I have been having an issue that doesn’t occur all the time, and it’s very irritating when it happens. When I had AutomaticCanvasSize turned on; it wouldn’t resize the canvas at all until the value was changed manually (which is what most of my UI doesn’t do) or when something is added. Due to most of my ScrollingFrames not resizing; I am unable to access some parts of the frame.
Hi! I was trying to use AutomaticSize today, however, all of the UI in our game has a UIScale object at the root of the ScreenGui to take care of UI scaling for different resolutions. Because of this, we ran into all of the above mentioned issues. Are these issues currently being worked on, and if so, is there an expected date for a fix?
Will this property handle ui objects with ClipsDescendants enabled in the future? I have certain UI elements that expand past the border of a UI frame, but get cut off by ClipsDescendants. AutomaticSize doesn’t seem to take this into account yet and will resize the frame as if the children of ui objects with ClipsDescendants enabled are visible past the parent border
With this implemented, I am no longer getting concerned on how to update the ScrollingFrame’s CanvasSize so it can fit with the amount of content inside it, as it is now automatically. Bravo!
Hi @JohnnyMorganz - apologies for the late response, however I wanted to update you that I have a fix for your issue that is currently being reviewed. I referenced your original post and have confirmed that the fix resolves your issue.
The fix should arrive in about 2-3wks, assuming no further issues are discovered during testing/deployment.
Thanks for your original bug report and following up in this post!
@DrRanchDressing Hey, you disabled this feature on my game a while back because of issues we were having, but I’m wondering if it’s been re-enabled or if the issues have been fixed or have an ETA? It’s been about two and a half months now.
When you disabled this on our game, it fixed the major issues we had with some guis. However, we’ve been seeing reports that some similar bugs are still popping up. Not sure how related this is, but it looks exactly like the original issue we had with Automatic Size. I’ll explain the bug below. I believe this has only been reported since Automatic Size property.
This is just a close-up of someone’s screen of the same GUI I posted above. You can see the frame on the right side containing the image and details is very squished and unusable.
PS - I also really want to start using this feature because we’re redoing some guis for the game, and I’m seeing places where this would be great to use.
Hi @mrfergie - apologies for the lack of updates, we’ve been focused on resolving several critical issues since the launch of Automatic Size (and since disabling this feature for your game). In addition to your game, there are several other games with this feature disabled, and we plan on investigating these issues in roughly 2-4wks. Please feel free to reach out whenever and I’ll do my best to provide an accurate update re: your game! Also, we sincerely appreciate your patience while we address these issues.
Re: the new issue you mentioned, it’s not clear to me what the problem could be. One suggestion is to try and read one of the Absolute* properties when updating that frame, such as AbsoluteSize, which, if the layout is dirty, will trigger an update. It’s worth a shot to see if that might resolve the issue!
Once we have a fix for the Automatic Size issue with your game, your game will be using the newer UI layout pipeline and hopefully this issue will be resolved, otherwise, if you’re able to reproduce this issue in a place file that you can provide, that would be immensely helpful (but understandably difficult to achieve sometimes).
It’s very disappointing that automatic size does not support AspectRatioConstraint or SizeConstraint, considering these are heavily used in any quality UI. Is there any ETA for when these will be supported?
I was quite honestly surprised about that as well, Most of the bugs that were found in this are things we would primarily use it for which is why I rarely use this feature, Although I would of loved to use this I just can’t due to what it lacks.
When using Automatic Size, we are aware of the following issues :
AutomaticCanvasSize incorrectly sizes canvas with scaled child positions. - I’m literally always using Scaled Frames, The only time I use off-set is for Y Scaling that that’s when I’m working with UIScrollFrames
Automatically sized parent may not respect child size constraints. - Again, Every single one of my frames are all Positioned on the Scale and Sized with Scale as well with the Primary Frame containing a UIAspectRatio
Automatically sized parent of a ScrollingFrame with AutomaticCanvasSize may resize incorrectly
- I absolutely hate using UIGridLayout with UIScrollingFrames DUE to this absolutely annoying scaling, It never scales how I want it to so I’d prefer to use UIListLayout or make an entire Page System instead.
AutomaticCanvasSize doesn’t respect UIPadding of UIGridLayout - Another very big reason why I chose to ignore UIGridLayouts with UIScrollFrames
Automatically sized parents with scaled size and scaled-sized children are incorrectly resized - EEEEEEEEE I swear I hate this.
Hello, we are trying to look into the issues you mentioned above. We would appreciate it if you can provide us a place file (please also list the current and expected behaviors) so that we can verify our fixes. Thank you!
Hi. The bug I reported was only being seen by certain players. That issue never occurred for me. It must have something to do with screen resolution or some other hardware. However, we haven’t got any new reports about that bug within the past few weeks/months (as far as I know). So, we’re unable to verify if the bug still occurs nor reproduce it.