Assistant for Docs: Use AI to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Creations

Wow this is really cool!

This can help out a lot of developers!
Great to see this :smile:

But… I am having problems connecting to the server. :sad:

It’s been like this all day, I don’t know how to fix it :slightly_frowning_face:

And I did check on another account to see if that account has access but, it doesn’t.


Oh, this is very neat! Now I don’t have to bother with Chat GTP to set up a custom instruction prompt defining each niche thing that annoys me, plus it’s up to date with the docs! I’ll most likely use both as utilities to help me reach resources faster :D.


I mean I don’t find myself personally using it but like many others have mention, this will be great for new Roblox devs and people who just need help with creating their games’ core concepts / ideas.

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I mean it will be helpful with maths related stuff.

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“As someone who is extremely biased, this is a bad update.” is essentially what you just said.


I’m playing around with it and it seems to be pretty good. While the AI can’t yet make full games or manage teams, it is getting good. It seems to be able to make decently complex math that I don’t even understand yet myself. It is a good Assistant. :+1:

Also seems to give unbiased and truthful answers.

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Thank goodness for this. Way too many questions on the devforums are left unanswered so I had to resort to chatgpt for my inquiries.

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I tried 3 entire scripts and neither one worked. So It has flaws.

Thankfully though.

It’s a script system that builds the script up enough for you to go back into the script, and make changes to get it functioning correctly.

But if you have Robux then you can just hire professionals.

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I’m crying knowing that this exist. Although it is not accessible on this account, I can have all my questions answered.


On a-side note, I do get the impression that AI could be used for making low effort content. But hey, at least this AI uses updated information. And just like with google. This answers directly from the source!


AI doomposting is awful. There are absolutely things to hate about AI, but AI is not all-evil. Developers are so lucky to have AI tools available to them catered specifically to Roblox and with our data being opt-in (even though Roblox could have very easily said all work will be fed into the model and you have to opt-out or get no choice). Use this as a stepping stone to build up your knowledge.

The only reason I have any proficiency in Roblox development without any further education is because I’ve been lucky enough to have been given just some very light pointers to the goal but not the journey to that goal. Over 10 years, I’ve built up most of my knowledge purely by myself, and sometimes have to throw myself into the fire - especially within elitist communities - so I can get grilled as elitists roll out the “correct” ways and from there I can transform that into my own knowledge. I couldn’t just ask some tool to help me with learning when I hit a dead end.

AI is going to be very much with us in the future and we’ll just have to learn to embrace it but just because AI is on Roblox, it does not mean the standard will go down. Only the ones who expect AI tools to do everything for them will lose, not those who use AI as a tool to assist.


Seeing a lot of creators being skeptical about AI replacing the learning curve for beginners (in terms, becoming dependent to this feature). Although it is a possibility, AI will allow more liberty and ease for more people to create and express their creations with less difficulty (those who lack time, have learning difficulties, etc.). The material generator alone (even with its flaws, let’s not deny it) is fun to use in Studio.

The creativity and usage is what I’ll be interested to see.

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Hello, glad to be able to test the assistant.

I love being able to ask an AI assistant to look up api references. If the results are accurate, it will save time compared to flipping through multiple pages to look for an answer.

It appears to be spewing out wrong code to straightforward questions.

The parameter for GetPolicyInfoForPlayerAsync should be a player instead of player.UserId

I’m sure as it gets trained it will improve over time.




i agree. because if roblox ai suddenly gets better as an average great scripter, that makes everyones talent go to waste all because of an ai

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Because they are a 10 yr old. 10 yr olds can’t use the DevForum.

Also, like, AI is the future. If you are against it, you might get left behind. There is a few reasons to be against it, but like everything, it will be regulated and controlled.

NOW, about this topic. It looks pretty okay, but would I not just use ChatGPT? This may have it’s ups and downs but ChatGPT will always be superior.

Wait, I just realized from the formatting. Are you actually using ChatGPT? I would love to know.


Hello Roblox,
i had a very unfamiliar experience with the AI. I got it to a wonderful script and chat history so I was set up great, but then I come back to the page and everything is gone. There should be a function favor chat history that you can view the history again and continue chatting. That would be very very very good!!! Then with a sidebar favorites to call.


I think the concept, nothing more you notice also that the AI can almost only roblox.


The current state of AI right now is not up to scratch for a full game.
Heck It can’t even create a simple Unit test code for me so using AI is negligible.

However I do believe that it makes the learning curve of game development a lot more
trouble free and it is a great learning tool for novices, People getting worried about AI replacing Devs are too pessimistic and it would take a long time before it is competent enough to handle the intricacy of a refined polished game.

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I tested Roblox Assistant.

While I don’t love the idea of AI, I can say that Roblox did great work on it. I got a lot of usefull info while using it. Theme was pretty hard: bit manipulation. While it can get struggle with some questions, AI was able to give correct anwer after some tries.

In short: this AI is very good, but everything can be improved! 9/10

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I disagree. I think this is a fantastic update as instead of trying to find some old Scripting Helpers or DevForum post on how something works, I can just ask the assistant which directly references documentation.

Also, its not possible to make an entire game with only AI generated code. AI is really only good at making single scripts and small blocks of code.

Personally, I only use AI like ChatGPT and the new Assistant to give me an example of something I don’t understand, which is what it really should only be used for.