Back End Developer - "Incorporated"

Hey there!

The dev team for “Incorporated” is looking for an additional scripter with a intermediate-expert knowledge of Lua to help ship us into alpha testing. Prospective members will receive R$ payment, as well as a percentage of the game’s monthly income in exchange for updating and maintaining the game’s systems.

"Incorporated" is a hybrid between open world and RPG; a fight to see who can become NYC’s richest millionaire! Fight your way to the top of the leaderboards by accomplishing a variety of tasks, some of which include trading stocks (simplified and polished) or working in the next biggest start-up! Users who work at the office will be tasked with assembling an array of PC parts from scratch, while at the same time racing against the clock. When you’re not slaving away at the office, you can tap into your personal interior design skills and decorate your flat with whatever you desire! Users can shop from a massive selection of home-goods, shirts, pants, premium content, and accessories in the shop.

  • Currently there are 2/4 planned apartments built
  • ~85% of building is done, including the office (see Media)
  • Apartment universe system is completed; users can visit any online player’s apartment
  • Graphic design is completed, but may be replaced after alpha


- Maintain a "safe and stable" gameplay environment that has _minimal_ tendencies to glitch - Work with other developers to ship bi-monthly updates - Fix and apply on-the-fly updates and bug fixes


- Must have an **intermediate-expert knowledge** of Lua and all it encompasses - Must know how to interpret and use databases and schedules (Microsoft Office) - Must be comfortable with allotting "work time" for updates and fixes - Experience w/ DataStores and networking **_a must_** - Previous experience is a _**huge**_ plus


- Flexible scheduling - **5-7k R$** sign-on bonus within first 2 weeks* - **15%** share in total monthly profits - In-game privileges/**_exclusive_** developer-only items

*Assuming quality work is provided, no cash-grabbing

This project is being funded by multiple other users, and we have the ability to launch an all-out ad campaign after polishing and bug testing. The expected release time for this project is uncertain, but 1-2 mo. is ideal.

Contact me if you are interested!



So you aren’t looking for an front-end developer, you are looking for an all-round programmer. DataStores and networking are the job of an backend developer.

Sorry, it’s literally 5 in the morning. Correct that to *back-end.


No worries, happens to us all. You can still correct the title :slight_smile:


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Alright, let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks for viewing

Reaction to your application :slight_smile:

"Really nice format for the OP! Almost all information is there. Anyhow, I’m current too busy to work with you on such an project. I’m currently the backend developer of Deathrun. With @RaverKiller I worked on Tickr, an backend framework with APIs that basically allow us to focus on gameplay during our development process. Perhaps if he has time, he can help you out to get it running.

####Features of Tickr - DataStore APIs with support for ordered datastores, built in request watcher and feedback when the service goes down - Full game analytics API with - Transaction APIs with built in transaction reports. and many more :slight_smile:


Oh, that’d be awesome! I’ll certainly send him a PM.

I don’t know anything about your game. When I hear “stock trading simulator” I don’t think of a fun experience. How does this game make money, why do people play it, why do people come back to it? These are important questions that someone should know the answer to before they sign on for a percentage of the game.



Thanks for helping me improve my listing.

As stated, there are 2 ways to make money; trading stocks and working in the office. Office work is fun, but it also isn’t very complex gameplay. Then there’s stocks, for the people who would like to have more involving gameplay with greater risk and return.

As for making R$, there are dev products for additional B$ (Bux), “Premium” and “Executive” passes, and iOS advertisements every x amount of time.

As for player retention, a daily reward/objective system is being planned.

“trading stocks (simplified and polished)”

Thanks again!

Also, anyone who is wanting to see the game in-person is welcome to contact me and we can get something set up.

I might be interested but I need to know more about what the game is going to be.
I don’t know if a pure stock and office sim will be that profitable haha

This exact attitude to video ads was why they were removed…

So to understand this correctly, if I lose all my money in stocks, I can still get money from office work or will I have to start over on another account?

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