Attachment position seems to change without actually moving

Hi, I’m trying to just spawn a part at an attachment’s position but every time I do it, it seems that the position of the attachment lowers in the Y direction but its actual position isn’t changing in-game. I’ve made the attachment visible so you can see what I’m talking about. You can see the attachment’s world position changing in the console every time I click.

The script just instantiates a new part and sets its properties. There is nothing in the code that even remotely touches the attachment other than accessing its position here. I’ve tried doing it in a normal script instead but still the same thing occurs. I’m completely lost on this so appreciate any help thanks.

local function fire(target)
	local b ="Part")
	b.Size =, 0.1, 1)
	b.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish orange")
	b.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
	b.CanCollide = false
	b.CastShadow = false
	b.Anchored = true
	b.CFrame = gun.Main.FirePoint.WorldCFrame
	b.Parent = workspace.Debris

	local m ="SpecialMesh")
	m.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
	m.Parent = b

Not sure why this is happening, but if no fix is found, consider using a part instead as the barrel/shoot point, which is what I do, and it seems to be quite efficient, unless you’d rather not.

Make sure to anchor your viewmodel

Here are a list of three other post with people having the same problem with the recommended solution being to anchor the viewmodel.


Thank you, that fixed it for me

Is anchoring the primary part only ok???