This seems to happen when multiple sounds begin to overlap, specifically if sounds have some effects added onto them like echo or bass? (Unsure). It doesn’t seem to be only specifically a headphone issue as it seems to have gotten picked up in the recording linked above so I’m assuming it is an engine issue and not specifically device issue?
I haven’t had any issues with this previously so this seems to be a somewhat recent issue that has occured within this month or so.
It may be possible to reproduce the issue by compounding multiple sound effects in rapid succession with various different effects applied onto it (via the effects instances and changes to audio) overlaying each other.
I expect not to have overly loud audio blasted in an extreme volume. My volume settings are set quite low (around 30ish percent) and on Roblox, 1 bar. However, when reproduced/detected, extremely loud audio (past what I’ve set) is played with loud distortion.
I’ve never been able to pinpoint an exact cause/never been able to reliably replicate the behavior in studio, however I do find that some odd combinations of loud sounds (usually sounds that are loud to begin with at the maximum volume a sound instance will allow) sometimes with some minor changes such as pitch or the assorted audio modifier instances (distortion, reverb/echo) will sometimes clip in such a specific way that the sound system doesn’t like, which makes it suddenly decide to stack the entire games sound on itself a billion times.
Note: it makes everything you hear much louder regardless of the source, including things like the test sound you get when changing the Roblox volume settings.
The only “fix” (assuming it doesn’t fix itself as shown in that video you linked) is to set your Roblox volume to 0, which mutes and in turn resets whatever is handling the sound internally, and then you can turn your volume back up, which will fix it until that loud audio issue happens again.
This bug can happen as low as the first bar if audio is loud+distorted enough to start with.
If I was to take a wild guess, I’d assume it occurs when fps drops slightly since games like frontlines/arcane odyssey often tend to have some small/large fps drops.
However, I’m noticing it becoming more prevalent as of recently which is why I did this report (aka, I just had it happen a little bit ago after writing this so this makes it my 3rd time hearing it). I’ve never actually had this happen prior to years playing on Roblox so it was very bizarre when I heard the audio glitch out like this for me for the first time.
Searching around for a bug report on this also came up with nothing. Though a very high possibility that I’m just bad at searching.
Actually, the sound begins to clip out then returns suddenly to normal. No need to adjust volume to reset/stop it… at least in my case and the case I saw in the YouTube video, could be different depending on device?
Hey all, we identified some scenarios that could result in NaNs or really big numbers getting into the audio mixer, which may have resulted in bad behavior. I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue specifically, but I am hoping those patches were related.
Has anyone been able to reproduce this problem in the past couple months?
This issue seems to still be happening, and quite frequently under these circumstances as well.
My game uses a sound system that uses sound travel time, echo, and reverb to effectively make things sound better, an issue I commonly run into and find super annoying is the audio going rouge just as it was described in the original post.
it seems to me the issue is mostly caused by the CompressorSoundEffect, and I’m 80% sure there’s others that do this same bug, this is a video I took while in studio, not even when the game was running.
What the volume is doing, is I assume either adding or multiplying the volume breaking past the volume 10 limit, I’ve seen this issue in plenty of other games and it has ruined very good videos and clips in the past.
effects i use:
I know the audio bug still occurs with the properties edited, not sure what the threshold for it to occur is.
There’s also a semi-working fix to make it somewhat stop doing this, the fix is to just turn down your in-game volume to less than half, which I don’t really want to count as a total solution. The bug still occurs with the volume down, just less frequently.
Thanks for the screenshot – in this scenario, is the compressor the only effect being applied to ar_bullet_crack_near_03? You also mentioned equalization & reverb – we definitely want to get this fixed (for the sake of everyone’s ears) so any further information to narrow in on what’s causing the wild volume spike helps!
Hi, for my past 6 years developing on Roblox, I have never encountered this bug until today.
I have a Part that plays 16 sounds, all looped, It is an ambience, all the sounds are on .075 Volume and .938 Playbackspeed, and most of the sounds are made by Roblox, apart from one, none of the sounds have any of the Sound Effect objects in them, I tried everything, from changing the Playback speed to 1, and volume back to .5, but no luck.
Unfortunately, I am not able to help decipher what or why this is happening, but was hoping you may be able to help in some way.
Edit: Actually I just found something out, it seems to only happen when VolumetricAudio is enabled, my game relies on VolumetricAudio, so I really do not know what to do.
Hi, I found a fix after almost 2 days and wanted to share it in case other devs are experiencing this bug too.
It’s very easy and simple! Set your Sounds RollOfMaxDistance to exactly like in the Image:
I don’t think RollOfMinDistance or RollOfMode matters, just as long as RollOfMaxDistance is set to what it is in the Image or higher.
I think what’s happening is what others have mentioned – the Sounds are overlapping, causing the Sound Engine to be confused I suppose, so for some odd reason, setting the RollOfMaxDistance to .001 or higher fixses this Overlapping issue as well as the Sounds glitching in and out issue.
i made this car and this is what happens to my car i removed the body of the car and i dont use any effects. my game is all about car sounds so this is a big problem for me
Hey @twaanlab2020 this might not be exactly the same thing; the original post shows audio getting excruciatingly loud, whereas your video shows audio cutting out altogether.
Based on the pitch modulation, I wonder if somehow the PlaybackSpeed ends up being 0, causing the audio file to stop – do you have an example rbxl file that reproduces the problem?
I accidentally just made my entire game’s ears bleed with this bug from a global event, you dont want to know how many players dropped from that issue.
Yea, i can replicate this issue but its random at times, its when louder audible sounds start overlapping base sounds, then the engine isnt triggering something that sets the audio back to its original state.
I will try some of the fixes some of you have described, and hope for the best.