script but on the idea

dear people who have previously said something about it is no longer thought. If you have a wonderful idea but unfortunately do not have the possibility to implement it, this AI will help to make even more great experiences playable.

:happy4: :partying_face: I have accres


I love that you guys are so quick to integrate the expanding field of AI. Can’t wait to see AI create meshes and build for me and more from the team!


Tested it a few times, has always worked so far, but yeah I’ve changed my point after hearing some replies here. I feel this is going to help alot of people, even tho I’m still worried about the copy/pasted games, this is overall a very helpful update. So, good job and Ik I was a bit harsh in my first post :slight_smile:


Tbh, I do. Just copy/pasting code doesn’t mean the game won’t get popular, because it’s still “good” code.


Despite the majority against this, I personally feel this is amazing. I’m a learning developer who doesn’t know where to go for information and lessons, and having an AI built into Roblox will be really helpful on my way. I will definitely use this! Thanks Roblox!


Being an experienced developer means you are able to take other people’s code and implement it into your own and fixing all the mistakes or errors within it, also being able to find all the pieces of code your game requires, not just knowing everything by memory. Anyone who just wants to make a game using AI will not be able to easily do it as putting the code together requires more knowledge. Having AI to help you develop and find answers to questions you have is certainly a good thing (this just makes it easier to find answers and learn). AI will definitely help people who want to learn, while people who are lazy and just want to copy paste code will not get much out of it.


The only issue I see with the example you provided is that it uses wait instead of task.wait, which is deprecated.

I personally support the new update. Data, information, and knowledge SHOULD NOT be gatekeeped behind wasting large amounts of time just because we were unlucky and didn’t have this tool when we were beginners. Don’t be selfish, embrace change and as all civilizations do, adapt and evolve. Quicker and easier access to information means more optimized production, and if you’re scared it will steal your earnings it’s your issue alone.

I myself have made a topic about AI usage in devforum before, however in that post, I wasn’t going against AI as a technology, but rather its incorrect usage(not in the sense that it will steal your job, but in the sense it was producing unreliable information). The real problems that should be discussed about AI are related to ensuring its functioning as it should, not if it’s functioning better than you. Also AI in its current form is just a tool, and on this occasion is a public one, it’s not locked behind a Robux paywall, thus no one is stopping you from joining this race.


It doesn’t matter if people can generate content with AI or not. You still need knowledge in game design to know how to make a game a “good” game.

Let’s say that Roblox is flooded with AI games all of a sudden. How many of those do you think will be good? All that does is set the bar higher for Roblox, which Roblox needs anyway. I think it’s far more productive to actually work on and publish your own well designed and polished games, rather than worrying about AI in the hands of an inexperienced developer.

Also, AI will rarely compare to something made by an actual person. Even the code generated is often inefficient and/or outdated.


No Pls not

Oh, its in every language nice

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Today we are baking the virtual roblox cake


I haven’t heard such groundless whining in a long time :joy: If you’re simply upset that you’ve wasted your time and now someone else can do everything for you, then you’re being ridiculous. The world is evolving, and everything is becoming automated :slight_smile:


Haha let us know how the cake turns out


How many languages ​​does it support?

This AI doesn’t have access to Roblox-locked functions like GetUnder13(), right?


Try prompting it in different languages, it seems to do pretty well!


In greek, it doesn’t seem to know how to do it, but in english, it knows

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I tested it out for like 5 minutes, trying to make it help me with a function I wrote(I use AI purely for functions and some weird math I can’t figure out, but not any general coding unless it’s a repetitive task like making a circle of frames)
It seemed to work really good. Better than what GPT-3.5 would’ve given me with a lazy prompt that just contains what I want and the whole function I already wrote.

I have noticed that it is really hard to notice which text box was your prompt and which was the AI’s
Are you able to make it with two color shades or at least add an image icon of both the player and the AI?
Instead of this:

Shaded like this:

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im getting access denied

i can only try it in my alt

Oh, Roblox seems to like the group holder more than my main account


Not sure why people hate features like these. I consider myself as a pretty experienced scripter and even then I would be more than happy to take advantage of AI if it helps me code faster.