Automated Translations Break Cloud Localization Tables Of Already Translated Games

Issue Type: Other
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-02-11 00:02:00 (+03:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-02-11 00:02:00 (+03:00)

Reproduction Steps:
Machine translations are automatically enabling the string scraper for games that already have a functioning table, which results in tables getting corrupted with usernames, entries from other languages etc. Lots of developers I’m working with cannot do anything about it, as the only way to reverse this is to manually remove THOUSANDS of unnecessary entries from localization tables. This bug completely ruins the feeling of a good translation, corrupts localization tables, as well as makes players blame us (translators) for this. There are no reproduction steps for this bug, it happens automatically.

Expected Behavior:
I expect Roblox not to interfere with currently existing manual translations, as well as warn developers about forcing a feature that irreversibly corrupts the localiztion table

Actual Behavior:
Roblox interferes with currently existing translations without warning the developers, and breaks localization tables

Manually removing thousands of dummy entries

More examples


Redacted What I expected. Redacted. But seriously, I expected automatic translations to be this bad.

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Can confirm.

This has had happened to every game where the tables weren’t either up to date or just incomplete. One game has managed to get over 10k strings in the localization table while having translated that + over 200 extra strings for the Spanish variant:


I can verify this issue is happening way too much. some games from my localization table are being added up tons of strings out of nowhere and they’re not aware themselves of this.


Yep. super strange behavior. I took a look at the localization portal and apparently there are potentially hundreds of new entries containing random player names and unfinished strings, even though my game does not play text animations for users who don’t have their web-language set to English. The new entries don’t contain translations either.

This screenshot is taken from the Bengali localization entries page.

Hopefully this change can be reverted so I won’t be stuck with possibly thousands of unused strings?


Can confirm. It’s happening with nearly every game I translated.


Can Confirm.

The “other language strings” - “player name strings” - “random names strings” and “broken strings” found in the games are transferred to Translator Portal.

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Hi folks! The team is investigating the reports shared here. In the meantime, they have just shared a workaround if you’d like to disable and flush automatic translations in your game.

Here’s the step-by-step to save you a click:

  • Go into your game’s Configure Localization page
  • Navigate to the Settings tab
  • Disable the Automatic Text Capture setting
  • Flush the table (this will NOT impact any scraped entry with a manual translation / manually added entries)

I can’t turn off ATC/flush translations for Vehicle Simulator - the buttons are broken. There’s over 300+ pages of strings that I can’t delete (That are visible to me).


This doesn’t seem to be working, any updates on the fix?

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