AutoVehicle - Automatic vehicle rigging plugin

You either setting up the vehicle wrong or the plugin got broken, either way, I am rewriting the plugin.

How do I rig the body? Also the body has multiple parts

Group your body and weld all the parts, disable collisions on them (either via CanCollide or collision group). Weld one part of the body to the platform or driver seat.

Do you need help regarding next update?
I can contribute if it will help release update faster.
I mainly use roblox-ts, but I can pretify transpiled code so it will look good in luau.

I am not working on it currently, not enough motivation. I think the main problem is that I don’t get paid and I just don’t feel like working on something for hours just to end up with nothing in the end.

I don’t think so, not from what I saw myself when trying out roblox-ts.

Yeah, I realized that roblox-ts will require some bloatware anyway to function properly. I understand motivation part, I just thought that this plugin will be really game changer for a lot of devs including me. From my POV it’s hard to make all in one solution for transport rigs, but if it’s possible to make it, it will be great. I could try do it myself, but I don’t want to spend weeks researching this (at least for now). However, if you come up with great idea to make it happen, I will glad to help you.

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Currently working on the motorcycle addition update, you can expect the update to be released within a week. The plugin will become paid too.


That is really good, it actually really helped me. But there is one thing where you cannot really put in a car model otherwise you will have to do some editing in properties, but thank you so much took me 1 minute to use the plugin and make it work!

There is an issue when I implemented my own script when you press W it would move backwards not forward, then I tried your script and it also did the same thing. If anyone has a fix for that please let me know.

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once rigged where do I change/set the max speed of the car?

It’s in the attributes of the car model.

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I have a problem with the car system for some reason when I move away from a model or part it will disappear for some reason sometimes when its very close.

This has been very useful, Thank you!

why does the character’s hats become can collide when you get in the car?

The Car makes invisible parts in tools visible like the handle.

I was wondering if you’ve figured out the problem about the character face disappearance bug. Recently I was playtesting this game with a friend and he had this glitch, therefore I know this bug isn’t just for me. I also tried using my vehicle in a different game and it had the same bug.