Base wars! Update Log

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Base wars Update Log

Update Details

**Base wars! Server Version v22.1.3 (2024/06/28) **

Game Revamp - Armor Balance (Part 2, Perks)

  • All perks are now reset, all C.Points are refunded
  • Perks are now only level 1 max (equal to old level 5)
  • Some Free perks are given for every armor

All Armor: Health Strengthen (Add some amount of HP depends on armor)
All Armor: Battlefield Recovery

BPV: Improved BPV
AE Suit: Ultra Anti-Explode
Assassin: HP
Basic/Tactical/Uber/Light Armor: Frontal guard

  • New price for perks:

Score Armors:
Mobility boost: 15,000
Flak armor: 25,000
EOD: 50,000
Lightweight plating: 15,000
Anti vehicle combat: 30,000
Lightweight suit: 35,000
Rampage: 40,000
Panic escape: 40,000

VIP Armors:
Mobility boost: 20,000
Flak Armor: 31,250
Bunny hop: 40,000
Rampage: 50,000
Panic escape: 50,000

EOD Resistances:
It is now have more health, BUT take more damage from everything, result in similar eHP but take longer to heal up.
It is an overall nerf for EOD.

  • Health increase 2500 → 3500
  • Small Arms Resistance: 41.2% → 17.68%
  • Anti material resistance: 30% → 0%
  • Vehicle non explosive resistance: 30% → 0%
  • Explosive splash damage resistance: 80% → 72%
  • Infantry explosive resistance: 72.5% → 60%
  • Tank / Artillery round resistance: 55% → 35%
  • Tank / Artillery AP round resistance: 55% → 35%
  • Grenade resistance: 80% → 72%

Battlefield Recovery on Basic Armor and EOD: health flat 500 HP over 4 seconds. Instead of percentage.

Other Perks changes:

Frontal guard (uber, tacshield & light): +20% front resistance -20% rear resistance
Frontal guard (basic): +10% front resistance -10% rear resistance
Flak armor: 50% reduction in splash damage
Improved bullet proof: +10% small arms resistance to torso and limbs
Lightweight plating: +40% walkspeed -40% health, removes rocket resistance
EOD suit: equal to current EOD level 5
Ultra anti explode: 100% resistance to splash damage, +20% resistance to direct hit
Anti vehicle combat: 90% ram kill resistance, +10% vehicle explosive resistance
Bunny hop: +60% jump height + reduce jump cooldown by 20%
Defensive bunny: +20% small arms resistance to torso and limbs +20% splash damage resistance
Lightweight suit: +50% jump height + reduce jump cooldown by 10%
Protective suit: +15% splash resist +75% melee resist

Whenever you leave an empty perk slot, the default free perk will auto equipped.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix not being able to re-equip the same armor upon joining the game if you dont select any other armors first.
  • Hit Reg Improve: Projectiles launched before death will also deal damage properly (By the server time.)

Update Archive

Server Version v22.1.2 (2024/04/30)

Base wars! Server Version v22.1.2 (2024/04/30)

Game Revamp - Armor Balance (Part 1)
Assassin Armor and BPV are the 2 best armors in the game because of how much health they have compared to their WalkSpeed (how hard they are to hit) and they have the best perks in the game.
Shielded Armor and Basic Armor see almost no play because they are being oneshot by Rockets and Sniper Headshots, when they are very easy to hit.

Bulletproof Vest (BPV):

  • No changes

Assassin Suit:

  • Health is reduced to 667

Anti explode:

  • Remove self splash damage
  • Is unaffected by rocket stun

Shield armor:

  • Shield takes reduced damage from rockets and anti material rounds (-70%)

Basic armor:

  • Health increase to 2500
  • Infantry rocket resistance by 50%
    (Lightweight plating perk will remove the resistance)

Easter Armor:

  • No changes

Tactical shield armor:

  • Shield takes reduced damage from rockets and anti material arounds (-70%)

Light armor:

  • No changes

Heavy armor:

  • No changes

As for the Perks Revamp, it will be in the next update.

Easter Quest Changes:

  • Easter Quest 2 - ARC BUN-E-24 (Easter LMG)

Decrease required eggs stacks amount from 14 to 13.
In case if it doesn’t update when you join the game, you will have to tag any eggs stacks to be updated.

Server Version v.22.1.1 (2024/04/19)

Base wars! Server Version v.22.1.1 (2024/04/19)

New Weapon:

  • AM-1 (Sniper)
  • Low Score Anti Material Rifle (15,000 Battlescore)

Damage: 625 @ 200m / 450 @ 400m
Headshot: (4x) 2500 @100m / 1800 @225m
Decent damage multi against vehicle

Muzzle Velocity: 1300 m/s

Accuracy (Stand/Move/Jump/Spread)
Hip: 125/175/350/25
Aim: 0/0/0/0.45

Rate of Fire: 25 RPM
Reload Time: 4 Seconds
Ammo (Clip/Storage): 5/45
Firing mode: Bolt Action
Optics: 6x, 12x

Bug Fixes:

  • Disabled Ram Damage inside Spawn Protection Area
  • Fixed Rifle-X Max charge stalling


  • Review scripts and attempts to optimize

In Progress:

  • There will be some revamp coming in few weeks, stay tuned.
  • While waiting for the revamp we can still release few fixes and weapons
Server Version v.22.0.9a (2024/03/22)

Base wars! Server Version v.22.0.9a (2024/03/22)

Easter Egg Spawns:

  • Increased Egg Sizes
  • They are now no longer have collisions


  • Easter Quest 2 - ARC BUN-E-24 (Easter LMG)

Egg Hunts: Find the 15 Hidden egg stacks in 2 team map
Easter Egg Progression: 1% per normal Eggs, 10% per Golden.
Get 300 Kills with LMGs
Get 50 Airborne Kills or Killing Airborne targets
Deal 200,000 damage to Airborne targets (including Vehicle)
Quest Expire Date: 2024/05/07 (y/m/d)
(Airborne Targets: Vortex, Tracker, Shadow, Bomber, Attack Helicopter, Helicopter Carrier, ATV during Turbo, Jumping Infantry, Parachute Infantry)

ARC BUN-E-24 Stats:

Direct Damage: 125 ( 20m ) / 100 ( 80m )
Headshot: x1.8
Rate of Fire: 1100
Velocity: 750 m/s
Hip Accuracy: 55, 45, 30, 1.15
Aim Accuracy: 3, 2, 1.2, 0.35
(Aiming is basically tighter hipfiring for this gun based on how this gun holding, no sight views.)
Reload: 5.5 sec
Mag Size / Storage: 125 / 375

Passive Effect:
When holding this gun, grant Stronger Parachute effects that fall 60% less per seconds than regular parachute.

