Audio Refund Incident

It says the reason at the beginning of the post, as you said, users were being refunded multiple times.


So if I understand it correctly, instead of fixing the upload system itself (which shouldn’t be exploitable to begin with), Roblox decided to outright moderate people they assumed were abusing it? People don’t just stop uploading when it fails multiple times, but that doesn’t mean they’re deliberately exploiting refunds. I imagine there are a number of innocent developers who will remain banned despite appeals because we’ve already seen that moderation isn’t perfect. This should never have happened.


Instead of disabling the audio uploading on the site with the click of a button, they decide to just ban everyone… multi-million dollar company btw.


Can you let us know when these errors are fixed? I don’t want to get terminated just so I can email support so they can tell me “Yeah sorry you were purposfully exploiting byebye developer career”.

How do you determine if the person was purposfully doing it? Are you able to give this information or is it sensitive info? Mainly asking because many innocent people were termed, and some developers may even leave this platform because of it. This is potentially even a major PR issue waiting to happen.

We shouldn’t be using automated termination to begin with in cases like these. Automated moderation tends to generate lots of false positives, especially in edge cases such as “there’s a bug in our refunding process”. Instead of fixing the loophole and carefully removing the extra refunds for the users who got double refunds, you just outright banned/terminated them. This not only damages people’s trust in moderation but it has a huge impact on developers and players alike. If a major developer were termed, it wouldn’t be a big deal - just restore their account and make an “oops” thread. But what about regular players / upcoming developers who don’t have a big name for themselves yet? Are they just expected to say “oh well I enjoyed Roblox now I can’t use it anymore”?

This is the second time something like this has happened. Please, make a system / process so this does not happen again for a third time. Generally I would avoid having an automated proccess terminate users, especially in these edge-cases.

Not trying to sound rude or derogatory here, I know running a worldwide platform and a huge company isn’t a walk in the park, but this issue has occured twice now. Please do something to fix this entire automated moderation system issue.


This isn’t the way to go about things. Why do users have to request appeals on this rather than automatically having their accounts returned to them? What about users who won’t see this soon enough to appeal? What happens if a user appeals the unfair ban later than the standard accepted time?

It’s not fair that these users are being forced to go through the customer service route which takes forever rather than just having their accounts returned. Did this automated system not keep a log of users it terminated? I would have imagined it doing so since this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

Like many other people are wondering, what exactly is the process of checking whether or not a user purposely exploited this system? Users aren’t very comfortable with trusting in the moderation team after all these false bans and it would be a lot nicer to see the situation properly cleaned up, not whatever is happening here.

Is the bug fixed? Can we safely upload audios? There’s questions that a lot of users would have right now which aren’t clearly responded to in the original post here.

All this post has really stated is that the moderation team is going to fix things, but that isn’t comforting at all as we have no idea what measures are being taken to make sure anyone unfairly moderated gets their account back.


Based on the fact it’s a bug that was created by Roblox, by accident, I don’t think anyone should have gotten banned - especially since a lot of people are currently saying they didn’t intend on abusing the system - just uploading a few audios that got deleted, and then the auto-refund system decided to give them three or four times the normal amount - not the uploader’s fault.

I do enjoy how innocent developers are deleted quicker than the annoying bot accounts that have been active for three or more months.


Just asking a question if this was to happen:

If you sent an appeal the day of and Robvlox responded saying they can’t do anything about the situation, but then sent another appeal today about the situation since it was finally addressed unlike in the first place, who would you get a actual message or a message saying something like:

Thank you for reaching out to us about your moderation concern. Our records indicate that an appeal has previously been sent for this account. Once a decision has been made to deny an appeal, further appeals for the same ban cannot be reviewed. Please do not send multiple emails about the same issue after a decision has been reached.

Before this post was made, multiple people tried to appeal such as my self but get an answer of saying they can’t do anything.


You guys are aware that the bug wasn’t patched right? Users are still exploiting this vulnerability, it seems to refund the purchase without actually taking the Robux away in the first place. A user sent me this. As you can see, he makes the purchase, doesn’t get charged because the file is previously blocked, and then is refunded and you’ll see his Robux go up 350 upon refreshing.


