Audio filed failed to load (18) error

Been getting this audio error constantly for some reason in PF. There’s no indication of an error in our coding, because nothing seems to break but the sounds themselves.

When you first join the game, all sounds play normally. At some point, this error triggers once and then from then on, every sound played results in the same error with no indication of recovering.

Is this an error on roblox’s end?
We think it might be related to roblox enabling something for audio recently as this error hasn’t really occurred before in PF.


Noticed this recently but it was with a Roblox gear so thought the sound had been deleted on Roblox’s end or something!

I keep having this on my plugins, they start erroring as soon as I exit play solo


My console is also having a heart attack

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Same happened on my game too, I think the error is definitely on roblox’s side

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Yep. Been happening like crazy in my game as well. Definitely a roblox problem.

So this must be why the audio isn’t working

I’ll modify this error to include the audio asset id. Do no sounds play at all after this error starts to appear?

Some sounds do play still, but a majority of the ones like shooting or reloading seem to stop.

If the audio file fails to load then it stays as such until they rejoin, but it’s only certain sounds and it can be different sound files
per person per game

Sounds on my plugin stop working after the error appears, I’m forced to restart the place to fix it

Related? This texture worked fine the other day now it won’t load, restarting studio does nothing and texture is still approved on the site

Likely not related. What format was this image?

sometimes it will load, other times that happens

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Is there some workaround for this “Audio file failed to load (18)” problem? I am still seeing it.


I’m working on this. Could you tell me more detail? What game is that and how often this happens? I feel hard to get the context.

The error message has been changed to a more detailed form. There should be an file name printed out. When this happens could you check if the file exsit on your disk?

In testing in local Server/Client mode last night I did see the error message. I assume that was before you added the change since I did not see any filename in the message. Tonight after loading the new version of Roblox Studio I have not yet seen the error message, even though I have experienced the sound loss.

I am seeing this problem in a new version of Armored Patrol that I have not published yet, but players of the current published version say they see the problem sometimes within 10-30 minutes of play, various different sounds are affected, explosions, gun shots, etc, but once the sound stops playing, only exiting and re-entering the game will fix it.

I’ll try to test more tomorrow when I have more time and try to get the new error message to come out.

Thank you for looking into this!


@spotco There should be some error message. So wired.

Could you please check the folder C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\Roblox\ContentProvider when this happens if you use windows? Does that folder have files with normal size?


This has been an occasional problem on Shard Seekers for me

Some sounds work, while other do not, it seems pretty random. I’m preloading sounds before playing them if that’s relevant.