On Killed an enemy:

  • 20% Mag Refill
  • Jump Refresh + Jump CD Reset (allows you to jump in the air an additional time if you’re already airborne, functions the same as bunny suit jump, stacks with bunny suit)

Friends Invitation:

  • You can now prompt invite friends to join while in-game.
  • Using Roblox ‘Player Invite Prompts’ API
Server Version v.22.0.9 (2024/03/15)

Base wars! Server Version v.22.0.9 (2024/03/15)


  • Easter Eggs spawns
  • Easter Quest is back
  1. DK Easter 23 Quest (Only if you don’t have it completed last year.)
    Easter Egg Progression: 1% per normal Eggs, 10% per Golden.
    Get 420 Kills with SMGs
    Get 50 Kills with Infantry Grenade Launchers (including Underbarrel)
    50 Airborne Kills OR KILL 50 Airborne Targets
    Facility progression: 2% per Capture, 30% per Facilitiy Objective Win

  2. Another new Easter weapon (LMG) will come in next week.
    This new quest will have egg hunts.

  • Easter VIP is back on sale

Map and Snowmen:

  • Snowy Map ended
  • Snowmen disabled (replaced with Easter Eggs and Golden Eggs.)

Gun Balance:

  • DK Easter 23

Damage drop off to 95m → 45m
Jump hipfire accuracy: 5 → 7


  • Removed custom renders as it seems it is no longer necessary for modern roblox, free up calculation resources

Shift Lock support:

  • Implemented Right click to zoom, similar as First Person mode.

Base wars! Server Version v.22.0.8 (2024/02/24)


  • Pigeon Quest is back! with slightly reduced requirements
  • Increased Pigeon Rifle Mode velocity to 1500 m/s and grav multi to 0.


  • BW Rifle-X has jumping accuracy back to pin-points like every score sniper rifles.

Score SMGs:

Follow-up SMG balance patch:

Damage: 233 @ 11m / 113 @ 44m -> 200 @ 11m / 100 @ 44m
Spread (Hip & ADS): 0.6 -> 0.8

AKS74U Silver:
Damage: 274 @ 16m / 144 @ 39m -> 233 @ 16m / 122 @ 39m
RoF: 785 -> 735

Dual MP7A1 Gold:
Spread: 0 -> 1

Damage: 207 @ 23m / 109 @ 43m -> 180 @ 23m / 93 @ 43m

Damage: 207 @ 23m / 109 @ 43m -> 180 @ 23m / 93 @ 43m

Kriss Vector:
Remove ADS Burst
Aiming Accuracy: 2/2.5/20/0 -> 10/10/20/0.2

Damage: 233 @ 20m / 120 @ 40m -> 200 @ 20m / 100 @ 40m
Hip Accuracy: 12/12/50/0.6 -> 17/17/30/0.6
ADS Speed: 0.75 -> 0.67

Damage: 214 @ 8m / 119 @ 40m -> 180 @ 8m / 120 @ 40m

Damage: 189 @ 13m / 107 @ 39m -> 160 @ 13m / 91 @ 39m

MP7 Flame:
Damage: 182 @ 23m / 144 @ 45m -> 155 @ 23m / 122 @ 45m

MP7 Gold:
Damage: 220 @ 23m / 156 @ 43m -> 190 @ 23m / 133 @ 43m

Micro Uzi:
RoF: 1200 -> 1000
Mag Size: 30 -> 20
ADSSpeed: 0.75 -> 0.9

Damage: 176 @ 17m / 98 @ 33m -> 150 @ 17m / 85 @ 33m

STEN Mk-2:
Damage: 275 @ 7m / 150 @ 42m -> 233 @ 7m / 130 @ 42m

Damage: 240 @ 18m / 123 @ 48m -> 205 @ 18m -> 105 @ 48m
Server Version v.22.0.7 (2024/01/31)

Base wars! Server Version v.22.0.7 (2024/01/31)

BWs identity:

  • Revert and removed most gimmicks that shouldn’t be in BW weapons.

BW Weapons stat:
BW AR-11

Damage: 135 (15m) / 101 (70m)
Headshot: x2
RPM: 1100
Velocity: 750
HipAccuracy: 7, 9, 20, 1.3
AimAccuracy: 1, 1, 15, 0.2
Reload: 2 sec
Mag/Storage: 40/360


Damage: 209 (15m) / 157 (70m)
Headshot: x2
RPM: 800
Velocity: 750
HipAccuracy: 8, 10, 15, 1.2
AimAccuracy: 1, 1, 15, 0.14
Reload: 3 sec
Mag/Storage: 42/378
Full auto Hipfiring, and 3 Burst aiming
Old Underbarrel with nerfed splash damage

BW Rifle-487

Damage: 334 (25m) / 201 (500m)
Headshot: x3.5
RPM: 487 (spin down to 350 over 1.5 seconds)
Velocity: 1800
HipAccuracy: 40, 108, 108, 20
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 10, 0.05
Reload: 3.5 sec
Mag/Storage: 30/240

BW Rifle-X
Combined both Charge up and normal shot. Single Click to fire default round. Press and Hold to charge.
First 1.5s charge = Default.
After 1.5s+ it raises to 1875.

No charge/Default Damage: 1000 (990 on AE due to resistances.)
Full charge Damage: 1875 (can hold for extra 0.5 seconds)
Headshot: x2.25
RPM: 50
Velocity: 3000
HipAccuracy: 60, 80, 120, 0
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 40, 0
Reload: 3.25 sec
Mag/Storage: 10/120


Damage: 250 (15m) / 120 (26m)
Headshot: x1.5
RPM: 800
Velocity: 400
HipAccuracy: 17, 17, 17, 0.7
AimAccuracy: 8, 8, 8, 0.5
Reload: 2 sec
Mag/Storage: 25/125


Damage: 116 (20m) / 70 (55m)
Headshot: x1.5
RPM: 1380
Velocity: 400
HipAccuracy: 9, 9, 9, 0.2
AimAccuracy: 4, 4, 4, 0.2
Reload: 2.5 sec
Mag/Storage: 50/300

BW Shotgun-03
Revert back to single shot and reload

Damage: 125 (13m) / 25 (33m)
Pellets: 15
Headshot: x1.2
RPM: 80
Velocity: 350
HipAccuracy: 30, 30, 30, 3
AimAccuracy: 20, 20, 20, 3
Reload: 0.75 sec
Mag/Storage: 1/51

BW Scatter-X
Revert back to Slug and Buckshots.
Slug has body shot damage nerfed, and increased headshot multi.

