AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog() returning suboptimal results

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to show players the optimal catalog items in our avatar editor interface. Here is an example, showing the exact same search parameters when I enter the Roblox catalog vs when I use AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog()

Roblox Catalog/Website:

AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog() (using the exact same search parameters as the website pictured above^):

As you can see the Roblox website catalog shows me tons of paid results. When I try to display the same catalog results in-game, we see about 50-70 free results before showing paid items.

We could limit the default search in our interface to show items that cost at least 1 Robux, but those results still don’t seem to be as relevant to players and may be a less ideal UX (particularly FTUX as people are still learning how the UI works).

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because we would be able to play results that are as relevant to players as the results on the Roblox catalog website. I believe this will result in more UGC revenue for developers.


Hi Genya,

To help us reproduce the issue you are experiencing, can you copy and paste the exact script you are running to get the results via AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog(), specifically what is your CatalogSearchParams? Do it for the case you showed above for the All accessories category.

Also, are you running the script on server side via the ServerScriptService or client side via the LocalScript service?


Sorry for the delay! This is running client side.

It’s a bit difficult to extract just the code we run but I’ve added a bunch of prints to confirm what SearchParams go into the call from the client.

SearchKeyword: “” (empty string)
MinPrice: 0
MaxPrice: 2147483647
SortType: Relevance
SortAggregation: Past3Days
CategoryFilter: None
SalesTypeFilter: All
IncludeOffSale: false
AssetTypes: Hat
AssetTypes: HairAccessory
AssetTypes: FaceAccessory
AssetTypes: NeckAccessory
AssetTypes: ShoulderAccessory
AssetTypes: FrontAccessory
AssetTypes: BackAccessory
AssetTypes: WaistAccessory
AssetTypes: EyebrowAccessory
AssetTypes: EyelashAccessory
Page 1

The above search parameters result in these accessories:

But when I try to recreate these search settings on the website, I get these results:

If it helps at all here is the entire page 1 printed out

Page 1 Results

[1] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “3cf11ae8-79ef-4cbd-aac8-7ef442a5b2e8”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “She doesn’t need a reason to love the Halloween season.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 2256252,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 1103003368,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Orange Beanie with Black Hair”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 3744598675575633,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[2] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “1690445b-fe59-4ee2-ab84-9080ae5f749a”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Rock your red locks!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 2672033,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 2956239660,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Belle Of Belfast Long Red Hair”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 7797597963809607,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[3] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “a16b6e4b-c88a-402b-b3ce-59b69c911af0”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “I like you best because you’re true blue.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 2411073,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 451221329,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “True Blue Hair”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 4060072626785800,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[4] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “a48d72ba-c1fc-40c1-be99-a345977b47cc”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Powering Imagination!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 865068,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 607702162,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Roblox Baseball Cap”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 8790469655787870,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[5] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “17cf6570-1cac-482a-8132-5beab8e6af28”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Your thoughts are as down to earth as your hair!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 374669,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 1772336109,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Down to Earth Hair”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 4412016787788475,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[6] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “NeckAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “92b51bad-1c36-487f-8fe3-0a306a454395”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “User Ads VIP for life”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 55207,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 18112476810,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “User Ads Backstage Pass”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 3692333567562523,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[7] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “FaceAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “2926da0c-5b54-4387-ad7c-db7d367d018b”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Lookin’ cool in your orange shades!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 438749,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 376527500,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Orange Shades”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 6904107489950962,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[8] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “NeckAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “96bcc719-daeb-474f-ab08-8c48e5becfdd”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = " A true breakthrough in advertising technology",
[“FavoriteCount”] = 88693,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 18112503797,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Living Art User Ads”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 249444749193566,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[9] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “f54df0ab-481e-4a85-afa0-e602aee84fc1”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “What could be more wonderful than lavender?”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 857360,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 451220849,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Lavender Updo”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 7256798873733385,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[10] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “5f311179-a354-446b-9330-ec7125209c9e”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Stay cool under this Roblox Visor.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 288878,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 2646473721,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Roblox Visor”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 1777652331019859,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[11] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “NeckAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “11751bfa-7b6b-42f6-b76c-6e0575397ad6”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Jade goes with pretty much anything.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 693937,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 376527115,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Jade Necklace with Shell Pendant”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 1239852214395945,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[12] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “fd1f220f-b804-4bc3-a171-dcb9df4d8cdb”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “You’re ready to play anywhere in this stylish Roblox visor!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 383203,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 607700713,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Roblox Logo Visor”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 2526466842815443,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[13] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “c4a3c431-fe6d-45a3-94d6-e7e2ffd1c5d6”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “A PoweRed by Imagination item for a sLick, FashiOnable, Original Look.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 729135,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 4819740796,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Robox”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 3594078503808252,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[14] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “089fa88b-a89b-4393-9309-84fa518cc314”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Imagine a world where you own this baseball cap. Oh - that’s this world!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 553893,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 417457461,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “ROBLOX ‘R’ Baseball Cap”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 2922084402778165,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[15] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “74765493-be65-4a10-91b6-e51dddc7a7f7”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = "What’s under the hood of that mysterious traveler?

[“FavoriteCount”] = 463407,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 617605556,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Medieval Hood of Mystery”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 5135675940622407,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[16] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “be6a562f-7dbf-4581-b90f-c0e4d5298028”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Yeah buddy! Pal hair for the win.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 1797132,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 63690008,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Pal Hair”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 5020167754645659,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[17] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “b16f0af3-6c15-4011-947b-88c7ccce7b0f”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Classy, yet sassy.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 45132,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 9244111257,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Wavy Middle Part - Black”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 6340114005797582,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[18] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “d012d059-6f24-4a5c-9f56-9d0fa6cb547c”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Swish things up.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 29042,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 9244095135,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Pony Tail - Blonde”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 3315051919003110,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[19] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “8cc25907-fc62-4105-b700-6d77ef487404”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “The most famous bull-run – what a capitalized “the Running of the Bulls” most often refers to in English – is the encierro held in Pamplona during the nine-day festival of Sanfermines”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 168336,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 3403874988,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “The Encierro Cap”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 1138345286140736,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[20] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “5db690d0-4d51-40a8-aa45-42ef5195ac52”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “Swish things up.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 58402,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 7193442167,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Pony Tail - Black”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 1536391925808557,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[21] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “Hat”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “40174a95-b2ba-444c-bbe6-adba036d3c0e”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “It’s an instant classic!”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 265660,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 48474313,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Red Roblox Cap”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
[“ProductId”] = 8062571868793540,
[“PurchaseCount”] = 0,
[“SaleLocationType”] = “ShopAndAllExperiences”,
[“TotalQuantity”] = 0,
[“UnitsAvailableForConsumption”] = 0
[22] = ▼ {
[“AssetType”] = “HairAccessory”,
[“CollectibleItemId”] = “129e8e0b-1329-44a3-8bb5-56b8143389c9”,
[“CreatorHasVerifiedBadge”] = true,
[“CreatorName”] = “Roblox”,
[“CreatorTargetId”] = 1,
[“CreatorType”] = “User”,
[“Description”] = “A winning 'do.”,
[“FavoriteCount”] = 1189511,
[“HasResellers”] = false,
[“Id”] = 376524487,
[“ItemRestrictions”] = {},
[“ItemStatus”] = {},
[“ItemType”] = “Asset”,
[“LowestPrice”] = 0,
[“LowestResalePrice”] = 0,
[“Name”] = “Blonde Spiked Hair”,
[“Price”] = 0,
[“PriceStatus”] = “Free”,
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