Auto Scalar | Your new invisible helper!

Auto Scalar Converter

Hello, everyone! I’m excited to share the scale converter. This tool is designed to automatically convert your GUI to scale whenever you add a new GUI in Roblox, departing from the default offset. Check out more information below:

Scale lovers
This plugin is crafted for developers who appreciate using scale for the position and size of the GUI! If you enjoy using scale in your GUI, this plugin is tailored for you! I will outline how it works below:

How it works
The default GUIs you insert into Roblox are set to offset. This plugin changes this default to scale instead, eliminating the need for manual adjustments.

Preview of the plugin converting inserted GUI to scale

Main purpose
The primary goal of the scale converter is to automatically convert inserted GUIs into scales for scale lovers.

Additional Information
Here are some extra details about the Scale Converter and the additional options you can choose:

Additional Options

These buttons allow you to quickly convert your entire game to offset, scale, or text scale.

Community Concerns
I want to openly address some concerns raised by the community regarding the plugin’s history:

  1. Fake Reviews:
    I acknowledge and apologize for any fake reviews associated with the plugin. Unfortunately, the fake reviews associated with the plugin cannot be removed. I sincerely apologize for any confusion they may have caused and want to assure you that I am committed to ethical practices moving forward.

  2. Branding and Source Code:
    I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the original creator, @ZacBytes, of AutoScale Lite for their pioneering work in GUI scaling on Roblox. I want to transparently acknowledge that certain functionalities in the Auto Scalar Converter plugin are derived from AutoScale Lite. If the original creator of AutoScale Lite wishes to contact me regarding the use of their code, I am committed to promptly addressing their concerns, and I can remove this entire plugin. For those interested in exploring the original AutoScale Lite, you can find it here.
    [Plugin] AutoScale Lite for GUIs - Scale your UI

  3. Promotion:
    The previous marketing strategy claiming to be an “updated version” was a mistake, and I sincerely apologize for any confusion caused. I am correcting this by clarifying the plugin’s unique features without making any false comparisons.

  4. My History:
    I acknowledge that there have been instances in the past where I made poor decisions. I am committed to learning from those mistakes and ensuring a more ethical approach moving forward.

  5. Higher Trusted Status:
    I recognize the concerns about my Trusted status. I assure you that I will actively work to maintain trust by being transparent, addressing concerns, and promoting ethical practices.

I believe in fostering a collaborative and supportive environment within the Roblox developer community, and I am dedicated to rectifying any unintentional oversights.

So, what do you think?

If you have any feedback, please respond. Remember, I’m looking for constructive criticism. If you cannot think of any criticism, let me know you like it! Your responses help me improve!

Download Here


So is this a replacement to AutoScale Lite, or is it something we can use to improve AutoScale Lite? (I wrote this right before you updated the title lol)

Also is there anyway you can open source this on GitHub in a Repository?


All plugins on roblox are open source.

The plugin is open source by running this command within command bar

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(16482922870).Parent = workspace

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Even if you make seperate GUI for different screen devices, I still heavily recommend using scale because it allows the elements to adapt to if they minimize their roblox application or something.

which are very helpful paid plugins!



Please do not use auto scaling plugins for your UI if you actually want to make it work on other devices. PLEASE take a responsive approach.


Is this talking about Scrolling Frames or just in general?

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This applies to everything; scaling is commonly talked about because of how easy it is to accomplish. But with any other quick shortcut, the result is usually garbage because it is only fine tuned for 1 resolution.

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So the emulators in studio are somewhat wrong when it comes to scaling due to monitor sizes and what not?

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I was going to add a setting that let you switch between automatically converting GUI to scale to offset however I realized it would be game specific as there is no way to save configurations across different games.

This plugin is by default to automatically convert any added elements to scale.

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Using scaling on smaller resolutions like iPhones usually results in scaled text being really small and completely unreadable.

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Scaling looks fine on most devices he just has a preference for havign dedicated systems for each device.