  • Slug Mode

Damage: 469 (16m) / 94 (54m)
Headshot: x2
RPM: 540
Velocity: 350
HipAccuracy: 40, 40, 40, 2
Aim Accuracy: 10, 10, 20, 1
Reload: 3 seconds
Mag/Storage: 20/80

  • Buckshot Mode:

Damage: 102 (8m) / 10 (22m)
Headshot: x1.5
RPM: 480
Velocity: 350
HipAccuracy: 40, 40, 40, 2
AimAccuracy: 30, 30, 30, 2
Reload: 3 seconds
Mag/Storage: 20/80


Damage: 250 (20m) / 200 (120m)
Headshot: x2
RPM: 540
Velocity: 750
HipAccuracy: 70, 80, 80, 4
AimAccuracy: 1.5, 1.5, 30, 0.1
Reload: 4 seconds
Mag/Storage: 200/600


  • Keep the deploy mode
  • Default Mode:

Damage: 150 (20m) / 125 (120m)
Headshot: x2
RPM: 950
Velocity: 750
HipAccuracy: 70, 80, 80, 4
AimAccuracy: 0.15, 0.3, 0.3, 0.33
Reload: 4 seconds
Mag/Storage: 200/600

  • Deploy Mode:

Damage: 99 (200m) / 66 (500m)
Headshot: x1.125
RPM: 3200, 1 second to spin up
Velocity: 825
HipAccuracy: 7, 7, 7, 0.5
AimAccuracy: 7, 7, 7, 0.5
Reload: 4 seconds
Mag/Storage: 200/600

BW Pistol

Damage: 143 (20m) / 72 (50m)
Headshot: x2
RPM: 1100
Velocity: 400
HipAccuracy: 10, 10, 25, 1
AimAccuracy: 7, 7, 25, 1
Reload: 2 seconds
Mag/Storage: 33/198

BW Golden

  • Revert back to normal mag and reload

Damage: 500 (10m) / 150 (100m)
Headshot: x2.5
RPM: 250
Velocity: 475
HipAccuracy: 10, 10, 25, 1
AimAccuracy: 4, 5, 25, 1
Reload: 2.5 seconds
Mag/Storage: 8/56


  • Removed Deploy Flamethrower

Damage: 350 (20m) / 325 (180m)
Headshot: x3
RPM: 400
Velocity: 2250
HipAccuracy: 9, 12, 60, 2
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 0, 0.2
Reload: 2.5 seconds
Mag/Storage: 20/140


  • Removed 10 bursts hipfiring.

Damage: 550 (20m) / 400 (225m)
Headshot: x2.5
RPM: 265
Velocity: 2250
HipAccuracy: 5, 20, 100, 4
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 0, 0.5
Reload: 3 seconds
Mag/Storage: 15/105

BW Striker-02

  • Revert back to normal dumbfire and lock-on mode
  • The splash damage remain nerfed.
  • Dumbfire mode become default
  • Dumbfire mode:

Damage: 3250
Splash Damage: 500 (1m) / 1 (2m)
Headshot: x1
Velocity: 175
HipAccuracy: 2, 2, 10, 0.5
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 10, 0.5
Reload: 3.25 seconds
Mag/Storage: 1/15

  • Lock-on mode:

Damage: 2925
Splash Damage: 500 (1m) / 1 (1.5m)
Headshot: x1
Velocity: 150
HipAccuracy: 2, 2, 10, 0.5
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 10, 0.5
Reload: 3.25 seconds
Mag/Storage: 1/15

  • Mode Switching Time: 2.5 seconds.

BW Devastator

  • The splash damage remain nerfed.

Damage: 3700
Splash Damage: 563 (1.6m) / 1 (3m)
Headshot: x1
Velocity: 150
HipAccuracy: 2, 2, 10, 0.5
AimAccuracy: 0, 0, 10, 0.5
Reload: 3.25 seconds
Mag/Storage: 1/30

Some of these BWs are needed to balance for current BW version. We will release another balance patches based on how this goes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed UI Align
Server Version v22.0.6 (2024/01/13)

Base wars! Server Version v.22.0.6 (2024/01/13)
Winter Quests:

  • Extended Quests until 1/31

Daily Play Time rewards:

  • Lower them to every 10 mins
  • 10 mins: 40 C.Points, 120 Score
  • 20 mins: 50 C.Points, 150 Score
  • 30 mins: 60 C.Points, 180 Score
  • After that every 10 mins (unlimited): 20 C.Points, 60 Score)

Premium Benefits:

  • For Roblox algorithm needs, Premium Benefits are implemented.
  • Play Time Rewards double.

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.5 (2023/12/15)

New Weapon:

  • Makarov PB

Direct Damage: 250 (5m) / 75 (40m)
Headshot: x3
Velocity: 350 m/s
Accuracy: (stand/move/jump/spread)
Hip: 8/11/25/7
Aim: 4/6/25/6
Rate of Fire: 400
Mag Size / Storage: 8/48
Score Req: 450
(Soft replace Dual DKP-12)

Weapon Changes:

  • SVU mag size go down from 12 to 5


  • All expired quests are auto canceled to prevent confusing.

Christmas and New year Events:
Part 1: Christmas (12/15)

  • Snowman spawns

  • Quest 1: Blizzard-HMG

It is come back and it is your chance to receive it if you haven’t.
It is separated quest from last year.
Expire Date: 2024/01/19
Snowman Progression: 1% per normal Snowman, 10% per golden
Facilities Progression: 2% per Capture, 30% per Facility Objective Win
Gain 50 Kills with Deployable Turret OR Ground/Navy Vehicle 20mm Machine Gun
Gain 200 Kills with Infantry LMG / Chainguns / ATV LMG

Completing this quest will obtain Blizzard-HMG.
For those who have obtained Blizzard-HMG last year, you can’t accept this quest.

  • Quest 2: The White Death

Expire Date: 2024/01/19
Snowman Progression: 1% per normal Snowman, 10% per golden
Gain 250 Sniper / Rifle Headshot Kill, that’s over 300 studs (100m)
Gain 100 Kills when you are in facilities area

  • Snowy Map

Added Falling snows effect when you are in outdoor area
Falling snows particles effects can turn off as settings (Weather Effects)

  • Christmas VIP on sale again

Part 2: New Year (12/28)

  • Next quest in 12/28

Bug Fixes + Optimization:

  • Fixed an Sound Memory Leak bug when you are having a long kill streak / staying in-game for long.
  • It should further improve performance especially when you are playing for a while
  • However, It can’t fix sound not loading, if they decide to not load the sound from Roblox site. (No way to fix it unless roblox fix it.)
Server Version v22.0.4 (2023/11/29)

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.4 (2023/11/29)

New Weapon:
SVU (Sniper)

Direct Damage: 354 (100m) / 194 (350m)
Headshot: x2.2
Velocity: 1000 m/s
Hip firing: 30/35/50/8
Aiming: 0/0/5/1.5
Rate of Fire: 360 RPM, Semi-Auto
Reload: 2.5s
Zoom: x4/6/8
Mag/Ammo: 12/180
(Soft replaces SVD-flame)


  • Significantly improved performance when firing projectiles, especially high fire rate weapons / shotguns

The frame rate shouldn’t drop that much as before

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Lock-on Signal for already launched missiles
  • Fixed Landmine damage against Vehicle
  • Fixed rocket stun not triggering on Headshots
Server Version v22.0.3 (2023/11/14)

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.3 (2023/11/14)

New weapons:
AN 94

Direct Damage: 163 (10m) / 122 (60m)
Headshot: 2.5x
Velocity: 750 m/s
Hip Accuracy: 12/16/30/1
Aim Accuracy: 1/1.5/1/0.5
RoF: 464
Bursting RoF: 1800
Firing mode: 2 bursts
Mag Size/Storage: 30/150
Reload: 2.5 seconds
(Soft replaces XM8 Camo)

14YO Event:

  • The quest is ended. so Cake Spawns are removed.


