Audio Discovery Plugin Not Working?

I just uploaded a bunch of sounds to my group. They’ve been cleared through moderation and I can use them on the site. But when I insert them into the game that’s in the same group the audio is, it asks me to grant permission to EACH and EVERYONE of them individually as they are attempted to play during runtime. Which is definitely not going to happen with the hundreds of audios I upload monthly.

The audio IDs are in a table,

just like many other sounds I have in the game. They also display in the Group Audio tab in the Toolbox.

Yet when I go and look in the audio discovery plugin, they are absolutely nowhere to be found. Nothing is marked red, nothing to indicate an efficient way to grant permission. (Please Roblox add a button to sort by date uploaded/modified)

I sincerely hope Roblox is not insisting I go to each and every one of those audios in my browser, copy/paste the Universe ID, save it, and then use the audio.

I have waited a while, and I’ve reloaded my Studio, this is heavily disrupting my workflow.

Solutions anyone? Am I missing something?


I want to bump this.
audio discovery plugin
This is what the Audio Discovery plugin shows for my game vestigial library, unupdated since before the audio update. I know for a fact that I use around 100~ audio IDs in this game through scripts, sounds, etc.

Absolutely none of them are shown.

I’ve gone into scripts and sound objects, checked the IDs, and they’re there. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t be shown in Audio Discovery. I know this plugin works because I’ve used it before for other games. But for some reason all these old audios aren’t showing up, whether they’re broken or not.

This severely hinders my capability to fix my games’ audio. If there is a fix, I haven’t found it. It seems a lot of people have this issue but nobody has a solution. Please keep me updated.


This really needs to be addressed.
I just moved a project from one group to another, so not being able to use this tool is very frustrating.
I have not found a fix for this either.


I’m bumping this extremely frustrating this feature is not implemented.


The plugin is still broken. It’s completely empty


Bumping. Plugin still broken for me.


bump lol
shows some audios but not any that aren’t allowed to play to this day
Roblox seriously just does not care to fix any of their little gadgets.


Bumping, at the time of writing this isn’t fixed


Bumping, still not fixed as of writing this.


The plugin still is having this behaviour as of this message being sent, I was trying to find which audios I don’t have access with.

The plugin is now fixed and is working for me, thank you!


Still broken for me. They seriously need to fix this.


still hasn’t been fixed, need this for tons of themes i have which i cannot even grant without having to manually do all of them 1 by 1


STILL broken. I’ve been waiting for weeks and I can’t afford to grant access to 300 different audios manually.


Still has not been fixed. I have to manually whitelist or reupload my audios which are absolutely tedious tasks.

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It works on some games, some groups but not others

It’s so incredible (massive sarcasm) how to this day this post is still decently active. Also yes it’s broken for me too

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wow yikes I can’t believe it’s been broken this long
a good workaround is to download a copy of the place, then publish to the uploaded version
will prompt you to allow access for all sounds

Please fix the plugin it’s been broken for as long as I can remember.

bumping this, still not fixed yet

and correct. this the only viable way that you can it will show grant all permissions to the place

plugin works again, it got fixed and now auto sets permissons again