AvatarEditorService Public Release

Hello Developers,

We are excited to announce that the avatar editing functionality AvatarEditorService has exited beta and is now available to developers! These methods allow you to create an Avatar Editor in your experience that saves the player’s avatar back to the platform.

Developers can also request information about what is in a player’s inventory, and what outfits they own. Implementing an Avatar Editor in your experience can allow you to benefit from the 40% affiliate fee when users purchase catalog items.

Here are the methods that are being released:

  • AvatarEditorService:PromptSaveAvatar()
  • AvatarEditorService:PromptCreateOutfit()
  • AvatarEditorService:PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess()
  • AvatarEditorService:GetInventory()
  • AvatarEditorService:GetOutfits()
  • AvatarEditorService:GetAvatarRules()
  • AvatarEditorService:ConformToAvatarRules()

The catalog-related functionality will be released at a later time.

Avatar Editor Reference

This is the avatar editor and catalog adapted to work within the experience using the AvatarEditorService APIs. The ReadMe in the Github project has info about setting this up and how you could integrate it into your experience. There is currently no gamepad support for this editor, and there are a few small bugs due to the editor being out of date.

Simple Avatar Editor Demo

This is a simpler avatar editor demo. This may be a better starting point if you don’t want any more advanced functionality and just want to take a quick look at how the AvatarEditorService APIs work.

Documentation and Resources


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Awesome! This will definitely help games like Catalog Avatar Creator!


Some experiences (namely MeepCity and Robloxian HighSchool) might benefit from this in many ways.
Unsure if I’ll attempt to implement it, but sweet nonetheless!


Refresh page. Image loads fine for me.

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It works for me?
Maybe it only affects pc or laptop?

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They were able to release AvatarEditorService, but not working DevForum images pl0x


As a UGC creator, this is all too exciting.


It was just added globally

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The topic states it has exited beta.


Oh, wait I am stupid lol, didn’t see that

So happy this is finally released, really incredible & can’t wait to see how this is utilized across experiences!


Cool! I’ve been waiting for this to release ever since the Lil Nas X concert so its nice to see it finally release. Though I’m wondering, is there any chance this will be turned into one of the Dev Modules in the future?

Do not blame yourself, these things are easy to overlook, especially if your font size is set smaller.

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That’s an interesting functionality. I personally don’t see myself using this anytime soon but I’m sure other developers might find this useful.

Hi! Please update your documentation



I get that this probably isn’t done for developer security reasons, but I’d really love if AvatarEditorService:GetInventory() took an array of AssetTypes instead of AvatarAssetTypes. I’d love to easily get a list of all the player’s Decals so that we won’t have to create texture insertion tools based around copying and pasting an ID from the website anymore.


I was using it yesterday and I was wondering why it wasn’t printing “AvatarEditorService is not yet enabled” because I didn’t know it was being realesed

Wow this update is AMAZING. . .

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Woah this looks awesome! I think this could unlock a ton of new opportunities for games / game ideas.