  • Removed Halloween Skyboxes

Speed Perk Health Nerf:

  • Removed Health Nerf on speed perks
  • Speed hard capped at maximum 36.

Game optimizations:

  • Removed explosive effect from non-explosive vehicle weapons (tank/jeep/MAC tank chaingun, uber turret miniguns).
  • Reduced vortex locusts lag by halving ammo/RoF and doubling damage.


  • Improved sight picture of the M1918 BAR in first person.
  • Separated Lighting settings from Auto Graphic and Smooth Plastic mode.

Vortex locusts air multi 0.667 → 0.5625.

With its large magazine size, it was a bit too strong compared to nose guns, being equivalent to an 85 air damage / 900 rpm / 45 mag nose gun. This nerf makes it equivalent to a 72 damage / 900 rpm / 45 mag nose gun, which is similar to rotary (also 72 air damage) but with a magazine increase due to the higher spread and longer reload.


  • Updated firing sound of The 14th Defender.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Vehicle spawn delay does not reset on death.
  • Fixed Switching teams does not switch team color of the player in the kill feed and chat
  • Fixed Battlefield recovery does not heal the proper amount.
  • Fixed ‘Retro Uber Rocket’
  • Fixed Speed Potion receive ampified damage twice
Server Version v22.0.2 (2023/10/24)

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.2 (2023/10/24)
Halloween Update

Halloween Event!:

  1. Halloween Quest Weapon: ARC VMPR-23

SMG, with unique mechanics, see below.

  1. Halloween VIP on sale again

  2. Pumpkin Spawns

Destroy them for Extra Score and C.Points, Golden Pumpkin will also give random weapons.
As the 14YO quest isn’t expire yet, there will be cake spawns as well.
Total Spawns has been increased as there are 2 type of event objects

Halloween Quest and reward:
Quest Tasks:

  • Pumpkin Progression (10% per Golden, 1% per normal)
  • CTF Progression (40% per Flag Wars objective Win, 10% per lose, 2% per flag capture, 1% for flag capture teammate, 1% for killing flag carrier)
  • Recover 20000 HP with Medic Kit / Medic Pad / Supply Camp Medic Pad / Healing Perk
  • 250 SMG Kills (Rebel Troopers count as 0.5 kills)
  • Tag the gun model in the map

Quest Date: 10/24 - 11/21

SMG Quest Gun

Ammo Type 1: Soul Drinker Rounds

Damage: 190 @ 20m / 120 @ 35m (0.63x dropoff)
Headshot Damage: 304 @ 20m / 192 @ 35m (1.6x)

CQC Headshot DPS: 4560 @ 23m
Long Range Torso DPS: 1800 @ 40m

Special Effect: 
Restores health on reload based on the amount of damage done before reload, 25% efficiency. (12.5% for Heavy/EOD Armor) 
Landing hits speeds up the next reload, 5% per hit, capping at 100%
Ammo Type 2: Blood Drinker Rounds

Damage: 304 @ 25m / 192 @ 45m (0.63x dropoff)
Headshot Damage: 304 @ 25m / 192 @ 45m (1x)

CQC Headshot DPS: 4560 @ 23m
Long Range Torso DPS: 2880 @ 40m

Special Effect: Drains the users health by 35 + 3.5% Max HP per round fired, but deals 60% more bodyshot damage, can reduce the player to 1 hp but wont kill them
Hip Fire: 12/12/20/0.4
ADS: 1.75/2/8/0.3

Muzzle Velocity: 400m/s
Drop Multiplier: 1x
RPM: 900
Reload: 2.0s (1.0 @ Max Souldrinker)
Ammo (Clip/Reserve) 37/222
Firing Mode: Full Auto
Optics: 1.35x

Forgotten Patch notes:

  • Helicopter Carrier: 40mm Anti-Vehicle Grenade

Splash Damage: 750 (1m) / 1 (5m) → 350 (1m) / 1 (3m)

Weapon Sounds:

  • Changed Firing Sound for: DAK47, DAK47 Black Edition, RPK-47, and TKB-059
Server Version v22.0.1 (2023/09 - 2023/10)

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.1b (2023/10/10)

Unintended releases:

  • Reverted the ability that the Flak weapons explode on Parachute troopers.
    (We will gather more info and feedbacks before actually decide to implement them)
  • As always, We are never do any intended ghost patches.

Splash Damage/Finder Detection algorithm:

  • Reworked the algorithm to be more efficient, noticeable improved performance during multi splash damage
  • It should fix C4 hit detection as well.
  • It should also fix flak detection when against bomber

C4 Specific Changes:

  • Upon Player died, the C4 will be removed as well.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed C4 were unable to deal damage to Bunker and Supply Camp if stick to them
  • Fixed C4 invisible when stick to Spawn Protection boxes
  • Fixed Flak inconsistency hit detection issue on bombers

Flak Damage Radius:

  • Changed all Flak radius to become Max (20m) / 1 (22m) to work with the detection mechanic

Vortex Locusts Rework
Vortex locusts used to have too little burst to make up for their pitiful range, and their only minor advantage was spamming splash damage. This rework makes them compete with other vortex secondaries by increasing their damage per mag significantly, especially versus artillery, so that they can burst down ground vehicles in close range - a high risk, high reward style similar to shadow’s liquid plasma, except trading anti-infantry for anti-air performance.
Damage: 145 @ 50m / 72 @ 100m → 48 @ 50m / 24 @ 150m
Indirect Damage: 105 @ 1m / 1 @ 3m → 20 @ 1m / 1 @ 3m
Fire rate: 600 → 1200 rpm
Magazine size: 30 → 120
Damage multipliers
Helicarrier: 1.616 → 1.212
Aircraft: .462 → 0.667
Tanks: 2.078 → 1.722
Artillery: 1.962 → 2.46
Jeep/ATV: 1.943 → 1.579
Navy: 2.308 → 2.285
Turrets: 0.392 → 0.294
Spawn Truck: 0.692 → 0.7

