Assistant for Docs: Use AI to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Creations

Now this is pretty nice, but how does it deal with math related questions? That’s the main point for me in an AI assistant like this as writing code should be left for the developer. Would 100% use it over ChatGPT if it is capable of handling math related scripting examples a bit better.

Will have to check it out tomorrow.


Isn’t this illegal according to roblox? Roblox hates off-site platforms lol

wait- it knows games…?


Hoping to see the #help-and-feedback /week go down after this…

(edit): Barely.



So basically ChatGPT but in Roblox? Seems pretty cool.

Now, this could be real useful if you need like some ideas or a little assistance with something but I do hope people aren’t gonna rely TOO much on it or you might end up with people turning off their brain and making low-effort creations.

AI is cool but you gotta REALLY balance how much you use it VS how much of the work actually is your own doing.

Sure it might help you brainstorm things and it can help with some code problems.
But it cannot read your mind, it doesn’t have the same level of creativity that you have.

Therefor, use it as an assistant if you need a bit of help and aid with your creations but do not fully rely on it or your game won’t be much better than your average cash-grab simulator game.

Also I wanted to quote this from @greenboo5 real quick because I think this is a pretty good way to put it.

If you want to blame something for lazily made games, point your fingers at the developers who use the AI that way, not the AI itself.

AI on it’s own does nothing, it’s not gonna grow legs and start running on it’s own.
It relies completely on input (or you know, humans GIVING it legs).

Humans are responsible for the tools they use.


Some of the negative responses here are so clearly baseless. This can’t do anything more than give pointers and some pseudocode/entry-level code. This tool specifically isn’t going to lead to any AI takeover people are generally so fearful of. Try it out first before leaving negative feedback yeah?


Had to adapt the cake to fit the specific needs and mechanics of my kitchen


As someone who is relatively new to developing (programming-wise), this is a godsend of an update. It’s essentially what I’ve been using ChatGPT for already, but this AI has specificity to development on this platform, which makes it many times better (if it’s a given that the functionality and lucidity of the AI is on par with ChatGPT). I’ve tried it out a bit and so far it’s very good. As some others have already pointed out, it isn’t perfect, and can actually give false/incorrect information even if a question was worded very straightforwardly so I’d posit the fearmongering about AI taking over and the future of the platform being filled with AI-generated games is pretty far-fetched.


I am very confident that I can easily create a better game than a 5 year old who uses ai. If the 5 year old can beat you, then your game is not very good.


People are complaining about companies and big studios “taking over” with high quality games, yet the same people get frustrated if an update is released which helps beginners.


The Assistant is pretty good and knows what it is doing in terms of scripts and knowledge about Roblox Studio, but it likes to use deprecated tools like the body movers and “CharacterApperance” Player | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

It seems to be able to tell it is deprecated after you raise it up and can fix its mistakes well.


blud does not know that AI is just a better google


Using a LLM is not making a game AI-generated. It’s a tool, barely different from scouring this forum for an answer. It’s fine if you don’t like that, but it’s not what you described it to be in your original response.


assistant did a fine job with oop inheritance, the clarification about performance impact with metatables and modulescript explanation.
so if it does something it just works.


Thanks we’ll look into how to better not surface deprecated content.


I used to have the same viewpoint as you, but after using AI for quite an extensive period, i have come to the conclusion that your skill is still useful. AI makes a lot of mistakes and hallucinations when generating code, and with niche topics, a lot of the time misunderstands what you mean.
It also is not good at all at making large systems, due to context size limitations. This means that it is virtually impossible to make a semi-decent game relying entirely on AI.
TLDR: AI isn’t that good yet, so your skills still aren’t useless.


As someone that has a heavy dislike of AI in general, I gotta admit you bring up some very valid points. I also wanted to add that even if it does get to the point of being able to make games from a single prompt, an AI is almost 100% not going to be able to release regular updates that actually improve and build upon the game, create enticing promotional content and advertise a game effectively all on it’s own, at least for an extremely long time.

TLDR: There is a lot more to game development than just the initial build of a game


I actually like this update.

There has been numerous occassions where I’ve learnt a lot from AI than actual people nowadays. Like, for example, AI is very good at teaching mathematical concepts. I can grasp them in about 15 mins or less!

I feel as the same for coding. I’ve used it a lot in the past to review my code, and see if there might be any structural issues that could cause long term issues. Now, obviously AI isn’t perfect, and might knit pick issues that aren’t actually one, but that’s where you come in as the creator.

Like many people have addressed, it’s a tool made available for those who wish to use it. If you don’t need it, don’t use it, I think that’s a generally acceptable answer to AI as a whole.

Because Roblox is making this specifically for the docs, you can find specific bits of documentation that can help you start somewhere, or improve something you’ve already started. It’s better than a general purpose AI chat bot that isn’t made specifically for Roblox development.

I honestly don’t see any issues with this change, and I’m more than for it, as AI has only ever helped me with complex issues I never thought of from a certain perspective.

Good job, Roblox.


This is actually surprisingly well made. I was expecting it to give a few simple responses that redirect you to the documentation but after trying it out, it provided useful information along with sources. Some of you AI skeptics might try to say this is bad or will lead to AI generated games, however, that is not how this can be applied. It can really only generate code, which is not always useful or is simple examples, which is VERY useful for beginners who are trying to figure stuff out. This will probably improve creativity rather than diminish it through AI.

Overall, a pretty helpful tool.


It’s actually pretty helpful when looking for examples on using a complicated API if you don’t understand the documentation or devforum posts others have made about it. It’s kinda like ChatGPT but much more accurate because (i think) it has access to all of the documentation so it usually won’t give you false information.

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It seems to be providing some incorrect information.

(No, code will still continue to run even after a script is destroyed)

(It will exit the function, not the script)

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