BasePart:Contains(Vector3) (working code included!)

Many times you want to know if a player is in a certain room, or if a ball is inside the goal etc. Many people do not know linear-algebra (and neither do I, apparently, since I’v failed it 6 times) nor do they really understand CFrames.
Therefore I suggest the function BasePart:Contains!


_G.PartContains = function(part, pos)
	pos = pos - part.Position
	local x,y,z, x1,x2,x3, y1,y2,y3, z1,z2,z3 = part.CFrame:components()
	local xvec =,y1,z1)
	local yvec =,y2,z2)
 	local zvec =,y3,z3)
	local lenx = math.abs(xvec:Dot(pos))
	local leny = math.abs(yvec:Dot(pos))
	local lenz = math.abs(zvec:Dot(pos))
	return lenx <= part.Size.x/2 and leny <= part.Size.y/2 and lenz <= part.Size.z/2

Demo place: Contains.rbxl (11.9 KB)

I know the code isn’t the slickest thing you’ve ever seen but I thought it was worth giving it a shot since it’s so incredibly useful. I’v wanted a function like this since back in the days of 2009! Let me know what you think.

Please like if you think this would be an awesome addition to BasePart functions!


I’d be down, especially if it properly did wedges, cylidners, and spheres. Can’t go wrong with QoL features.

Also so you know, you can simplify (from a reading standpoint at least) that starting part of that function a lot more with CFrame:pointToOjectSpace(V3). Here’s an example if you’re interested.


Hmm, would be good, yeah.

Here’s a code snippet from one of my scripts, which checks if the Camera’s CFrame is within a model containing parts of shape Block, Cylinder or Ball.

local pt_block = Enum.PartType.Block
local pt_cylinder = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
local pt_ball = Enum.PartType.Ball

local function inGeometry(model)
	local p = cam.CoordinateFrame.p
	for k, v in next, model:GetChildren() do
		if v:IsA("BasePart") then
			local lp = v.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(p)
			local pt = v.Shape
			local s = v.Size / 2
			if v:FindFirstChild("Mesh") then
				if v.Mesh:IsA("BlockMesh") then
					pt = pt_block
					lp = (v.CFrame *
					s = v.Mesh.Scale * v.Size / 2
				elseif v.Mesh:IsA("CylinderMesh") then
					pt = pt_cylinder
					lp = (v.CFrame *
					s = v.Mesh.Scale * v.Size / 2
				elseif v.Mesh:IsA("SpecialMesh") and v.Mesh.MeshType == Enum.MeshType.Sphere then
					pt = pt_ball
					lp = (v.CFrame *
					s = v.Mesh.Scale * v.Size / 2
			if pt == pt_block and lp.X >= -s.X and lp.X <= s.X and lp.Y >= -s.Y and lp.Y <= s.Y and lp.Z >= -s.Z and lp.Z <= s.Z then
				return true
			elseif pt == pt_cylinder and v2(lp.X, lp.Z).magnitude <= s.X and lp.Y >= -s.Y and lp.Y <= s.Y then
				return true
			elseif pt == pt_ball and lp.magnitude <= s.X then
				return true
	return false

But yeah, having this built-in would make for a faster approach.

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That’s interesting, you essentially implemented a CFrame*Vector3. It might be faster to just use that instead of initializing three Vector3s and calling three dot products from Lua. This is what it’d look like:

local abs = math.abs
function PartContains(part, pos)
    local objectPos = part.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(pos)
    local partSize = part.Size --avoid three extra indices! it adds up, you know
    return abs(objectPos.X) <= partSize.X / 2 and abs(objectPos.Y) <= partSize.Y / 2 and abs(objectPos.Z) <= partSize.Z / 2

I didn’t check if this actually worked, but given your implementation I’m sure it could be rectified if necessary. If you do happen to run a little benchmark, let me know, I’m curious.


Well I know my code isn’t the fastest, but it was easy to read.
Since I don’t know what pointToObjectSpace looks like I can only assume that THIS code is >= that code:

function PartContains(part, pos)
pos = pos - part.Position
local x,y,z = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z
local _,_,_, x1,x2,x3, y1,y2,y3, z1,z2,z3 = part.CFrame:components()

return math.abs(x1*x + y1*y + z1*z) < part.Size.x/2 and math.abs(x2*x + y2*y + z2*z) < part.Size.y/2 and math.abs(x3*x + y3*y + z3*z) < part.Size.z/2

Now that I think of it, pointToObjectSpace involves an inverse matrix operation. It should still be faster regardless, since indexing a ROBLOX type is a heavier operation than some C++ math. I’m going to benchmark this now…

aww sheet XD

0xBAADF00D = 0.028883218765259 seconds
PlaceRebuilder = 0.094512701034546 seconds

for a 10k benchmark on both of them.


Fits with my results:

Trial 1 results: 
    Version A took 86.317300796509ms
    Version B took 45.615673065186ms

Trial 2 results: 
    Version A took 92.517375946045ms
    Version B took 39.961099624634ms

Trial 3 results: 
    Version A took 88.299751281738ms
    Version B took 39.918661117554ms

Trial 4 results: 
    Version A took 86.978435516357ms
    Version B took 40.17448425293ms

Trial 5 results: 
    Version A took 87.146282196045ms
    Version B took 39.705514907837ms

Trial 6 results: 
    Version A took 87.375164031982ms
    Version B took 39.72339630127ms

Trial 7 results: 
    Version A took 87.229013442993ms
    Version B took 39.851427078247ms

Trial 8 results: 
    Version A took 87.252855300903ms
    Version B took 40.204286575317ms

Trial 9 results: 
    Version A took 89.881181716919ms
    Version B took 41.054010391235ms

Trial 10 results: 
    Version A took 87.719440460205ms
    Version B took 41.566610336304ms

Version A is the OP code, version B is mine. Fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I tried the second snippet you shared with the dot products moved to Lua; it was a bit faster, averaging ~62ms for a trial of 1,000.

The lesson here is that indexing is slow. :wink: Also, every object you create (Vector3, CFrame, etc) needs to be garbage-collected, so you’ll have even more fun down the line with that.

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