**Artillery MML Buff: **
Reload 3 → 2.5, RPM 360 → 420, Tank Multi 1.44 → 1.85

Server Version v22.0.1a (2023/10/07)

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.1a (2023/10/07)


  • Improve Drop down menu behavior:

Hide Chat whenever Drop down menu is On
Clicking empty spaces will Close the drop down menu


  • Removed Settings

Death Screen Interface (It doesn’t make respawning faster at all.)
Game Hints in Chat (outdated setting)

Bug Fixes:

  • Attempting on fixing Leaderboard/Player List offset issue

Winchester M1887 range nerf:

  • Direct Damage: 125 (13m) / 25 (23m) → 125 (5m) / 25 (20m)

Base wars! Server Version v22.0.0 (2023/09/19)

14YO Events:

  1. Quest (1 weapon)
    “Happy 14th Year for Base wars!” Quest Tasks (9/18 - 10/31):

Find the 14 tiny cakes in 2 Team Map
“Capture facilities 140 times” OR “Win Facility Objective”
Get 14 Headshot Kills with any weapons (NPC Kills are also counted)
Get 140 Kills or Kill Assist with any weapons (NPC Kills are also counted)
Destroy Cakes Progressions: 1% per Cake, 10% per Golden Cake

Quest Reward:

The 14th Exterminator - AR with 2 modes

Reload: 2.25 sec
Scope: 1.35x / 2x / 4x

Mode 1: 
Damage: 125 (25m) / 100 (75m)
Headshot: 1.8x
RPM: 800
Velocity: 800 m/s
Hip: 20/22/55/1.4
Aim: 1/1.25/15/0.225
Mag/Storage: 35/140
Stacks per shot: 2
Stacks per shot on Headshot: 3 
Stacks per shot on Vehicle: 1 

Mode 2:
Damage: 268 (all range)
Headshot: 1.9x
RPM: 375
Velocity: 1125 m/s
Hip: 44/44/70/4
Aim: 0/0.25/10/0.25
Mag Size: 14
Stack per shot: 3
Stacks per shot on Headshot: 6
Stacks per shot on Vehicle: 2 

Effect: At 14 stacks, gain "14th buff", buff last 14 seconds. 
While "14 buff" active: 
Mode 1: Increase damage by 35%, Also deal additional 7% target Max HP damage on Headshot
Mode 2: Increase damage by 25%, Also deal additional 14% target Max HP damage on Headshot

This is a AR so it is not available for EOD and Heavy. 
Additional target Max HP damage, ignore all type of resistances. 
  1. 14YO VIP (2 weapons with unique effects)

The 14th Executor - LMG

Damage: 84 (30m) / 77 (140m)
Headshot: 2x
RPM: 1400
Velocity: 875 m/s
Hip: 45/55/75/0.3
Aim: 1.4/1.4/15/0.14
Mag/Storage: 140/560
Reload: 3.75 secs
ADS Movement Speed: x0.75 -> x0.65
Stacks per shot: 1 
Stacks per shot on Headshot: 2 
Stacks per shot on Vehicle: 1

Weapon can deal damage to all vehicles. 
Deal tiny amount of damage against armored vehicles. 
Deal Increased damage against light vehicle and aircraft.

Effect: At 14 stacks, gain "14th buff", buff last 14 seconds. 
While "14 buff" active: 
1. Increase this weapon's damage by 25%, 
2. Every shot hit heal yourself for 0.4% HP. 

This is a LMG so it is not available for EOD and Heavy 

The 14th Defender - CQC SMG

Damage: 125 (14m) / 84 (28m)
Headshot: 1.6x
RPM: 1400
Velocity: 450 m/s
Hip: 14/14/28/.9
Aim: 10/10/10/.6
Mag/Storage: 42/210
Reload: 1.35s
Stacks per shot: 1
Stacks per shot on headshot: 2 
Stacks per shot on Vehicle: 0 

Effect: At 14 stacks, gain "14th buff", buff last 14 seconds. 
While "14 buff" active: 
- Body Shot Damage become 150 (20m) / 100.8 (30m), Headshot multi decrease to 1.334x
- Result: Bodyshot damage increased, Headshot Damage unchanged. Range slightly increased.
  1. Cake spawns

Destroying Cakes will gain 10 Score.
Golden Cake will gain 10 Score, 2 C.Points and a random weapons excluding BWs and VIPs.

About 14th buff effects:

  • Buff doesn’t refresh, stacks can be gained again while the buff is expired/deactivated.
  • Stacks and “14th Buff” share with all other “14th weapons”. They have different effects on each “14th” weapons.

About Uber VIP Gamepasses:

  • No refunds, all sales are final.
    Compensation for Uber VIP Gamepasses purchased users:
    How to receive the compensations:
  • When you claim the Free Uber VIP, while you have the game pass.
  • Retro Uber Rocket
2 Modes
Mode: Lock-on
- Similar as old Uber Rocket
Direct Damage: 750 (all range)
Splash Damage: 250 (1m) / 1 (4m) 
Can Lock-on to vehicle 
Lock-on Time: 2 sec. 
Mode: HE Dumbfire
- Higher Splash Damage, lesser Direct Damage, no lock-on
Direct Damage: 400 (all range)
Splash Damage: 500 (1m) / 1 (4.5m) 
Hip Accuracy: 30/30/30/1
Aim Accuracy: 5/5/5/0.5
Cannot lock-on
RPM: 240
Reload: 2.5

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed “Walking in the opening alert” when you are in vehicle
  • Fixed Green Base underground Ramp
  • All Supply Pad Ammo Icon are updated. Duplicated Supply Pad on Base 1st Floor are removed.
  • Fixed Bulletproof Vest description. Actually it is 20% resistance base.
  • Attempted on fixing Vehicle Ghosting bug, where players able to walk everywhere but the character is actually stuck at vehicle.

Game Optimization:

  • Rewrite and tidy up few modules.
  • Decrease RemoteEvent and RemoteFunction data size
  • Vehicle are no longer being parented inside Character. (Please let us know if there are camera issue on which vehicle)
  • Attempting to improve client frame rate by optimizing certain client scripts.
  • Decreased Update Rate for Location Indicator for Facilities, Flag, Vehicle spawns etc.


  • When you shoot at heavy (if they have more than 60% HP) with small arms, it will tell you to use Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher. Also highlight the tools if you have them.

