Automatic Text Capture captures client sided stuffs which shouldn't normally exist in game

Reproduction Steps

Go Creator Dashboard → Check Localization

Expected Behavior

Contents that are actually in the game should be appeared on the page.
Automatic text capture should be ignoring client sided texts that are created by exploits or any other external tools.

Actual Behavior

As it seems automatic text capture is capturing everything including the client sided stuffs that are not replicated to the server, names of items / texts that I didn’t put in my game keeps appearing. Not sure if it is what it originally meant to do, but it started to happen quite recently so I assume it as a bug.

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I can clear unmodified captures, but using it will clear everything including the unmodified / automatically translated texts.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-08 00:09:00 (+09:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-11 00:09:00 (+09:00)


Hi there,

Thank you for the report! We will look into this and see how we can prevent this from happening in the future. In the meantime, you can manually delete the entries via the ‘delete’ button.



Just replying to note down that this is still an issue. I have recently started translating my own game to my main language (Estonian), and Automatic Text Capture has captured instances of players using exploits such as Ultimate Trolling GUI, which is bound to lead to some extremely inappropriate mentions.

It’s tiresome to delete all these entries and frankly, I don’t want these client-side entries attached to my game, as I fear moderation by Roblox itself. In my opinion, this is a critical issue that should be dealt with.


This is an extremely huge problem, only way for me to deal with this is to clear entire translation data for the entire game, due to there being too much stuff to delete manually, which is not what I would like to do

I hope that having these extremely inappropriate text strings in the list will not lead to any moderation actions against game owner

Additionally text captured from exploits causes translation quota issues, as it overfills


I’m having this same issue and shared more details here:

I’ve also been having what looks like strings from other games get captured.

My workaround has been to disable automatic text capture and only enable it for a few days after an update to capture new strings.

I hope this gets fixed soon.

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When can we expect a fix to this issue? I’m having to spend a good chunk of today shifting through 39 entries that likely have highly inappropriate words and slurs within them just to get rid of them. I’ve already disabled auto-capture for the time being, but this is getting quite ridiculous.

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Apologies for the late response here– we’ve added some of the locations you’ve listed above (e.g. “TPTool”, “Backpack.TPTool”) to our list of universally blocked text-scraping locations, but recognize that this isn’t a long-term solution for this problem. As another temporary workaround, you could add these fake locations to your game and then uncheck “Autolocalize” on them in Studio, but again we recognize that that’s just a temporary band-aid that won’t work as new exploits are developed.

To address this issue long term, we have been working a better replacement for our current automatic text capturing software recently that automatically garbage collects strings that aren’t seen in-game after a period of time. That should alleviate the need for managing automatically scraped and translated entries. We hope to release this very soon!

Happy holidays, and hope this helps answer some of your questions!


Hey, first of all thank you for your replies.

There is another issue however; other than the issue i’ve already mentioned, the auto-localization has been doing really poor recently which has gotten to a point where I need to constantly remove all the automatically-scrapped contents in order to make the game playable.

I don’t think this happened in the past, but not only the Automatic text capture is capturing exploit-related stuffs, it also seems to be capturing every playername and changing every single letter to the automatically translated ones no matter where they are (such as translating every letter ‘s’ to ‘second’, even when it is a part of a word) and now the page is filled with random piles of letters.

This happens to every single text which includes Playername. (ex: ‘Playername’ has won the game!)

Is there any tips you could provide to solve this?

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Can you share the ID of the universe in which you’re seeing this issue pop up? I’ll check our ingestion system and see if there’s any tweaks/bug fixes we can apply to reduce the frequency of garbage getting ingested into localization tables.

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