Even if you make seperate GUI for different screen devices, I still heavily recommend using scale because it allows the elements to adapt to if they minimize their roblox application or something.

This is why I recommend using my BETTER autoscale, because it switches to the superior scale version even with having dedicated GUI for different screens.

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I have an iPhone and while working with GUI I’ve never have had issues with reading Text on mobile. Scaling text with mobile is going to be a natural issue due to the physical size of it. I recommend using a scaler due to the easiness of it but if you wanted to perfect it, so it fits on all devices as being readable then scale text by device.


So… how exactly is this any better than AutoScale Lite?


Automatically scales everything so it’s more of an alternative really.


One more question has this been tested widely yet because doing many calculations at once could easily mess some certain GUI up. I might switch if you added the ability to prevent certain UI from getting changed using possible filler objects in it such as random truss parts named DontChange or if you have another solution that you think would work.


Yes this wont mess up anything. In fact it actually uses AutoScale lites source code and just switches it to convert in mass instead of the selected elements.

I basically remixed auto scale.


For reference this is the plugin.

It uses autoscales library directly which is trusted by millions.

As for my code, I used professional coding techniques. Here is the full script:

local AutoScaleLibrary = require(script.AutoScaleLibrary)

local desirables = {"TextLabel", "TextButton", "Frame", "ImageLabel", "ImageButton", "TextBox", "ScrollingFrame", "VideoFrame", "ViewportFrame"}

	if table.find(desirables, obj.ClassName) then
		AutoScaleLibrary.SetSize("Scale", obj)  

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Auto Scale")

local scaleButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
	"game to Scale",
	"converts offset to scale",

local offsetButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
	"game to Offset",
	"converts scale to offset",

local scaleTextButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
	"Scale all Text",
	"Turns all text to text scale",

	for i,v in pairs(game.StarterGui:GetDescendants()) do
		if table.find(desirables, v.ClassName) then
			AutoScaleLibrary.SetSize("Scale", v)  

	for i,v in pairs(game.StarterGui:GetDescendants()) do
		if table.find(desirables, v.ClassName) then
			AutoScaleLibrary.SetSize("Offset", v)  

	for i,v in pairs(game.StarterGui:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("TextLabel") or v:IsA("TextButton") then
			v.TextScaled = true

as you can see, the script appears to be well made and prevents unnessesary calls by checking if its class is valid before sending it to autoscales library.

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Update (2024/2/28) 7:15PM EST:

So its just AutoScale’s code, and being used for the exact same purpose.

Just get AutoScale Lite if you are going to do that.

There is a reason people dont do this, it will just mess up the existing items, and would be a big hassel to convert everything back.


It does not convert existing elements to scale unless you press the “game to scale” button. It will leave them alone and only convert newly added elements to scale.

For example, if I add a frame, the frame is automatically set to scale. But the rest of my GUI in my game remains their original properties and is unaffected!

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Sir, thats the problem, and as already stated:

Based on your code, it does not keep note of any newly added elements, I suggest you prove it, otherwise its just a lie.

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I apologize for the confusion.

  1. It manages newly added elements by getting descendents added:

This section checks for any elements added to the game and converts them to scale.

  1. This plugin will not manage existing items unless you press the button:
    In this situation, only when you press the button will it turn all the GUIs to scale.

  1. I understand the preference for offset defaulted objects. I would like to emphasize that even if you plan on making separate GUIs for different devices, using scale can be beneficial to adapt to when users minimize their screens.

All Roblox GUI elements support scaling, and many popular games like Bloxburg and jailbreak use it!

(Bloxburgs use of scale)

(Jailbreaks use of scale)

As you can see, its a popular option because of its flexibility, is used by the top developers, and is completely safe!

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Thanks for clarifying.

Nobody mentioned anything about this, and your history on AI usage doesnt make this look like an accident, or misinterpretation.

If you need a bit of context: Im talking about the Buttons, not a specific button.

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