Audioscape Boombox: Configurable music player with genre & vibe search

Help players find your experience more engaging with Audioscape’s free drop-in boombox !


Plugin Page | Demo Game | Dev Support Discord


  • Players can search by genre or vibe across 1000s of tracks - no need to leave your experience to copy sound IDs. This includes the new Distrokid tracks released at RDC24.
  • Song favoriting so players can keep track of songs they love
  • Compact UI keeps the focus on the game
  • Configurable - change player location, default audio selection, or accent colors

Real search/browsing! No more entering IDs.

Demo Video

Why we built it

Audioscape is a small team of developers, sound designers, and composers. We are passionate about raising the bar for audio quality on Roblox. We built a new developer tool for audio search, and once we got search working properly there, we thought it would be cool to make it available in a free boombox plugin for music listening. We were surprised at the number of good music tracks available for free on Roblox.

Why did we release it as a plugin and not a RBXM?

We have a ton of features planned for the boombox, like extending the playlist functionality, a physical boombox, and better search (along with what you all suggest). We felt that a plugin would allow us to iterate faster and push updates out smoother (instead of having to bother devs to manually update their modules), and therefore enable a better experience.

Current Dev Custom Controls

  • Control maximum volume
  • Specify player location (or have it moveable), and whether it starts minimized/maximized
  • Pre-seed the queue with your own audio selections (push a track to the player when you need to control the music)
  • Change accent colors

Try it out in our demo game.

Installation Instructions


This is just version 1, and we want to hear your ideas. Reach out to us on our Developer Discord.

Thanks for trying it out.

OffGridDude, Audioscape


This is awesome, I am a huge fan of being able to drag and drop this into my game :bangbang: :bangbang:

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Cool concept! :+1:

Why is the demo video fake? Makes it seem suspicious… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I didn’t link the graphic properly to the YouTube link. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Here is the demo video

Thanks for pointing that out @trtman33! I updated the link in the original post.

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umm ya, demo game does not work to play it, and if you try to open it up in studio it errors out…