Atmos - professional skyboxes and lighting

Absolutely terrible.

I don’t know if replies here are bought or something, but the plugin couldn’t be worse.

In total there are only 10-15 skyboxes, and this plugin has been out for 2 years already, so I doubt anything will be added or changed.
The skyboxes themselves are also terrible, some have visible square box lines, others are pixelated.
The lighting settings that come with the skyboxes are also horrific, as if they were chosen by random.

You can achieve much better atmosphere/sky with default Roblox lighting effects.
Even if you don’t add any effects, your game will still look much better, than it will with Atmos.

It doesn’t cost much, only 150 robux, but it isn’t even worth 10.
Dont waste your robux.

Hey, i dont agree with you
i have been using this plugin for a while now, and it does have pretty good skyboxes and lighting, i guess its just a matter of your taste, i am not gonna lie i dont usually use their lighting But, their lighting is also good
besides that there’s a really big down fall, the fact that they dont update the plugin, it could already have some new skyboxes, maybe some cartoon ones.

Sorry to hear about this. What changes would you like to see made specifically? Which skyboxes do you think are lacking and why are the lighting settings unappealing? I’d be interested in seeing some examples of what you might prefer instead :slight_smile:

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Hello! as an atmos user, I would love to see realistic skyboxes from other planets, such as mars and venus. also some more cloudless skys could be nice, as roblox’s new clouds instance works very well.


yeah and defenetly a cartoony sky, that would be pretty sick

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There are 39 skyboxes in the plugin, if you dont have anything reflective no the skybox wont do alot the pixelation comes from roblox capping it at 1024x1024, the lines are most likely caused by a bad image. I use my own custom plugin but started with atmos, it is a good plugin for someone that is making a simple game and needs a quick skybox. even with my 4k skyboxes in roblox they are pixelated though so thats not really something you can work on and also 150 robux is only €1.50, Eltobb atleast deserves it for making the plugin user friendly.

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I tried the plugin and I’m having some issues. When I click on the sky boxes the plugin has to offer, nothing happens. In some of my games it works but some just don’t.

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention - I’ve not seen this before personally. It could possibly be related to Studio’s recent layout changes which have been notoriously buggy.

Are you getting any errors in your Output window? Also, it’d be useful if you could capture a screen recording to help reproduce the issue :slight_smile:

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this is kind of a simple request but I would really like to see simple gradient skyboxes, so i can use the studio clouds to make some nice skies

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Might be a bit late to ask, but I was wondering if you could add seasonal skyboxes. Like snow skyboxes, but without terrain. More rainy skyboxes without terrain would be awesome as well. I want to make a cottage but I have to go back to the toolbox in order to find one I’m happy with.

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Unsure if I replied already so here it is:

Easily one of the best plugins. It also got me invested in making my own skyboxes and atmospheres which I’m very proud of.

Good work Elttob, as usual.

In the video I’m clicking on the atmosphere icons


I have the same problem not sure what it is, I do have very similar plugins to you so I think they might interfere, I am disabling and testing that now

That didn’t change much of anything at all I think it just the game I have

Same bug/ error here. Any fixes or explanations for this yet ?

Is there a way to implement atmos to admin commands? I mean being able to change the skyboxes via a command when the game is running.

I found deactivating it and then reactivating it through the plugin manager seems to help. If that doesn’t work, you may just have to try reinstalling the plugin altogether but I’ve yet to need to.

It would be so much less fair to take it away from people who have already rightfully paid for it.

To be more specific, the plugin was never free. I have it on my Roblox inventory and it costed around 250-500 Robux (:robux:).

Although the price may not be great for everyone, there are always alternatives that you can find! :slightly_smiling_face:

Whats the point of making this of this dudes gonna charge them 80 USD he’s not Adobe!

He seriously warned me, wow

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