Base train with wheels building


So, I start to build with blocky parts then add wheels with motor and vehicle seat I leave parts unanchored and welded but it still doesn’t move. I try try try and can’t, good that I’m in devforum so I need help for all like to make any vehicles moving and with constraints (If possible)

I’m not good making like that, so I need help. xD


Traditional Roblox vehicles can be a bit finicky to set up but this general vehicle tutorial should help you with figuring out what’s going wrong:

If you’re still unable to locate the problem, you could try finding a free model train that already does what you’re trying to do and try and figure out how it works. Tinkering with free models can be a great way to learn when you’re starting out with something new! You could even build your train’s body around the free model if you like.

For a more advanced vehicle with suspension and constraints, I’d recommend this tutorial:


I’ve seen that video bottom but if I don’t do like he does by learning suspensions and making my own. Does it break?

Also, as train I need help as well to make wheels rotate on tracks rails curves.

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Can you show us a view of the “Explorer” tab and all models included with applicable welds etc. Before all this just select the whole model, anchor and unanchor just to make sure.




No but I want to see your model and see what sort of welds see there

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I made this like that with hinges, welded a base with a mesh special.

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You will need to make a system so that the non turning wheels are fixed via weld and the turning ones are hinged so they stay to the main body but do turn.

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I’ve added vehicle seat but doesn’t move but it works when at player pushes.

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If it works when a player pushes it this is likely one of two cases:

  • The VehicleSeat is not powering the wheels correctly. This may be due to something like it not detecting the Motors. Let me know what the AreHingesDetected property of the VehicleSeat says. A custom control script usually fixes these issues.
  • The wheels aren’t fitted properly.

On the topic of being able to be pushed, do the wheels spin when a player pushes your train?


Baseplate.rbxl (144.6 KB)

Here is a Baseplate, test it. c: