Audio Stage Pro - A powerful plugin for the new Audio APIs (BETA)


With the release of the new Audio APIs, I have created an expansive, node-based plugin to seamlessly edit Audio setups (or Stages).

  • Visually wire up Instances and reorganize with ease
  • In-depth control over AudioPlayer playback, audio asset loading and more
  • Automatic Proxy instances to interface between instances that will exist in runtime
  • Responsive dials to control numerical properties
  • Automatically load Audio setups from your game as soon as you select them
  • Non-intrusive, fluid workflow – just close the plugin when you’re done

Wondering how to save, load or export setups? You don’t. All changes immediately apply to your game. Simply click on an Audio Instance in the Explorer, and load it in the plugin automatically to continue working on it.

Below is an example of creating a 3D AudioEmitter, heard by an AudioListener.

How can I do this myself?

Playing the audio

  1. In the plugin, create an AudioPlayer. Add an asset to play as a test sound.
  2. Create an AudioEmitter, and wire the Player and Emitter together.
  3. Set the AudioEmitter parent to wherever you want the sound to come from in the Workspace.

Hearing the audio

  1. Create an AudioListener. Click “Add Script.” This script will automatically parent the Listener to your camera when you playtest. Make sure the AudioListener is in SoundService, or the Workspace.
  2. Create an AudioDeviceOutput. Wire the Listener and DeviceOutput together.
  3. Playtest in Studio, select the AudioPlayer and run the following command in the command bar:

Beta release information

This plugin is in BETA. This means some features will be incomplete or missing. If you encounter an issue or a missing feature you would like added, reply to this topic!

Pricing information

During BETA release, this plugin will be priced at $14.99.
On full release (in November-December), the price will be reduced to $11.99.
A free Lite version may be released in the future with less frequent updates and minimal features.

Planned features

This plugin is in BETA, meaning many features are missing. Here is a list of planned features which are likely to be added before full release:

  • Visual AudioEqualizer editing
  • Spectrogram for AudioVisualizer
  • Visual frequency editor for AudioReverb
  • Plugin settings menu v0.4
  • Node duplicating v0.3
  • Preset sounds in AudioPlayer to preview functionality v0.4
  • Help menu for each Instance type v0.3

Less likely features to be added:

  • Preset Stage setups
  • Individual Audio Instance presets (eg. AudioReverb presets)
  • More intelligent placement of new Nodes in the Stage v0.3
  • Wire splitting (adding nodes between wired instances)
  • Workspace AudioEmitter and AudioListener preview v0.4

Known issues:

  • When the mouse re-enters the plugin, immediately dragging something might “teleport” it somewhere unexpected
  • On some places, the small cursor icon when creating a wire appears glitchy
  • Undoing an AssetId change in AudioPlayer causes some issues

Get the plugin here:

From the kAudio Suite

IconSmall • PlusIcon • LiteIcon


this might be awesome for the audio related plugins, looks very promising so far!!
i love how it’s well made and even tho, the design looks clean and organized :slight_smile:

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This seems like a great plugin. But I don’t think its worth the 20$ pricetag…

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Looks good, but i would never pay 20$ for this if I can do it with external software without that much extra hassle.

Overpriced in my eyes.

EDIT: Forget the first part of this reply, I assumed it was mostly the same as the SFX editor, my bad.

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v0.2.0 Update is out! Featured item:

  • Added AudioFilter instance
  • Added RmsLevel and PeakLevel visuals for AudioAnalyzer
  • Added contextual grid lines to AudioAnalyzer spectrum graph which appear when mouse is hovering
  • Dials now format numbers like 123,456.78 instead of 123456.78
  • Visual improvements to cutting wires

How do I update a plugin?
  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” tab in Roblox Studio

  2. Click on “Manage Plugins”

  3. Click “Update” next to the plugin

If the “Update” button isn’t visible, then Audio Stage Pro is already up to date!
You can check the plugin’s version with the “Info” button on the top left of the widget.

v0.3.0 Update is out! Featured item:

  • Added AudioLimiter instance
  • Added Duplicate and Help buttons to the ••• menu
  • Stage navigation improved
    • Stage movements are now animated
    • Stage will automatically move to Instances created out of the view
    • Improved contextual support for “Home” button

How do I update a plugin?
  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” tab in Roblox Studio

  2. Click on “Manage Plugins”

  3. Click “Update” next to the plugin

If the “Update” button isn’t visible, then Audio Stage Pro is already up to date!
You can check the plugin’s version with the “Info” button on the top left of the widget.

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v0.4.0 Update is out! Featured item:

  • Added Proxy Instances (AutoListener, AutoDeviceInput and DefaultListener)
  • Added settings menu with 7 settings (suggest more!)
  • Added preset audios to AudioPlayer with 3 presets (suggest more here too!)
  • Improved certain workflows
  • Several undo/redo reliability fixes

The OP will be updated with more recent screenshots and example tutorials soon.

About the beta status

The plugin currently has the majority of the features planned for full release. However, Proxies require further testing and improvement. Expect Audio Stage Pro to leave beta within 1-2 months.

What's a Proxy?

Proxies act as placeholders for an instance that will exist during runtime, but not while editing (while playtesting, when playing in Roblox etc.)

For example, the AutoListener will create a hidden “proxy” listener in Studio so you can preview how it will behave without needing to playtest. It also creates a LocalScript that automatically creates an AudioListener in your camera once the game is played. The script automatically connects whatever it was connected to in the plugin during runtime.

How do I update a plugin?
  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” tab in Roblox Studio

  2. Click on “Manage Plugins”

  3. Click “Update” next to the plugin

If the “Update” button isn’t visible, then Audio Stage Pro is already up to date!
You can check the plugin’s version with the “Info” button on the top left of the widget.


Bought this, but I am still wondering how I can make this work with a intercom.

You could use a setup like this:

Left: An AudioDeviceInput created for each player
Center: A single fader (could be connected to some effects for that intercom sound)
Right: AudioEmitters for each intercom speaker

You would have to write a script that creates a new AudioDeviceInput for each player, sets the Player property to that player, and wires it to the single fader that connects to each Emitter (or intercom speaker). If you’d like, I could send an example script that does this.

my brain simple

I see cool UI
I like
I bookmark

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Really well made resource! I’m glad USD pricing on plugins has encouraged people to make tools that actually look and feel professional


v0.5.0 Update is out! Featured item:

  • Added levels graphs to AudioCompressor and AudioLimiter
  • Added “Utility” and “Effects” presets, as well as more “Music” presets to the AudioPlayer
  • Added support for new WindowSize, Asset and AutoLoad properties on various instances
  • Improved loading assets on AudioPlayer
  • Several undo/redo reliability fixes

Next update will be the full release! (v1.0.0)

Please suggest any fixes/changes that you'd like to see in Audio Stage Pro before the full release. The plugin price will be reduced to $11.99 on full release. Stay tuned!
How do I update a plugin?
  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” tab in Roblox Studio

  2. Click on “Manage Plugins”

  3. Click “Update” next to the plugin

If the “Update” button isn’t visible, then Audio Stage Pro is already up to date!
You can check the plugin’s version with the “Info” button on the top left of the widget.