Ban chatGPT for answers and resources

Wrong topic buddy, why are you even talking about ChatGPT on Roblox? I really don’t get what Roblox has turned into over the years.

Extremely lazy people who don’t even want to actually help people’s problems use ChatGPT to give AI generated code in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support to help users with their code that doesn’t work or is having trouble with and sometimes doesn’t even solves the user issue because ChatGPT is imperfect and has some frequent errors especially in advanced scripting.

They also have been using it to generate responses on the parts of the forum with discussion and it’s very obvious too.


What are you talking about? This isnt talking about chatGPT in roblox.

it’s a good idea because it can give incorrect and old information, also Most AI Detectors are incorrect.

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People not getting the point of this topic is sad.

Ive made this post because of people using AI to get solutions and likes when all what they did was copy paste an AI’s response. If the AI could give good information, It still should be banned from this forum. Because if you want an AI response, the people who want help can just go to chatGPT themselves. And two, its just pathetic. Its like another composer and making good music BUT you are stealing it from the composer and you get all the credit and fame.

There shouldn’t be people like this in the forum.


The use of ChatGPT should not be banned yet. As you can see, ChatGPT has improved over the past couple of years. I do not see a problem in having ChatGPT reply if the user took a small reference, but if it’s like copy-pasted multiple times in multiple topics, I can agree to the user having consequences.

But since it’s not appropriate to provide false information, it’s probably fine if someone mentions ChatGPT’s response in passing. With its continued development, ChatGPT has a greater potential than ever to provide extremely accurate replies. As you can see, I’ve compiled a list of instances of the AI’s development below.

  • GPT1, which was released in 2018, was trained with 7,000 books that had not yet been made public. This model has 117 million parameters.

  • GPT2, released in November 2019, was trained with 40 GB of text from over 8 million documents. It has 1.5 billion parameters, 10 times more than GPT1.

  • GPT3, released in November 2022 to the general public, was trained with 45 TB of text and billions of words and sentences from sources such as Common Crawl, WebText2, Books1/2, and Wikipedia. This model has 175 billion parameters, 100 times more than GPT2.

There are rumors that GPT4 may be 500 times more powerful than GPT3.

Another thing to consider is whether they simply copied this way (I won’t say who; they admitted it). An example of an incorrect response that was pasted from ChatGPT is shown in the image below.

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it gives old information, and the ones you showed might not be reliable

this is the post you showed

so you’re telling me, that the upcoming model will have 87,500,000,000,000 parameters from people?

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I think you get the idea. Although some sources have informed us of this, these are merely myths and have not been verified with the X500 parts. GPT 4 will feature enhancements and be a lot more precise.

Personally, I believe that it will improve in a similar or exact way to how much it did in the past.

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Yeah, that is what I said in this part specifically:

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Hopefully Chat GPT becomes paid and it will deter majority to almost all people who have been abusing it from posting more.


Making ChatGPT paid would be a terrible idea because the number of ROBLOX users who utilise ChatGPT effectively is quite small. Given that investors invested over billions, there is an extremely minimal chance that they will be compensated.

If you feel like it’s getting quite annoying, just ignore the spammers. No more than that.

I did not say in Roblox. I meant whay are people talking about this on Roblox, if people have enough of this report it to Roblox, they could come up with something. I mean if they really wanted to just buy it then shut it down they have millions of dollars

Because it’s used on the forum…? Also, the OP did report it…? That’s why it’s in #forum-help:forum-features.

Roblox could never buy out ChatGPT, the service is worth billions of dollars ($29B).

StackOverflow banned ChatGPT for its general unreliability in answers and its ability to allow people who don’t know what they’re talking about to sound like they know what they’re talking about. As has been shown time and time again by the people using ChatGPT here, they generally don’t know what they’re talking about and end up crafting incorrect (or empty-hearted) answers that look legitimate at first glance for development-related questions.

For the people talking about “what if we use ChatGPT to help, and then error correct the code ourselves?” No one has an issue with that (so long as the end result is actually human verified and WORKS), and that’s not the issue everyone is bringing up.
On that topic though, if you’re able to bugfix AI-generated code properly you’re probably talented enough to just cut out the middleman and write it yourself (and create more reliable code in the process), assuming you actually want to help your fellow developers when helping out and aren’t just trying to get brownie points for “helping”.