Weapon Balance:

  • TKB-059 Stats change:
Lesser Alpha strike body shot damage, increased RPM to compensate the damage loss. 
Direct Damage: 125 (7.5m) / 91 (50m) -> 77 (7.5m) / 77 (50m)
Headshot: 1.5x -> 2x
RPM: 540 -> 600
  • Winchester M1887:
150x18 = 2700 bodyshot is too high and way too forgiving. 
Direct Damage: 150 (13m) / 15 (23m) -> 125 (13m) / 13 (23m) 
Total damage would be: 125 x 18 = 2250. 
This is still a powerful weapon. It still one shot most armor as intended. Just less forgiving.
  • Dual MAC-10:
Rename back to Dual MP7A1 Gold, until a model is replacing this.
Weapon DPS was way too high and OP. and it has very good accuracy for that. 
Direct Damage: 124 (7m) / 62 (30m) -> 100 (7m) / 62 (30m)
Headshot Multi: 1.5x -> 1.4x
  • Dual MP7A1:
DPS a bit high, but it has high spread per shot to balance it out.
Direct Damage: 164 (13m) / 62 (39m) -> 160 (13m) / 62 (39m)
  • Dual UZI:
DPS a bit high
Direct Damage: 110 (10m) / 60 (40m) -> 105 (10m) / 60 (40m)
Server Version v21.9.9 (2023/08/30)

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.9 (2023/08/30)

Speed Suit Changes based on Poll Results and feedbacks:

  • Reverted the Health Nerf on Assassin Armor, Light Armor Suit and Bunny Suit
  • Assassin Suit: 710 HP (24 Speed)
  • Bunny Suit: 850 HP (16 Speed)
  • Light Armor Suit: 850 HP (20 Speed)

Attendance Rewards:

  • Play for 15 mins per day, up to 31 days to obtain extra Score, C.Points and FREE VIPs.
  • Key rewards:

1st Day: 1000 Score, 100 C.Points
2nd Day: Free Ammo VIP
8th Day: 2500 Score, 5000 C.Points
15th Day: 2500 Score, 5000 C.Points
23rd Day: 2500 Score, 5000 C.Points
31th Day: Free Uber VIP

  • Daily Rewards timer will also reset during Daily Reset time, please reserve at least 15 mins + 10 seconds before the Daily Reset time.
  • The Free VIPs from attendance rewards ARE permanent!
  • The Free VIPs from attendance rewards does not share with “Infection Attack” however.

NPC Changes:

  • NPCs will no longer add death to players

Bug Fixes:

  • Melee Fixed when against NPCs

Game Optimization Follow up changes:

  • Attempt to decrease server crash rate
Server Version v21.9.8b (2023/08/25)

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.8b (2023/08/25)
Release the game optimization patch early and see if it helps. and adjust it asap in next update.

Game Optimizations:

  • Replaced certain Client Loop with events based
  • Plastic Mode will also disable most Lighting
  • Optimization Animation system, decrease update rate for everything that out of render.
  • These should improve FPS

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.8 (2023/08/18) [ Released ]

SMGs Balance:

  • Purpose is to make every SMG viable in their own right
  • Most SMGs have their stats changed.
  • You can check the SMGs new stats at the end of the patchnotes.

Speed and Assassin Nerf:

  • Speed Perks decrease HP by 10% at Level 1 to 12% at level 5.
  • Assassin Suit become old 667 HP
  • Light Armor Suit become 750 HP
  • Bunny Suit become 700 HP
  • Assassin’s lightweight perk are no longer give 5% speed boosts. (It already give jump boost.)

Grenade Launcher:

  • The ‘Grenade Launcher’ become free weapon and included in starters’ loadout.
  • Players could use this weapon to counter Assassin/Speed Armors.
  • It is also an effective weapons against “Heavy Armor Suit”, after Rocket launcher hit.

DK Airburst-2:

  • It will no longer self damage from the flak explosion, when the aircraft is too close.
  • Slightly improved its detection. Hopefully it will work better on Bomber

Extreme Chaingun:

  • It was kinda outdated since M134 exist.
  • Added Anti-Vehicle damage like M134
  • Direct Damage: 143 (15m) / 114 (100m) → 125 (30m) / 67 (200m)
    (DPS and RPM lesser than M134, but the mag size is 3 times bigger for sustained firing.)

Game Stability Fixes:

  • Attempting on decreasing memory usage on serverside. Hope it will fix server crashing issue.

Bug Fixes:

  • Prevented makeshift launcher from being equipped by players.
  • Fixed ground/navy not staying in motion after exiting the driver seat the first time.
  • Fixed spawn truck flying.
  • Updated 2 team map image.
  • Centered spawn point icons on the map onto the spawn point locations (instead of the top left corner being the spawn location).

SMG Stats List:

Micro Uzi:
+/- Damage: 125 @ 15m / 63 @ 50m -> 179 @ 10m / 63 @ 29m
- Headshot: 1.5 -> 1.3

- Damage: 250 @ 15m / 125 @ 50m -> 233 @ 11m / 113 @ 44m
+ RPM: 540 -> 735
- Headshot: 2x -> 1.5x

Dual Uzi:
+/- Damage: 2 x 100 @ 15m / 2 x 50 @ 50m -> 2 x 110 @ 10m / 2 x 60 @ 40m
- Headshot: 1.5 -> 1.4
+ Accuracy: 25/25/40/2 -> 20/20/40/1.6

+ Damage: 225 @ 15m / 113 @ 50m -> 275 @ 7m / 150 @ 42m
+ Headshot: 1.5x -> 1.7x

M1A1 Thompson:
+ Damage: 156 @ 15m / 78 @ 50m -> 200 @ 20m / 140 @ 55m

+ Damage: 143 @ 15m / 72 @ 50m -> 189 @ 13m / 107 @ 39m

+ Damage: 143 @ 15m / 72 @ 50m -> 158 @ 20m / 74 @ 51m

- Damage: 250 @ 15m / 113 @ 50m -> 240 @ 17m / 138 @ 33m
+ Rate of Fire: 500 -> 550

Dual MP7A1:
+ Damage: 2 x 124 @ 15m / 2 x 62 @ 50m -> 2 x 164 @ 13m -> 62 @ 39m
- Headshot: 1.5 -> 1.3
- Accuracy: 35/35/40/0 -> 30/30/60/2.4
- Max Spread / Spread Recovery: 150/150 -> 150/20

MP7A1 Gold:
= Change name to MP5/10
+ Damage: 143 @ 15m / 72 @ 50m -> 220 @ 23m / 156 @ 43m
- RPM: 968 -> 800
- Ammo: 40/200 -> 30/150
- Hip Accuracy: 15/15/30/0.6 -> 25/25/50/0.9

Damage: 156 @ 15m / 78 @ 50m -> 160 @ 20m / 122 @ 60m

+ Damage: 148 @ 17m / 110 @ 60m -> 207 @ 23m / 109 @ 43m
- RPM: 950 -> 900

+ Damage: 143 @ 15m / 72 @ 50m -> 157 @ 23m / 106 @ 37m

+ Damage: 156 @ 15m / 78 @ 50m -> 233 @ 20m / 120 @ 40m
- RPM: 950 -> 725

+ Damage: 140 @ 15m / 80 @ 50m -> 140 @ 15m / 80 @ 60m

- Damage: 160 @ 15m / 80 @ 50m -> 132 @ 10m / 100 @ 27m
+ RPM: 1000 -> 1500
- Hip Accuracy: 15/15/30/2 -> 15/15/30/3.5
- Aim Accuracy: 5/5/20/1 -> 5/5/20/1.5
- Maximum Spread / Spread Recovery: 30/30 -> 112/224

MP7A1 Flame:
= Rename to MP10
+ Damage: 156 @ 15m / 78 @ 50m -> 182 @ 23m / 144 @ 45m
- RPM: 1000 -> 850
+ Hip Accuracy: 15/15/30/0.6 -> 10/10/20/0.4
- Ammo: 40/200 -> 30/150

Dual MP7A1 Gold:
= Rename to Dual Mac 10
- Damage: 2 x 124 @ 15m / 62 @ 50m -> 2 x 124 @ 7m / 62  @ 30m
+ RPM: 900 -> 1090
- Ammo: 80/240 -> 60/180

DAKS-74U Silver:
= Rename to DAKMSU
+ Damage: 275 @ 15m / 138 @ 50m -> 274 @ 16m / 144 @ 39m
- Headshot: 2x -> 1.5x
+ RPM: 540 -> 785
- Hip Accuracy: 15/15/30/0.6 -> 18/18/30/2.7
+ Aim Accuracy: 5/5/20/0.6 -> 1/1.5/30/1.7

- Damage Ranges: 143 @ 15m / 72 @ 50m -> 143 @ 12m / 72 @ 40m
- Max Spread / Spread Recovery: 20/60 -> 47/25

+ Damage: 179 @ 15m / 90 @ 50m -> 214 @ 8m / 119 @ 40m

Kriss Vector:
+ Damage: 156 @ 15m / 76 @ 50m -> 179 @ 10m / 76 @ 33m
- Reload Speed: 1.5s -> 2.5s
- Hip Fire Accuracy: 10/10/20/0.4 -> 20/20/30/0.2
+ Aiming Accuracy: 4/5/20/0.4 -> 2/2.5/20/0
= Added 2 round burst mode, replaces automatic fire in ADS
- Burst Delay: 0.09 Seconds

+ Damage: 169 @ 15m / 85 @ 50m -> 176 @ 17m / 98 @ 33m

+ Damage: 169 @ 17m / 112 @ 60m -> 207 @ 23m / 109 @ 43m
- Hip Accuracy: 17/20/30/0.75 -> 17/20/30/1.1
- Aim Accuracy: 1/1.5/20/0.5 -> 1/1.5/20/0.8

+ Damage: 225 @ 15m / 128 @ 50m -> 240 @ 18m / 123 @ 48m

- Damage Ranges: 156 @ 15m / 78 @ 50m -> 156 @ 12m / 78 @ 40m
- Hip Accuracy: 10/10/20/0.6 -> 10/10/20/0.8
- Aim Accuracy: 4/5/20/0.6 -> 4/5/20/0.8
- Max Spread / Spread Recovery: 20/60 -> 336/20

- Damage: 250 @ 15m / 113 @ 50m -> 240 @ 14m / 138 @ 27m
+ Accuracy: 15/15/30/0.6 -> 15/15/30/0.3
+ ADS Accuracy: 2.5/2.5/20/0.6 -> 2.5/2.5/20/0.3

No Changes

BW PDW-16:
+/- Damage: 300 @ 15m / 30 @ 26m -> 250 @ 15m / 120 @ 26m
+ Magazine Size: 15/75 -> 25/125

+ Damage: 100 @ 20m / 33 @ 55m -> 116 @ 20m / 70 @ 55m
- Headshot: 2x -> 1.5x
+ Hip Accuracy: 7/7/7/0.5 -> 7/7/7/0.25
+ Aim Accuracy: 4/4/4/0.5 -> 4/4/4/0.17
+ Maximum Spread: 150 -> 12
- Rate of Fire: 1600 -> 1380
+ Ammo Capacity: 45/200 -> 50/300
- REMOVED Locust Cannon
+ Damage: 6 x 30 @ 10m / 6 x 3 @ 22m -> 8 x 21 @ 16m / 8 x 10 @ 22m
+ Accuracy: 35/35/35/0.5 -> 30/30/30/0
+ MultiShots: 5 -> 12
+ Ammo: 20 -> 60
- Cooldown: 2 -> 3 
- MultiShotDelay (RPM): 0.08 -> 0.08335
+ Can now be shot by tapping Q
+ Can be fired with main gun at the same time! 
Server Version v21.9.7 (2023/08/02)

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.7 (2023/08/02)

Vortex and Shadow Balance:
Issue: Vortex suppose to be A2A fighter but currently it is very all rounder. In pros hand it could be very hard to stop them, even with AA they can just easily spawn a new one.
Shadow is also aglie VTOL fighter with more DPS. If we only nerf Vortex, then problem will still persist on Shadow.


What you see:

  • Vortex, Shadow Fighter Raw Damage 25% less. (Both Direct and Splash)
  • Vortex, Shadow Fighter weapons’ Vehicle Damage multiplier 33% more.

Actual Results:

  • Vortex, Shadow Damage VS Infantry: -25% less.
  • Vortex, Shadow Damage VS Aircraft: same as before.
  • Vortex, Shadow Damage VS Vehicle: same as before.

Vortex, Shadow HE Nose Gun:
Vortex HE Nose Gun Splash Damage VS Infantry: 125 (1m) / 1 (3m) → 30 (1m) / 1 (3m)
Shadow HE Nose Gun Splash Damage VS Infantry: 167 (1m) / 1 (3m) → 45 (1m) / 1 (3m)

Beginner Friendly:

  • Beginner Instructions: There will be option to turn this off for veteran players. Default will be On.
  1. When players shooting at vehicle with ineffective weapons, it will highlight Rocket Launcher Tool slot and tell them to use it.

  2. When players walking in open, there will be popup and show the orb where to the nearest vehicle spawns. (Only apply to players under 100 kills.)

  • Assassin Armor become 0 Score. It will be included in new players’ Loadout 2.


  • Bulletproof Glasses are not transparency to people who view from outside.

GUI Changes:

  • Gun selection requirement text simplified
  • Show unlocked score weapons when you respawn. (Can be disabled)
  • “Immune” → “Bulletproof”
  • Fixed ‘Purchase Game Pass’ display issue after you have the game pass
  • Fixed Mini-map on the spawning screen, you can click on the mini-map to pick a spawn
  • Removed Quest weapons in “Free Weapons”
  • Fixed Settings GUI Menu Order

Island Map:

  • Fixed Uber Turret spawns at the Yellow Base
  • Fixed Snipers able to clip through the ceiling inside Enemies Main Bases
  • Fixed ATV spawns near the building with crashed oil truck


  • NPC Rocket launchers are no longer 1 shot Aircrafts.
  • NPC will fire the DAK47 at tap fire (2 rounds tap fire)

Less likely instant burst damage when multi lucky headshots. Also easier to dealt with for starters

Server version: v21.9.6 (2023/07/22)

Base wars! Server version: v21.9.6 (2023/07/22)

New map:

  • Island map is back and revamped.
  • It is infantry, ground and navy only map.


