I want to use the Audio Discovery plugin (in Roblox Studio) to quickly find & replace copyrighted audios as they don’t work in the game.
When I click on the Audio Discovery plugin, none of my audios show up even though I have loads in the game. This is what it looks like:
I searched for solutions on the Dev Forum, YouTube & Discord. All I found is others that have the same issue as me but I can’t find anyone with a solution. I wanted to repost this because I’m pretty certain Roblox hasn’t noticed the bug: Audio Discovery Plugin Not Working? - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - DevForum | Roblox
This plugin is very important to many people & I desperately need it working as soon as possible. If you know a different way I can replace all the audios (without taking hours finding & replacing them one by one) please let me know.
Please fix this Roblox.