Attaching a model to the player makes the player's movment weird

i am trying to make a stand similar to jojo games but when i tried to attach a model to my player using a motor6d the player movement became weird as shown right here

i’ve searched in other posts for something similar to my problem but each one i saw was solved by either making the model massless or deleting the humanoid

i’ve tried making it massless but it just made the player stuck and unable to move
i dont want to delete the stand’s humanoid since it removes the clothing from it and i could’nt find a way to give it clothing without having the humanoid on it
and also i did try to delete the humanoid but still it didnt fix the problem

(this is my frist post so if i am using wrong tags or something let me know)

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Try setting the network ownership of the stand model to your player w/ this:


If I do perfachtually reckonocall correctly, my dearest sigma, the HumanoidRootPart of the stando ought to be in the same spot as the player’s. On top of that, animations should be used for having the stando off to the side and behind the player like that. Then, the stando can work just fine massless, unless you’ve done something wrong elsewhere. HumanoidRootPart of stando should be welded. The cates, as they say, would advise that standos are always massless. It isn’t very sigma otherwise, as the gyatt that is Roblox physics engine is hard to rizz. :wolf: Model tends to sit inside of player’s model.

Well, if you weld it to players character, that is automatically going to be in players ownership.

Second of that, it can be caused due to the fact that it might have CanCollide turned on,

i checked everything and cancollide is turned off everywhere

as hard as this was to read i tried what you implied about having both the humanoid root parts in the same spot but that doesnt fix the weird turning and when i make every part in the stand massless it just makes the player unable to move

due to the stand model being unanchored the game gives networkOwnerShip to the closest player to it

Have you tried :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() adjacent to the player.

Try making all the parts in the stand massless

property of what is :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() i dont think i tried that

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making all parts in the stand massless doesnt do anything and when i make the stand humanoidRootPart massless i become unable to move

Do you want it to tween smoothly instead or set the cframe every millisecond?

just turn “MassLess” to true for every part or mech in the model

i want the stand to follow the player smoothly i tried using the runservice heartbeat event to update the stand cframe to the player exact cframe + a new vector3 but that makes the stand keep follow the player in a choppy way

Did you try RunService.RenderStepped?

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i’d appreciate if you read the post befor commenting since multiple people has suggestted making the stand massless and i told them it doesnt work and i even wrote that it doesnt work on the original post


no i havent tried it what does it do?

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The RenderStepped event fires every frame , prior to the frame being rendered. The step argument indicates the time that has elapsed since the previous frame.

via: RunService documentation


that actully worked thanks although it made another problem it being the stand doesnt stay on a fixed position here is the script that moves the stand

omori.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +,3,3)

and here is how it moves