Auto-recovery is not working

Lately I’ve noticed that even though I’m getting the auto-recovery message, whenever I check in my autosave folder (C:\Users\User_Here\Documents\ROBLOX\AutoSaves) nothing shows up.

In the past there was the ability to set where it saves to (as indicated in this post but now it doesn’t give me an option (view screenshot below).

Here’s what I have my default directories as well

Screenshot of proof it is attempting to auto-save


My experience with this is that it removes the auto-save files if the place was properly saved. Prevents buildup of a bunch of files.

That’s how it’s supposed to work. My issue is even if I open up a place it studio, let it autosave, and then look in the folder, nothing shows up. I deleted my old Autosaves folder, and Roblox Studio doesn’t even create a new autosave directory.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

The Studio Auto-Saves folder has moved (which is why it isn’t getting re-created when you deleted it). The new location on Windows is:
C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Roblox\RobloxStudio\AutoSaves (also accessible as %LOCALAPPDATA%\Roblox\RobloxStudio\AutoSaves).


Thank you!
May we please in the future get the ability to change the directory again?

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