There’s a concept:
Roblox puts things on RobloxScriptSecurity, due to concerns, e.g. the ability to create QWidgets, because a Plugin Author could oversize the window or block the ability to close Studio, or with wrong use even crash Studio.
But this only happens if you install a Plugin and you can always uninstall it.
There’s no straightforward alternative provided, to create those Widgets outside of RobloxScriptSecurity. That security level, is a forced “baby-sitting”. (For a good reason)
But there’s no opt-out as well.
BanAsync came out. And I am surprised that this was simply just released. Marketplace ModuleScripts could be just as malicious like Plugins
Pretty sure they had concerns, but maybe not studied that much.
But… idk
I don’t believe someone like Adonis Admin System or HD Admin, is going to do malicious things to their Modules. So, there shouldn’t be any issue when someone tried to consider it being one.
But using random Marketplace Scripts through InsertService, or without manually analyizing or extracting it out of the cloud, and integrating it into the game, that could be bad.
Summarized, BanAsync, doesn’t have much “baby-sitting” support nor was given a lot yet
Which is surprising compared to the other things that exist on Roblox that seem to have considered security.
I really don’t know why UserId 1, is magic here
This could be a topic for, how Roblox is for all ages. vs. the innovation of them adding 17+ (to eventually be less restrictive or something, while still supporting the “all ages” thing).
Maybe one day they will allow more customization for a bunch of other technical stuff.