The really disheartening part of this is that I see people in opinionated topics giving generated answers. There’s no point in even replying if you’re not engaging in actual human discussion. ChatGPT can give an opinionated answer for any viewpoint; that’s not a reason to use it instead of your own passionate viewpoint about a given topic, especially when ChatGPT’s answers for such things are usually a bunch of words that add up to nothing. Just my opinion though.

In short, I fully support a carpet ban on answers and code clearly generated by ChatGPT for the time being. It reduces the quality of posts on the forum by users who want to feel like they’re participating but do not want to put in the effort of participating.


This is getting really annoying. Multiple people substitute ChatGPT, not just for code, but to defend their argument. It’s annoying seeing people substitute why they believe x is good and y is bad, with ChatGPT explaining why x is good and y is bad.

Virtually I think it’s next to impossible to completely eradicate the use of ChatGPT. Sure, a rule can be made saying “Use of ChatGPT to form response is not appreciated” but there is basically no way to enforce this rule with sufficient accuracy; not even OpenAI’s own tool can accommodate for this.

This topic is mostly a dead end. ChatGPT is here to stay, probably.

This is a 50-50 condition, but I agree. People that use ChatGPT to answer questions usually do not know the content in the first place and it is also proven to be inaccurate a whole load of times.

I 100% agree. It gets annoying when someone just copies and pastes answers from ChatGPT and not even check what was generated (most of the time). It’s unreliable, and something needs to happen.

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Late response

As I said, it’s just a help, it’s the user’s responsibility to look for what he doesn’t know, after all it’s on the internet lol

It’s an AI trying to explain something, ask a person if you don’t like to read so much.

AI learns from the internet (in general), of course it needs more training, we are not yet in a future where it will be perfect, but it is a good advance.

Again it is a HELP, not a solution, the AI learns and for a reason you can report the answer if it is incorrect or tell the AI that the function does not exist.

So, just because the AI is learning, it should be banned? What is the difference between this AI and a person who is learning? It is practically the same, both can give bad answers according to their knowledge.

It is absurd to want to ban an AI for the misuse of its users, and again, the same page warns you of bad answers. AI should continue to be trained, not banned because it currently gives bad answers, it is inevitably the future that awaits us :upside_down_face:

If you can find a spammed ChatGPT programming answer that is helpful then I’d be surprised.

The forums rightfully don’t block people for posting incorrect information because they assume someone at least sort of tried to post something correct. ChatGPT is wrong virtually all the time because the probability of an error compounds.

That’s exactly what the forums are for: asking a person. They aren’t for people to spam with blatantly incorrect information. It’s an AI trying to explain something it has zero understanding of.

This also isn’t true. ChatGPT 3 (the one people are using) will not learn from data.

ChatGPT 4 will be trained with the data from this beta phase, but that will be almost certainly be paid. Children spamming ChatGPT answers won’t be paying for ChatGPT 4, so this isn’t very relevant.


  1. The AI isn’t actively learning. It does get specific updates to fix obvious problems.
  2. AI learning is completely different from the learning of regular people (a source). This is a common way to explain ai/neural networks in very simple terms but shouldn’t be taken too far (because it’s completely not true).
  3. To the best of its knowledge:

To answer this, the difference between a person’s answer and a ChatGPT answer:

  • People who don’t know write that they don’t know. They don’t just say false information with 100% confidence. Usually the OP in help questions doesn’t know very much, so they often confuse this confidence for knowledge. It’s lying to people in multiple ways.
  • ChatGPT answers are wrong (at least for coding questions) about 95% of the time (based on data), but they can be produced rapidly. People spam the forums with ChatGPT answers that are completely incorrect and waste people’s time.

If you understand a problem it’s faster to just answer it than to either get answers from ChatGPT until they’re correct or edit all of the false information in a ChatGPT answer.

I don’t think you understand what the topic is about: it’s suggesting that ChatGPT should be banned from question sections of the forum. Anyone knowledgable enough to answer the question wouldn’t use ChatGPT, so the only people using ChatGPT are the people not knowledgable enough to correct the answers (which would be a waste of their time because the answers are fundamentally wrong usually).

People can still use ChatGPT if they want help from it, but people shouldn’t spam the forums with nonsensical information from ChatGPT and force that on to other people. If the person asking for help wanted help from an AI they wouldn’t go to the developer forum, they would go directly to the AI.