AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog does not return correct AssetTypes for certain use cases

I am unable to access Engine bugs, so I have opted to post this in forum bugs.

This bug is still present in the AvatarEditorService.
Running this code:

local SearchParams = CatalogSearchParams.new()
SearchParams.MinPrice = 0
SearchParams.MaxPrice = 2147483647 -- Cant be math.huge, for some reason
SearchParams.SortType = Enum.CatalogSortType.Relevance
SearchParams.SortAggregation = Enum.CatalogSortAggregation.AllTime
SearchParams.CategoryFilter = Enum.CatalogCategoryFilter.None
SearchParams.SalesTypeFilter = Enum.SalesTypeFilter.All
SearchParams.AssetTypes = {Enum.AvatarAssetType.Shirt,Enum.AvatarAssetType.Pants,Enum.AvatarAssetType.TShirt}
SearchParams.BundleTypes = {Enum.BundleType.BodyParts}
local Pages = AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog(SearchParams)

The CatalogPages returned by AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog(SearchParams) does not contain only what was specified in the AssetTypes. Documentation for BundleType.BodyParts states that it should only include accessories and bodyparts.

Oddly enough, this only occurs once I have specified the BundleType, without a specified BundleType this bug does not happen.


Then dm @Bug-Support?