  • No longer instant respawn. It will wait 15 seconds to respawn.
  • Added custom logics when roblox pathfinder failing.
  • I hope this will make them less likely idle
  • They will stop spawning at that spawn points if there are players nearby
  • Added NPC Disable Zone where they will ignore people inside. (Unless you shoot them.)

Main Bases Spawn Locations
Island Map Munitions Factory

Server Version: v21.9.5 (2023/07/15)

Base wars! Server Version: v21.9.5 (2023/07/15)

New Score Weapon: TKB-059 (Assault Rifle)

Triple Barrel Assault Rifle
Direct Damage: 143 (7.5m) / 91 (50m)
Headshot Multiplier: 1.5x
Firing Mode: Full Auto
Rate of Fire: 1400, 3 rounds per trigger
Accuracy (Stand/Move/Jump/Spread):
Hipfiring: 8/56/75/(1 x3)
Aiming: 4/8/60/(1 x3)
Ammo: 60/240
Reload Time: 3 seconds
Muzzle Velocity: 1050m/s

Score Requirement: 150000

Global Leaderboard:

  • Leaderboards now update every hour instead of only update once per new servers.
  • All Time leaderboard are now only show Top 100s to decrease loading quotas.
  • New Leaderboards:

Weekly Kills Leaderboard Top 50,
Weekly Score Leaderboard Top 50,
and these 2 leaderboards in last weeks

  • Weekly leaderboard reset every Wednesday
    (Group based leaderboards coming soon)


  • When you select a game pass weapons without the required game passes, you are given option to purchase them via in-game interface.
Server Version: v21.9.4 (2023/07/03)

Base wars! Server Version: v21.9.4 (2023/07/03)

New Score Weapon: Winchester M1887

Lever Action Shotgun
Direct Damage: 150 (13m) / 15 (23m)
Headshot Multi: 1.1x
Pellets: 18
Rate of Fire: 45
Accuracy (Stand/Move/Jump/Spread):
Hip firing: 50/50/50/3
Aiming: 45/47.5/50/3
Reload Start: 0.5 seconds
Reload per Ammo: 0.5 seconds
Reload Finish: 0.5 seconds
Mag Size: 5
Storage: 25
Score Requirement: 125000
(Replace M3S90 Flame)

Double Barrel Shotgun Changes:

  • Score Requirement: 50000 → 150000


  • Further adjust the system to stop false detecting bomb dropping.
Server Version v21.9.3 (2023/06/23)

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.3 (2023/06/23)


  • Sand Castle is back. Destroying them give score. Destroying Flagged Sand castles give random weapons.
  • Destroying Flagged Sand castles no longer give Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launchers.
  • Summer quest next week.

NPC Troopers Adjustments:

  • If NPCs is underattack, they will chase and attack the player longer.
  • Added Road-kill for Vehicle against NPCs
  • Fixed Rocket Launcher rapid firing bug when against Vehicle
  • Added Accuracy and Reaction time scaling reduction when against players under 500 kills, or KDR below 1.2
  • Added Grenade Launcher for them.
  • Added Logic when against Heavy Armor Suit, Tactical Shield Suit, Shielded Armor Suit, it will use Grenade Launchers
  • It will switch back to primary weapon if Grenade Launcher is under reloading (backpack reload)
  • Only 4 NPCs can target the same players (except if you hit NPCs that isn’t targeting you.)


  • Removed bullet drop for intervention.
Server Version v21.9.2 (2023/06/16)

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.2 (2023/06/16)

NPC Trooper Spawns [Beta]:

  • NPC Troopers will spawn in all servers, Minimum 4, maximum 12 depends on server population. 4 + math.ceil( (16-PlayerCounts) / 2 )
  • They will spawn almost anywhere in the map, except bases.
  • They will look for, and attempt to chase players.
  • They are using Roblox’s Pathfinding Service. If the pathfinding failed more than 10 times, it will respawn at near target player in 200 studs radius randomly.
  • They are equipped with DAK47 and Rocket Launcher, where Primary Weapon will be used against infantry, and rocket launcher against vehicle.
  • Damage same as the players’ weapons, and Rocket Launcher. Attack range: 120 studs (40m), OR when under attack: ignore ranges.
  • Their aim is inaccurate at the beginning especially against moving targets, and increase accuracy overtime if there are Line of sight.
  • LoS blocked will reset the accuracy.
  • They have slow reaction, and wait for 1.5 seconds before starting attack.
  • They will do A-D moves and jump sometimes.
  • Walkspeed: 15
  • They only give scores. No Kills will be granted.
Server Version v21.9.1 (2023/05/25)

Base wars! Server Version v21.9.1 (2023/05/25)

Base and Facilities Turret changes:
They will provide stronger close range firepower to stop enemies assaults, and becomes the weaker at ranges.

  • Anti-Vehicle Turret

Direct Damage: 2060 (all range) → 3090 @ 75m / 1545 @ 150m

  • Anti-Personnel Turret

Direct Damage: 250 @ 100m / 125 @ 360m → 250 @ 60m / 100 @ 100m
Headshot Multi: x1.25 → x1.0
Accuracy: 1 → 10

Map Rework and Improvement:

  • Bigger Base! Retro 2017 base where the spawns are more far apart to make spawn camping less easy and more spaces.
  • 3rd Floor Aircraft Station got more protection against Aircraft attacks
  • Spawn Boxes walls are redesigned (More balanced as you need to expose to shoot at outside, while spawn campers can’t use them as hiding spots.)
  • Reduced interior walls near spawn points (spawn campers can’t use them as hiding spots and run in circle anymore)
  • More Turret spots for defending the base against all form of attacks
  • Anti-Personnel Turrets cover top floor (the outdoors) of the base
  • Point of these changes and TL;DR: Reduce Spawn Camping, Improve base defense

What is next and coming soon for the map?

  • Rework facilities to be bigger for infantry fight inside, add 1-2 extra spawns per facilities, also add buffer time after a control point changed hand.
  • Expand Underground and connect the network with ground facilities
  • Improve the map and allow more type of combats

Weapon Changes:
Weapon Model:

  • Removed Whirlwind and Strike’s Texture to fit the game’s model.

BW Shotgun-03
As recently it was OVER-nerfed, It will be changed:

Aim Down Sights Range Buff: 15x60 @ 30m / 15x30 @ 60m
Aim Down Sights Accuracy Buff: 8/8/30
Reload: 0.5 seconds