A_z, o_O, Reese_McBlox, 1IrnmO0_O0IIILll11, The_Dude

Yeah, but not everyone does, and now every developing scripter who tries to make their own admin commands is going to complain “omg I can’t use this person’s name in my script!” One of ROBLOX’s models is “chat vote to kick”, and if someone has a foreign character in their username, now nobody can use that since they can’t type the character on their keyboard. Now when you want to search the (in-game) leaderboards you can’t because this person’s name has a foreign character you can’t type (usernames are more user-friendly than userIds – how many people want to go to someone’s profile to check their userId when they can just type in their username)?

dream come true.
welcome back, 06!

why not spaces instead?

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]

game.Players[ ‘Some Dude’ ].Character

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]

game.Players[ ‘Some Dude’ ].Character[/quote]
Should always use this format.
Or game.Players:FindFirstChild(“Some Dude”).Character

1 Like

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]

game.Players[ ‘Some Dude’ ].Character[/quote]
Should always use this format.
Or game.Players:FindFirstChild(“Some Dude”).Character[/quote]

Starting your username with a number does the same thing, doesn’t it? That’s not a concern but spaces are?

1 Like

It’s probably some internal database thing – a lot of websites don’t allow you to have spaces in your name, and the only thing they have in common is databases for those accounts.

The site doesn’t seem to have issues with the older accounts that have spaces in their names. I’m guessing it’s just an arbitrary decision to keep things simplified - in places where usernames may appear on-site or in-game, underscores make it clearer that it’s a username rather than some pre-written phrase.

Like if you got the name “Your team” or something, and combat game GUIs may say “Your team killed X!” it would lead to confusion. Yeah it’s already possible with some 1-word names, but it would be much more common with spaces allowed.

I don’t think it would be that, there’s a handful of users (some active like fred man) who have spaces in their names.

1 Like

Oh god, this is bad. I love the idea, but it will destroy my saving system.


nvm, a bit of my code will go a bit crazy tho

:frowning: I wanted to see this profile


his username is “NP Confused” and I love him because of that.

also 332 is called “stoner_boy”
491 is pretty interesting too.
revenge is a bear

have some fun

for i=1,math.huge do local _,a=pcall(function()return game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(i)end)if _ and a:find("%W")then print(i,a)end end

A new character has appeared.

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]

game.Players[ ‘Some Dude’ ].Character[/quote]
Should always use this format.
Or game.Players:FindFirstChild(“Some Dude”).Character[/quote]

That doesn’t make any sense

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]

game.Players[ ‘Some Dude’ ].Character[/quote]
Should always use this format.
Or game.Players:FindFirstChild(“Some Dude”).Character[/quote]

That doesn’t make any sense[/quote]
How doesn’t it? It would return the exact same thing as [“Some Dude”]

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]


not a new issue.

[quote] Oh god, this is bad. I love the idea, but it will destroy my saving system.


nvm, a bit of my code will go a bit crazy tho [/quote]

Check the players ID and not the name, then your safe no matter what.

One issue is scripting.
game.Players.Some Dude.Character.Head:Destroy()
The space makes it error[/quote]

game.Players[ ‘Some Dude’ ].Character[/quote]
Should always use this format.
Or game.Players:FindFirstChild(“Some Dude”).Character[/quote]

That doesn’t make any sense[/quote]
How doesn’t it? It would return the exact same thing as [“Some Dude”][/quote]

Both will throw errors if Some Dude doesn’t exist, which undermines the benefit of using FindFirstChild in the first place.

IIRC it was for the searching that they removed it. The search on Roblox will search each individual term, so if you wanted to find the user “old player” then you got the user “old” and “player” then any players with the terms in their blurb, then the user “old player”

IIRC it was for the searching that they removed it. The search on Roblox will search each individual term, so if you wanted to find the user “old player” then you got the user “old” and “player” then any players with the terms in their blurb, then the user “old player”[/quote]

But if you searched “old player” (with quotations), it comes up first.

If I’m reading this correctly, that means people can sign up as “ReeseMcBlox_” and “_ReeseMcBlox” in the future?
And that would count as a separate username from “ReeseMcBlox”?

I don’t think I’m ready for the numerous username impersonators. :emo-angst: