Audios uploaded under group do not whitelist by default on group experiences

Reproduction Steps

  • Upload audio under a group you have edit permissions. (I haven’t tested as owner of the group).
  • Wait for it to pass moderation.
  • On another account try and play the audio.
  • Other accounts that aren’t the uploader of the audio receives a console error Failed to load sound rbxassetid://SOUNDID: Unable to download sound data.

Expected Behavior
I expect for the audio uploaded under the group to be heard by others players and not only the uploader in all the group’s experiences without having to whitelist the groups experience’s / by default.

Actual Behavior
The audio uploaded under the group is only heard by the uploader and no one else, until experiences are manually whitelisted.

Have to manually whitelist all the group audios for every group experience via the website despite the audio being uploaded under the group.

My use case how this affects me
For the group I develop for we load our weapons systems into each of our experiences via a ‘MainModule’ using require(MODEL_ID). We have upwards of 12 open experiences using it.

This bug in audio permissions for group uploads affects me because I have to manually get the experience ID’s in the group and whitelist it on the website for each new audio uploaded under the group.

It would be great if this is resolved and all audios uploaded under a group are automatically whitelisted for all the experiences in the group.

  1. Did you upload the audio in studio from a group game?
  2. Can you share one of the asset ids you are having trouble with?
  3. Audio privacy currently require you to give permissions to the experience to use it. We do not support automatic permissions to all group games currently. However, if you add the asset from toolbox or paste the id into sound instance, your experience should automatically get the required permissions and players joining the game should be able to hear the audio.
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Your methods listed in point three work, but it still leaves out any practical way of whitelisting audios for many experiences. Taking audio 14354958998 for example that I uploaded in studio, I put it within a package and also separately within a MainModule that you require(ID) on game run.

I’ve just tried every reasonable possibility from updating the package with the new sound from one place and getting the latest package in another and it won’t whitelist by itself. I’ve tried inserting the MainModule with the audio(s) as descendants in studio just through toolbox, and I’ve also tried my use case of requiring through a live server.
→ In all of this it will never whitelist on those other games unless I manually input the experience ID through the website OR reinput the Sound ID into the sound instance in the place I want it to whitelist on.

(Just as general background again, this report was made off me having to manually whitelist audio(s) for 30+ experiences in the group I develop for).


Any update on this? Audio Discovery plugin doesn’t even list a single audio in new group places when I insert the audio instances, even after closing and reopening the place.


@Sctrx All your experiences should automatically get permissions for the audios you own during Studio edit time going forward. Let us know if you face issues anymore!