Atmosphere Incorrectly Affecting Gui Objects

As annoying as this is, I would also like to point out that transparent guis, beams, particles, or even parts. Create like a high vision effect when you look through them. Really annoying and is pretty much stopping me from creating really good lighting for horror games

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


It’s been a month already, but the issue still can be observed. Is there any progress in solving this problem? Or can we solve it by ourselves somehow?

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Exactly as @Maestro20 has said, it’s been a month and no follow up, not even an update. This is making games look really bad because people can just see the GUI elements from far away.

Not to mention this makes some text unreadable because white backgrounds on surface GUI elements blend with lighter colored text objects, and it’s a hassle trying to make the text a darker color just to compensate for this. Please fix it, it’s been way too long.

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It can take quite a bit for Roblox to fix bugs, be patient.

I’m actually quite a patient person. This isn’t the only post of this matter that seems to have been put at a low priority. it was asked 2-3 days before this post, and an admin replied to it I think a day after it was posted. Ever since, there was no change.

Seeing as the fact other bugs are taken care of quite quickly, it seems odd for this to have not been fixed sooner. In general I don’t care that much, but it would be nice for this to be fixed asap.

Not discrediting the issue, but you have to realize this is a visual bug, and visual bugs are the lowest tier of impact/priority generally, especially when they only occur in niche cases like this on mostly small portions of the screen in a very specific situation (when using an Atmosphere object).

I’m sure they want to fix all the bugs today if they could. Without proper prioritization, the more important issues and features don’t get resolved in due time.


I didn’t realize things like these were put on a priority based system regardless of the severity level, that’s a mistake on my end.

Usually if something has a high occurrence level than you’d assume it’d be a big issue, but I guess I was wrong.

It doesn’t have to be dark for this issue to be visible, and a lot of games already do use Atmosphere by default, especially if you use the new Baseplate 2021 template inside studio, so I wouldn’t technically call it a “niche” type of situation.

This type of thing can be definitely understood better if your game isn’t one to utilize SurfaceGUI in anyway, but for the games that do use SurfaceGUI/Billboard GUIs, it can prove quite a challenge.

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Pushing on this again, it’s a pretty big issue for my game. It’s been over two months! Almost ruins the visual aesthetic at night time. I have some comparison pictures below to show how much effect this bug really has. It’s not a very niche bug, a LOT of game use Atmosphere and GUIs. The bug only occurs live in-game on the client, and at night time with an atmosphere. The bug does not occur in Studio, nor in Studio testing.

Both pictures were taken in the same spot, at about the same time of day. You’ll see in the in-game screenshot, there is a blue-ish tint to all SurfaceGuis (road signs, traffic lights).

Taken from in-game (bugged behavior):

Taken from Studio (normal behavior):



Happens to me as well, billboards that contain any product information get lighted light blue. Similarly on another game that I don’t work on but is part of the team the tanks that have decals on them in the fog get highlighted making the camo on them absolutely useless


I can confirm everything that everyone else has said.

I use atmosphere a lot as an alternative to fog since I can just do more with it and get the effect I want, but this bug completely defeats the purpose of using it.

As basically everyone else has said, all billboard & surface GUI elements are highlighted blue and shows through the atmosphere. It only happens in-game on the client, no problem with it in studio.

It also doesn’t help since I use surface GUIs to overlay decals on top of each other without any Z fighting, but now said images are tinted blue.
And even if I found another way to do those and get around the blue highlights, the chat bubbles get highlighted anyways due to them being billboardGUIs, and even become unreadable from certain distances.

Surface GUIs Glowing

Chat bubbles Becoming Un-readable

Its been broken for a few months now and is preventing me from releasing several projects because the game’s atmosphere and overall vibe is ruined. Please fix this.


BTW, just learned that this bug may only be on Windows PC


This has been occuring on my Windows and MacBook Pro computer, however reinstalling Roblox Studio on macOS fixes this issue for me. The same does not apply for Windows when I tried.

Is this issue occuring in majority Roblox games or just a few like yours?

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any word on a fix? this has been broken since june/july and we’re now halfway through october


This issue is getting worse, now all parts with reflections are glitched with blocky shadows, and all light sources render incorrectly.


A fix has been released. Let me know if it’s still happening.


Everything seems to be back to normal for me. Thank you!

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Can confirm this issue seems to have been fixed.
SurfaceGUIs with LightInfluence set to 0, viewed from ~400 studs away, atmosphere density .4, before the fix they would appear blue, thanks for fixing it finally!