Bakiez Bakery | Alliance Information

:necktie: Alliance Information

Welcome! You’ll find information here regarding how you can become allied with Bakiez!

:question:How to partner with us

**Firstly, we appreciate your interest in wanting to form an alliance with Bakiez. We are always excited to form new alliances. Our Chief Communications Officer is Cookiez_Creams, who is in charge of all alliance information. We have an Alliance application that groups can fill in to potentially become an ally with us. It’s linked below:

Once you send an application, the Communications Team and the Corporate Board will fully evaluate your application as well as your group to ensure you meet all our requirements and expectations. Your group will later be contacted to let you know if you’ve passed or failed.

:exclamation:Partner Requirements:

  1. Your group must have a minimum of ten thousand members; if the company doesn’t meet this requirement, then your request will be automatically declined.
  2. Your group must show constant activity. It will show us this will benefit us as we will to you. Our alliances must remain active and show their best potential while partnered with Bakiez.
  3. Your group must be able to announce Bakiez related events, and we will advertise your groups’ events when needed.
  1. Your group must not show any sign of corruption.
  • Free ranking
  • Selling admin commands
  • Selling MR ranks
  • Botting
  • Drama
  • Favoritism
  • Scamming
  1. Your staff must act professional and mature at all times.
  2. Your group must show that you are organized. That includes formatted documents, reasonable rules, and professional communication servers.
  3. If your group is known to have a bad reputation, we won’t even consider your application, and it will be left unread. Groups that are known for having staff that is unprofessional/immature should not expect to end up as our ally.
  4. Your group must help both sides of the party, Bakiez will not ally with groups who only want to benefit themselves.
  5. Your group must be able to send at least 2 group representatives over to represent in our communications server and our ROBLOX group.

:clipboard: Alliance Application:

If you don’t wish to send an application via our Google Forms linked above, here are the manual questions that you can send off to Cookiez_Creams, Chief Communications Officer, once answered:

  1. What’s your group’s name? Describe your group’s origin.
  2. Why would you like to become an affiliate of Bakiez Bakery?
  3. Why should your application be accepted over others?
  4. How can you benefit our group daily?
  5. Please list your group page and official communications server.
  6. How many players does your game get on average daily?
  7. What is your ROBLOX username and Discord username & tag? [So we can contact you if your group passes/fails]
  8. Do you meet all our requirements for an alliance with us?

Finally, from the whole of Bakiez, we wish you the very best of luck when sending off your application. Hopefully, we may become a strong alliance with your group in the near future.


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