Note, this is a very old and outdated portfolio so ask me personally for more stuff. I am working on making a new one soon.
GUI Design
Here are some designs I made recently.
Here are some designs I made quite some time ago.
Update, 2nd July, 2024
Seeing this I am proud to say that I can qualify for any GUI design, whether cartoony or tactical, and I will not disappoint my clients.
Update, 2nd July, 2024
Created a menu and a full character creator.
I don’t have much to show as for scripting but I will add more soon!
I made this animation as a dare from a YouTuber named “Yessor”.
I also made these animations:
These animations I made 2 months ago when I sort of started animation again after quite some time so I was quite rusty.
All these models are high quality, detailed, and with low polygon count. About 1-5k per part in each model. In total, they are about 10-15k in triangle count.
I am currently learning UV unwrapping and texture painting as well to move on to UGC design.
I can also make good renders of any model you want, basically a photoshoot.
Update June 22nd, 2024:
Made a UMP-45 Model with an interior chamber!!
Remade my CZ75 Model and deleted images for old ones.
Made this gothic mask UGC for a commission as well:
Update, 21st August, 2024
Made the SPAS-12 Shotgun.
A wedding map.
Update 17 November, 2024.
Made a science laboratory for a chemistry game for a friend.
Update 4th December, 2024.
How can I improve this build?
Game map!
Graphic Arts
Some Icons I made for my game
As well as this thumbnail:
And Icon:

As well as some cartoony things:
Update 12th August

A few icons/thumbnails as well as making a personal GFX.
The banners for this portfolio are… well…l also by me.
I’ll add more later.
Payment - Roblox
A simple donation game I made for myself for clients who want to pay in robux or just random people who want to support my work. <3
Oceanside Marquee [Showcase] - Roblox
A game made for a friend for a basic wedding he wanted to do for fun.
More soon!