Avatar Editor "Advanced" Section Allows Equipping Any Item

There is a critical bug in the “Advanced” section of the Avatar Editor that allows users to equip any item on Roblox, including offsale items and limited items they do not own. This bug also causes the equipped item to appear under the user’s equipped items on their profile page and in their profile picture, as well as in-game too.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the Roblox website and log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the Avatar Editor.
  3. Click on the “Advanced” button in the Avatar Editor.
  4. Enter the asset ID of any item, including offsale or limited items.
  5. Click “Save” to equip the item.
  6. Check your profile page and profile picture or join a game to see the item appear as equipped.


Enjoy this while it lasts… I wonder if Roblox will be able to roll back the profile pictures that have the glitched assets on them or not :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Jokes aside; it’s concerning how things like these can slip through the cracks at Roblox and cause such huge vulnerabilities. Engineers should be more careful when making changes in these areas.


Glitched accessories also display in-game. Crazy :star_struck:


Can confirm, it’s exceptionally easy to replicate.
Notes were made somewhere else I saw, that it only work if you already have an accessory equipped, however, once you’ve equipped the first item you want, you can then remove the first item, and equip 9 more that the user doesn’t own.


It isn’t just profile pictures, you can wear any avatar asset into games too. I don’t own the “Emerald Claw” bundle, but I’m able to wear it right now:


Gonna enjoy wearing this offsale bundle I don’t own while it lasts :frowning:


The items showing in-game is what makes it even more insane of a bug :sob:


trying to add a ban hammer no longer works :sad:

okay it seems to work now, i had a gear equipped already apparently


I can’t seem to replicate this - either it was fixed within the past few minutes or I’m just outright unable to replicate it for some reason.

I put the IDs of assorted items (limiteds, non limiteds, offsales) into my advanced. It lets me save, however it simply ignores/removes any items I don’t have permission to wear (items I don’t own)


Still working for me. I saw some people mentioning you need to have at least one owned accessory already equipped, so maybe try that.


Also tried with owned stuff equipped, still nothing. If you can get it working still, I’d just put my issues on me not knowing the fine details on how to perform it.

Edit: Seems like this only works if I have no items equipped, opposed to having at least one item equipped.

Edit 2: Now I can’t replicate it again…nice…


Can’t replicate this

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I would personally like to say thank you to Roblox for hiring me! Looking forward to moderate every asset by spamming “Disapprove”!



This seems to have been patched :crying_cat_face:

Not sure what Roblox is going to do about those who have already abused the glitch and equipped items they don’t own. I’ll update this thread if they roll anything back :thumbsup:


It used to work for me but looks like it might be patched atleast for me


If anyone is willing to test this for themselves, head to Swagger UI, and then go to Avatar V2, and then “set-wearing-assets”

The Following Code Would Be Inserted:

  "scales": {
    "height": 1,
    "width": 1,
    "head": 1,
    "depth": 1,
    "proportion": 0,
    "bodyType": 0
  "playerAvatarType": "R6",
  "bodyColor3s": {
    "headColor3": "A3A2A5",
    "torsoColor3": "A3A2A5",
    "rightArmColor3": "A3A2A5",
    "leftArmColor3": "A3A2A5",
    "rightLegColor3": "A3A2A5",
    "leftLegColor3": "A3A2A5"
  "assets": [
      "id": 100301459,
      "name": "iBot Left Arm",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 29,
        "name": "LeftArm"
      "currentVersionId": 10762901443
      "id": 100301817,
      "name": "iBot Right Arm",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 28,
        "name": "RightArm"
      "currentVersionId": 10762901453
      "id": 100301774,
      "name": "iBot Left Leg",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 30,
        "name": "LeftLeg"
      "currentVersionId": 10762901456
      "id": 100301874,
      "name": "iBot Right Leg",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 31,
        "name": "RightLeg"
      "currentVersionId": 10762901465
      "id": 100301953,
      "name": "iBot Torso",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 27,
        "name": "Torso"
      "currentVersionId": 10762901473
      "id": 11573370910,
      "name": "Anime - Mood",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 78,
        "name": "MoodAnimation"
      "currentVersionId": 17941687908
      "id": 100302996,
      "name": "iBot Head",
      "assetType": {
        "id": 79,
        "name": "DynamicHead"
      "currentVersionId": 20280670549
  "defaultShirtApplied": true,
  "defaultPantsApplied": true,
  "emotes": [
      "assetId": 4940592718,
      "assetName": "Confused",
      "position": 1
      "assetId": 7466046574,
      "assetName": "Quiet Waves",
      "position": 2
      "assetId": 7202898984,
      "assetName": "Show Dem Wrists - KSI",
      "position": 3
      "assetId": 4689362868,
      "assetName": "Sleep",
      "position": 4
      "assetId": 6865011755,
      "assetName": "Block Partier",
      "position": 5
      "assetId": 5915781665,
      "assetName": "Panini Dance - Lil Nas X (LNX)",
      "position": 6
      "assetId": 14900153406,
      "assetName": "TWICE Feel Special",
      "position": 7
      "assetId": 6865013133,
      "assetName": "Cha Cha",
      "position": 8

You’re avatar would become iBot.

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Tried replicating it and it seems that it was unsuccessful… The only thing it shows me wearing is the expression “Anime - Mood”

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This was apparently patched, awhile ago this was functional.


so… i think it works in catalog avatar creator edit: nvm

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A message to anyone who uses these and currently is, do not edit you’re avatar, you’re avatar will be reset.

It is not necessarily, someone, it could have been just a bug on the back end of the website. Luckily, it was now patched, but we need to wait until Roblox engineers address this issue with updates.

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already happened lmfao

(not linking to it so I don’t get raided by the roblox pinkertons)

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