Following up on what you said, there’s a problem wherein with that;

The system, especially for those who were unintentionally utilizing it, were determined to be exploiting due to the fact they got the multiple refunds as anyone else did. Nearly the exact same applies for those who were exploiting it, it’s just that they intended to get the money as opposed to otherwise.

I honestly don’t see how the staff will right this and determine who did bad or good in this situation. In the end, it’s likely to be a rather haphazard process that won’t correct a lot of the bans that were made unjustly.


@Seranok Just like @TheDreamDealer said, how should users who submitted appeals for this and were previously denied before the realization that some people were not intentionally exploiting this submit appeals?

The reason I ask this is because if an appeal was previously made for something and denied, users can no longer submit appeals for that same thing.


Audio uploading has been temporarily disabled while we are investigating an ongoing issue.

We will update this thread once you are able to upload audio again.


Audio uploading is back up!


Why is there so much silence around this issue besides what are basically lies at this point about how moderated users can have their accounts restored? I get it’s the weekend, but a large chunk (“large” considering what this is) of the userbase being terminated for no good reason seems like a pretty critical issue to me.

I get it’s hard to manage ALL the individual cases, but why is nothing being done about the cases that have been responded to? @TheDreamDealer has been trying for too long already to have his account restored, and has basically been told by appeals the action taken against his account would not be reverted, which is completely unfair.

How are we supposed to feel comfortable developing on a platform that isn’t taking care of its developers? Roblox developers and Roblox players are being punished for a bug they didn’t cause, and at this point it feels right to believe the appeals team doesn’t have the tools necessary to properly figure out whether a user intentionally exploited this bug or not.

That being said, the way to go should be removing the robux they got refunded (if even that), not terminating their account, once again, for a bug that wasn’t even their fault.

This whole situation is very uncomfortable as a Roblox developer. I want to feel assured that I won’t have unfair actions like this taken against myself, only to lose all my work and time I put into developing on Roblox.


I’m not sure why the choice of terminating any accounts that just so happened to experience a bug that is on Roblox’s part, not the player “exploiting” it, instead of simply revoking the Robux that the players gained through a bug they unintentionally experienced. Any accounts that were terminated should be reinstated with the “exploited” Robux revoked from their accounts.

I feel as though Roblox doesn’t have the tools to simply revoke the Robux, and instead, their only option is to terminate accounts that experienced the bug - which will be bad for PR (and of course DR for developers who were terminated because of this bug.)


Yeah, the handling of this situation is absolutely unacceptable. I posted this on my other thread (Roblox's Moderation Needs To Be Fixed - #36 by Cindering), but it’s worth repeating here for easier visibility: Roblox messed up big-time here, so Roblox needs to be the one reaching out to the affected users. When you just terminated a bunch of innocent people’s accounts for no reason, you can’t just tell them to try and go through the appeals team if they want their account back - appeals doesn’t even understand how to handle this situation properly anyway.

It seems like Roblox doesn’t have a true grasp of just how many innocent users were actually terminated by this bug. They’re just assuming that a majority of those users intended to exploit the bug, when that couldn’t be any further from the truth. Anyone who intended to exploit the bug would be re-uploading audios dozens upon dozens of times.

Any non-devforum members who got incorrectly terminated and denied by appeals now have NO WAY to get their accounts back on their own, because appeals won’t review the case a second time. There’s no telling how many people could be in this position right now. Roblox needs to fix this immediately, and there needs to be serious changes to the moderation system.


Appeals won’t even review my case a second time, even though the first time they checked it over it was before they addressed and was notified about the issue.


They really should just restore all the accounts that got banned and just remove the robux which were gained through this process. If someone had enough robux, they could’ve potentially uploaded the same audio dozens of times without realizing it was giving them extra robux since they only saw “100k+”, or something of the like. Nearly all of the accounts affected by this were completely innocent, and now have no way of getting their account back. This is completely ridiculous and should be a higher priority for Roblox.

Edit: I found that some users only received 7 day bans for this. What determined whether or not a user got a 7 day ban or a termination, because at this point it seems completely randomized, almost as if it was just a chance of “do you get to keep your account?.. spin the wheel!”


Yes, it was unfortunate.

Also thank you for mentioning me. I was unable to access Devforum, thanks to that ban.

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